
Tuesday, 18 March 2025

To All The Cats I've Loved Before.....

To all the girls cats I've loved before
Who travelled in and out my door
I'm glad they came along
I dedicate this song post
To all the cats I've loved before

To all the cats I once caressed
And may I say I've held the best
They live within my heart
I'll always be a part
Of all the cats I've loved before.....
(What a befitting song and!)

For those who follow my blog, you'd know that many furry, four-legged friends have crossed my paths over the I was privileged to call my own (a stray who found a forever home with me), some became my part-time pets (strays that I neutered, fed and looked after) while some were just passing through.

It had been a series of Hellos...and Goodbyes to my BFFs (Beloved Furry Friends).  So, let us remember the ones who have come...and gone! ^_~

First was my very own cat, of dearly departed Cookie.  He was with me for 9+ years before he passed in 2022.  This reminds me...I was supposed to write a post (for someone) on how/why he died (and I probably still will some day).

You may say I'm biased...but I think Cookie was the best looking cat that had crossed my path.  Well, to a parent, their child is always the cutest or prettiest, isn't it?  Male cats tend to have a more squarish jawline and an almost mane-like appearance that make them look very dapper.

Then there was Gone Girl, a stray that was lucky enough to walk into my porch in.  My husband said she looks like a little tiger (because of her colours).  She also happens to be the most fluffy cat that crossed our paths (especially her furry tail) coz she was a long-haired species.

I provided food and shelter (but not a forever home) and did my civic duty to neuter her (in July 2022)...and just as she gained weight and looked beautiful, someone in my neighbourhood catnapped Gone Girl and she disappeared some 2 weeks before 2023 CNY.  I got to enjoy her affection and companionship for about 9 months.  I will remember her for how she loved to curl up in my basket to sleep. ^.^

Even before Gone Girl came, this ginger male cat was already a stray in our neighbourhood.  He came as a kitten (was born on our street) together with his two other siblings (both males).  He's a true street cat and isn't very affectionate (as in you cannot carry him) but would come for his daily feed.

This was one cat that I know 100% was not kidnapped for the simple reason he was not neutered, I believe.  One day he stopped coming for his daily feeds and I knew (in my heart) he has died.  That's because a few days prior to his death, he was not eating nor grooming (he looked very scruffy and smelled).  This was the clearest sign that the end was near (the scent of death, the same scent that Cookie had before his demise).
The ginger cat was bullied to death...and I'm quite certain about it.  He was so stressed in the days and months leading to his death due to the many fights he had to endure with this culprit (the bully, a black & white dominant male cat) who is super aggressive and well-known amongst neighbours, even the security guards!  Me and my neighbours tried our best to help by breaking up the fights whenever we see it.

The most recent was a grey/white stray cat that wandered into our neighbourhood and followed my husband in.  She could not possibly be a stray as she was rather affectionate from the get-go, so she was most likely abandoned or discarded by someone.

She was between 1 - 2 years old according to the vet when I took her to be neutered (in mid-Dec 2024).  She appeared around June last year and disappeared about 3 weeks after she was neutered (again 2 weeks before 2025 CNY).  This grey/white cat was here for just 7 months...and was an absolutely adorable and affectionate cat.  I will remember her for how she loves to chase her own tail! ;D

Then there were those who were here for a fleeting moment, just passing through or whom I chanced upon when I was out.  One was this little grey/white kitten who was very playful (bosom buddies) with the grey/white cat.

She was here for a real fleeting moment...about 2 weeks and then she stopped coming for her daily feeds.  Not sure what happened to her but my guess would be that she was adopted since kittens easily get forever homes because of their cuteness at a young age.

This heavily pregnant greyish sweet-looking cat I saw her only once and fed her some kibbles.  She came around the time of Gone Girl.  Never saw her again...I guess she was just passing through.

Then there was this brownish cat that came up to my table at an eatery I frequent.  I was tempted to take her home...but no, I resisted.  Luckily so, as I was later told, the cat is still around (adopted by a neighbouring shop) but has an aggressive demeanour.  The cat scratched one of the eatery's customer when patted.

And also this friendly Siamese look-alike that came up to me for a pat on the head at a food court.

This white/orange coloured kitten I chanced upon when at the same food court above.  The shop owners are compassionate about strays and set up a dedicated place for the strays that they were feeding.  The white/orange coloured kitten looked so cute that I found it hard to walk away.

I asked the shop if they could tell me the gender but they couldn't (they even asked a customer) as I can only adopt a female since the insanely aggressive black & white male was still terrorising our street then.  But I took a chance...and took it home only to find out that it was a male when it was sent to the groomers for a bath.

Not wanting the same fate to befall him as it did the ginger cat, I reluctantly took him back to the shop (it was very difficult to give him up even though he was here for just a day).  But all's well that ends well, I found out the following week (when I went there for breakfast hoping to see him) that he had been adopted...I'm relieved that there was a happy ever after for him.

Even if it led to a tinge of sadness with each one leaving, I'm still glad they came my way...even if it was just for a fleeting moment! ;)  These were not the only cats that have crossed my path, there were others which I've written about in the past.  I still think of them every now and then...and look back at their photos with fondness.  Cat lovers will always be cat lovers.

I'm a firm believer of when one door closes, another one opens!  Well, I guess you'll just have to stay tuned for more cat stories to come. ^_~

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