
Tuesday 12 April 2022

Meet The Three Little Brothers

 Meet the three little brothers in my neighbourhood....three stray kittens (that are transitioning into adult cats) who have been graciously fed by a neighbour of mine two doors away but they're not his pet cats.  Since he feeds them, they hang out in his compound as if it's their house.

I used to see the mama cat when they were just kittens but not anymore.  My neighbour first told me that all three offsprings are females...but oh how wrong he was, he later admitted.  It's quite difficult to tell them apart when they're young (even I don't know how) but as they mature, you can obviously see something (more like two things) develop in size! :D

It seems like it was only yesterday but it has been a month already since my dearly departed Cookie left and the presence of these kittens has helped me in a way through my grieving process to cope with the loss of my own Cookie a little bit better.

Especially this orange tomcat who seems to have had an instant connection with me.

I've actually been having a shared responsibility of feeding them (together with two of my neighbours) even when Cookie was still around.  But since Cookie's passing, they've become bolder to come all the way into my car porch for food (it's like they know/sense Cookie is not around anymore).

The other two dark-coloured cats (one almost black and the other kinda dark-grey) would come and ask for handouts daily but once they finish their food, they would leave (ungrateful kitties...hah..hah).  Unlike the ginger-coloured kitty who would always stay.

And because of that, I would give him some extra treats every now and then which the other two don't get.  I wonder if he has wisened up and stayed around in the hope of getting treats.

As for the black and dark-grey kitties, even if they don't leave immediately, they would as soon as I start washing my porch.

The orange kitty would run away too (who wouldn't when I spray water!) but he knows how to come back after I'm done (sometimes he'll even wait between the flower pots of my next door neighbour and wait for me to finish my chores).  Is he the smarter one or what?  Does he come back thinking there'll be treats or he's coming back to bond with me....for some affection and petting...hmmmm.....

Now, the two dark-coloured kittens will not let me pat them...they'll bolt as soon as I make a move.  This has happened with other strays too (maybe there'll be some where I just can't gain their trust) but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate them from afar.

But the ginger cat will rub himself all over my leg, allow me to pat and sayang him.....and would even meow at me constantly (as if he's having a conversation with me).

I think cats are like people we meet too.....some we have an instant chemistry or connection with while some we just don't seem to like from the very first moment we meet.  Not that I've met a cat that I didn't like at first instance (humans, yes)  That's why some onscreen relationships are so believable coz both actors hit it off or have what we call chemistry which make their love stories more watchable and that much more real.

Even if I seem to have a connection with this orange tomcat.....NO, I will not be taking him in (or any other cat for that matter) especially not after my recent experience coz I don't think I can (and don't want to) go through that unbearable pain again when I lose them.

I will just admire and adore him (and other cats) from a distrance.....and (sadly) that has to be enough for me going forward.


  1. Good to know that you have new companions. :)

    1. I'm glad to have a few new furry friends :)

  2. cute! I am instantly drawn to the orange one for obvious reasons LOL! Girl was at that age when I first got to know her and she was also instantly very friendly with me. Well, I can understand your firm decision not to take this orange boy in as you don't want to be heartbroken again. It's not a bad idea to have him (and his siblings) as your part time pet. You'll enjoy his company and affection without getting too attached.

    1. Yeah, cats and humans have what we call instant chemistry too! ;) Is there such a thing as a part time pet...without getting attached? ;D

  3. Oh my making me miss the times when I had 3 cats.

    1. Wow, 3 cats? They must have been quite a handful! :D


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