
Monday 8 April 2019

Another Furball Came Calling

Guess who came calling recently? ;)

This little furball :)

Yes, yet another furry friend.  What can I say...I'm a "cat magnet"!

Remember this other furball not too long ago...Sniffles who have found a forever home?

Well, the story goes like this...I've been noticing this stray cat, who herself is only slightly bigger than a kitten, in our neighbourhood for quite some time.

Then, one day, I saw this little fluffball tagging along with the female cat.  The young mama cat must have given birth and took refuge in one of the houses across the street.  Since there's only one little kitty, I guess the rest of her litter didn't survive.

Seeing that she's a stray and having a youngling to care for, yours truly started to feed them both knowing that the mama cat will need food and nourishment if she is to produce milk for her baby.

Initially, they were scared little cats and I had to leave the food (across the street) and walk away before they even dare venture out from where they were hiding to eat.

Slowly, I enticed them to come nearer (to my side of the street) for the food.

Little by little, I gained their trust.  Now all I have to do is to call out to them and they will gingerly walk towards me from across the street.

I don't feed them directly in front of my house as I don't want them to spook Cookie when they become more daring (or at ease with me) and decide to venture into my compound.

They're still a little apprehensive and will bolt when they hear a noise or as soon as I make a movement.

But, over time, they've gotten a little more used to least the kitten did who is more trusting and oblivious to any danger, of course.

He's so trusting that he can even go to sleep with me around! ;)  Yes, it's another boy-boy again...I checked and saw some puny balls!

He has also gotten a little playful with me.  He can have a really good time with me just waving a twig at him.

The mama cat, watching from a distance, also wants to get in on the action.  But since she's not as trusting, the only fun she can have is with her offspring.  When they play together, no-one will think this is mother and son, more like siblings since the mama is almost the same size.

This young mama behaves like a kitten herself.  She is, after all, a first time mother.  She's still young at heart...and wants to have fun (I guess she became a mom too soon...haha!).  Come to think of it, I've not seen the baby suckling the mother...perhaps this first time mom is a bit inexperienced.

Looks like not feeding them in front of my house was a futile attempt to deter them from coming into my compound.

Coz they did anyway....and made themselves right at home.

I seem to attract "males" all the time.  I hope I'm not feeding a kitten who will grow up one day and attack my Cookie! >_<

But I just can't stand by and watch...and not help/feed this cute little stray to give him at least a fighting chance of surviving till adulthood.  Sadly, just two days ago, I spotted the kitten carrying an injury in his hind leg.  Poor kitty, a cat must have bitten him.  I've not seen him for the last two days.  Hopefully, he's just nursing his injury...somewhere. :'(


  1. God bless you for caring.... hope they will come back to you again.

    1. Thanks for dropping by my blog...and yes, they came back for food this evening :)

  2. Oh My Goodness! This post is so warm and filled with much love, joy and kindness! A lost self reminder that I used to drive my car around with packets of cat & dog food to feed the strays when I stayed at Taman Desa. That place is a haven for stray animals and wild China dolls too. LOLOL

    I hope you will continue to feed the big kitten and his small mama. You will be blessed with abundance of good returns in many folds.

    In my present neighborhood, many houses keep cats. The funny thing is when a cat is lost, the community FB would post their lost cats or dogs. In the end several houses would reply and post the photo of the same lost cat sleeping in their houses too. It was an eye opener that these cats have no loyalty and rotate to enjoy many owners in their homes with pretty gardens! This proves that cats are actually smart!

    1. Yes, cats are very smart....they know exactly which house is feeding them...wahahahaha! :D Well, I'm not looking for any kind of blessing in return, I just want to feed them as I can't bear to see the little one go hungry. You have a much kinder heart than me...going round your (previous) neighbourhood with packets of cat & dog food to feed the strays.

  3. Time to maybe gain enough trust to get them to be spayed. :D

    1. As much as I want to get them spayed to reduce the population of strays, the cost is too much to bear. I think it'll easily cost RM300 to spay the two cats (the cost of neutering a female is twice that of a male). Plus the mama cat won't even let me touch her. The moment you make a move, she darts off. The kitten is easier to catch (now) coz they don't know danger but can only be spayed when they're at least 6 months old. By then he won't be so easy to catch. Anyway, I don't think it's a good idea to spay a male and release them back to the streets as a spayed male (like my pet cat, Cookie) becomes timid and will lose their fights with other males. My Cookie has been injured so many times by other males (but at least I can try to get him back into the house if I see a fight ensuing). Street cats will be left to fend for themselves since they have no homes to return to.

  4. Ooohhh!!! So cute! So cute! Aiyo...that little furball is so adorable! The mama is so very young, teenage pregnancy I think hee...hee... I wonder if the cute little guy and his mama will come back to your house. I wonder how Cookie will react to them or has he already seen/met them?

    1. When the cats came back for food this evening, the little one was limping badly and I noticed his injury already bengkak...poor thing. Let's hope he can fight off the infection...I'll keep an eye on him. And yes, the little kitty has met my Cookie. Cookie just meowed at the fella but the kitty hissed back at him pulak...he's more aggressive than my Cookie! ;D

  5. a heart-warming (maybe heart-melting) reminder of why those of us who want pets should adopt a stray instead of going to a pet shop. hope both mother and child will find a loving home someday, before it's too late!

    1. Unfortunately, many of those who want a keep a pet want some kind of pedigree furry friend, not our domestic cats and dogs (they want a branded bag, not a bag from the pasar malam, so to speak...kekeke!). The chance of stray cats being adopted is very remote, if they do, they can consider themselves very lucky. Plus, it isn't easy to catch the strays who have been on the streets for a while as they don't trust humans enough to let them near.

  6. How on earth could you resist these cuties. xo

    1. Very difficult...especially if it's a kitten :)


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