
Saturday 23 December 2023

Everything has a beginning and an end.....

 The year is coming to a close.....and with this, my 1,025th post, my blog turns 10.....and I feel I'm (finally) at my journey's end.  I know, I know, I've said this (twice) before...and 4 years later, I'm still at  I guess it's difficult to "give up" something that has been a part of me for so long.  But I'm hoping going to make it stick this time.

When you lose the urge to seek out new food places (coupled with the reduced frequency of eating out with friends and family as everyone moves on with their lives, even the next generation), you know you're nearing journey's end.  It's been really fun while it lasted...but everything has a beginning and an end.

Perhaps, this may not be the "end end"....and there may still be some posts left in me sporadically in the years ahead (when I think I've something to share or my fingers get itchy).  Anyway, my blog will still be left on the web until such time it's not (I'm not sure how that works but probably taken down due to inactivity?).  Sad, isn't it?  That all your hours of writing will just "poof".....disappear one day. :'(

So, let me wish you a merry & bright Christmas, a wonderful & joyous 2024, an enjoyable & 'a-you've-earned-it' year end Happy Holidays and a festive & prosperous Chinese New Year...all at once! ^_~

To all my faithful readers who have been following my blog...I just have 3 words for you...."thanks for reading".  Special mention to the few loyal bloggers (you know who you are) who have supported and motivated me throughout my (blogging) journey with your comments and compliments (I appreciate them all and will miss the interaction).
Perhaps we'll meet again (here) some day.....till then, I wish you nothing but the best!


  1. Oh well, you are quite right. We can and do run out of things to write. Now that I have stopped (well not completely) baking and cooking new recipes it looked like my blog was grinding to a halt but I love blogging too much (good for my mental health) and I started writing about other stuff. Worse when I changed my way of eating, my repertoire of trying new restaurants became so limited. Of course I fell off the carnivore diet and could write about desserts LOL!

    Anyway, just post as and when you feel like it, keep options open. I was glad that your posts kept coming even after your previous announcement. But I guess this time you are serious. So let me also wish you advance greetings - Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Happy Chinese New Year! I'll see you when I see you.

    P.S. Those colorful cactus are so pretty. Not from your garden I presume hah..hah...

    1. Hi PH, I'm glad that my stepping away from blogging isn't a shock to you (or my readers) With me not eating out as often as I used to (there's also a reason for that), I felt that there won't be any interesting (enough) food posts for me to write about, so I thought it would be best to wrap things up. I'm not one who likes to repeat/write about the same food over and over again + I think that would be too boring for my readers to read.

      Like you have suggested, I'll keep my options open and you may see a post from me one day yet when I feel like it. In the meantime, I'll still be dropping by your blog to "see" you and your girls. P/S: Quite obvious that those colourful cactus are not from the garden of someone who can't even grow spring! :D

  2. Hi, silent reader here for many years, love and enjoy all your food blogs, will be missing your blogs. All the Very Best and Thank You for sharing your food adventures.

  3. I really hope that this an end would not be the last one like those previous 2 times, haha! But anyway, i wish you all the best too, muaks muaks!

    1. Thanks, Choi Yen, for saying that you hope this will not be my last. I guess I best leave it at "never say never" just in case you "hear" from me again in this space....hah..hah. ^_~

  4. I am also an on and off blogger these days... not so stressed up like in the 2010s where I used to write every single day and blog hopping as well... anyway, do not close the blog, leave it here and come back whenever you feel like it... :)

    1. Thanks, Claire, for your suggestion. I will definitely not close my blog (not after all the hard work of writing it and will leave it here for those who still want to read my posts) and (like you said) I may come back to it one day when I feel like it. Lol...blogging is not supposed to give you stress but good for mental health (like PH said who still blogs almost daily). If it does, then better stay as an on and off blogger I think it's better that way...write only when we want....;)

    2. Yeah, after so many years, very sayang to neglect it la... .hahaha.. we have published so many posts, for me, it has been more than 16 years. It is nice to read back what we have written.. the other day I did read back a number of my posts and they really bring back good sweet memories!!

    3. I agree...but let's see which way the wind blows. I might get back to it one day or become too lazy to write Yeah, it's nice to read back our old posts (occasionally)...I do that with my cooking posts to refresh my memory how I made a certain dish sometimes. ^_~

    4. I agree! Reading back our past posts bring back those feel good quotient. Some bittersweet though. But as the Chinese saying goes, there is no banquet that will never end, so I wish you all the best contact.ewew, but hope to see you around again.

    5. Thanks. Since I don't know Chinese, I'm afraid I've not heard of that Chinese saying but can understand the meaning (you) said. Lol...your wish is my command. I'll be back sooner than you thought (so, watch this space)...hehe! ;)

  5. 😂😂😂 Hello hello hello! I am back to blogging and dropping by to invite you onto my train to continue writing! I never announced retirement but simply had long hiatus breaks when batteries were weak. I have not recovered yet but I will continue to move on with life.

    1. Well, hello to you too. Glad to "see" you in this space again (you didn't drop by to say "goodbye" but to say "hello" and invite me to get on your "blogging train" Hmmm.....should I? Maybe, we'll see. Good that your batteries are now recharged, so I'll be waiting to read your new posts as they're always insightful as well as educational. Happy to hear that you're moving on with your life (throw out the old and start anew)...just take it one step at a time.

    2. 😃 Hi. I replied you in PH's post....
      Lavender helps me to relax, sleep faster and I didn't expect it to relieve acute swelling pain as it happened to be in my pocket. Peppermint was later added to boost the healing.
      Thieves Oil consists clove etc and always relieved my sore throat and cough within seconds. That's why they are Made in USA and a bit pricey. Dotera brand is their new fierce competitor and just as good.

    3. Thank you so much, TM. I just read the comment you left me in PH's post. Ok, I will look for this Young Living Oils on Shopee.

    4. Hi there, my sister is using Young Living Oils too and it works for her.

    5. Oh, thanks Libby. Since this oil is well approved, I must surely try it out.


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