
Friday 9 June 2023

4Fingers Crispy Chicken @ Pandan Jaya

Well, I've blogged about how much I enjoy eating 4Fingers Crispy Chicken @ Pandan Jaya (usually via delivery) before (here and here) that there's really no need for further posts when I had them again (after all, this is my family's go-to fast food fried chicken).

But I had to in this case to let you know I had something good...and something really bad (so that you'll be alerted and hopefully won't have to experience what I experienced).  Let's start with the bad!

I had this a few days ago and felt compelled to fast track this post to the top of the list to publish so that you won't make the same mistake I did of ordering it.

I ordered the Fiery Rice a la carte @ RM15.90 after seeing this rather innocent-looking rice box promo pic on ShopeeFood.  Not sure when this was introduced...probably sometime in December last year (based on the pic I found in their Facebook).

The rice came with a crunchy boneless chicken bite (yes, one piece only), tofu nuggets (3 pcs) and mixed vegetables of lettuce, corn, chopped tomatoes and dried cranberries (but there weren't any garbanzo beans or chickpeas) drenched in a super fiery hot sauce.  So hot that my mouth was on fire after just one spoonful! O_o  I had to rush to the kitchen to gulp down a glass of cold water.  Took a second bite...and had to down another glass of water.
And that was pretty much it.  I had to discard the rice otherwise my other end will be on fire later (in fact, it already was...and I was still paying the price for it the next day)! >_<

Let me show you just how much sauce they poured onto the rice.....until it was an overkill!  Why did they put so much sauce in?  Was that to prove a point of just how fiery the sauce can overloading the amount of it?  I distinctly remember that they were never that generous with the teriyaki sauce in their rice combo. Even in normal circumstances, we wouldn't want our rice to be flooded with so much sauce.

They should have drizzled a bit on the rice and packed the rest in a condiment container (to allow us to tweak how spicy we want it to be).  I tried to pick out the veggies to eat them but even that was very difficult.  In the end, I chucked all the rice down my waste disposal.  

I had to wait a while (for my mouth to cool down) before I could proceed with the rest of my meal.  The 6 pcs Wingettes & Drumettes a la carte @ RM19.90 is always a good choice.

I was thankful that I ordered only soy garlic flavour (and not hot & spicy) for the wings.  When I initially ordered the fiery rice, I thought it would be like their hot & spicy flavour for the chicken.  No-one would have thought that it would be that fiery hot.  If it was, it should have come with a separate "warning" like "insanely hot" or "I dare you to eat this" or at least not something as unassuming as "fiery"! :P

But the burning sensation in my mouth had already ruined my taste buds for the entire day.  I only managed to eat half the chicken wings (and ate the other half for dinner).  Usually, that wouldn't be enough but my appetite was screwed already.  Why someone would want to eat something so insanely hot that they won't be able to taste anything after that is beyond me.

Well, they say every cloud has a silver lining......and that came in the form of Fried Kimchi Mushrooms @ RM7.90 that I

Not sure when these were introduced (probably quite some time ago) just that I've never noticed them before when ordering.  Only downside was that the portion was very small for the price (clearly false advertising of its promo pic of mushrooms piled right to the top).

The oyster mushrooms were nicely seasoned, had a bit of spice and some of the pieces were crispy (when they arrived).  Those that weren't were still good to eat as they were soft and juicy.  If you're lucky to get yours super crispy, then you're in for a real treat! ;)

My Personal Opinion

Why would someone want to torture themselves by eating something as crazy hot as this? >.<  The level of spiciness only leaves a burning sensation in your mouth and your tastebuds are pretty much ruined after that. Something as ridiculously spicy as this is probably best handled by those who enjoy the numbing sensation that mala flavours bring (I don't as I clearly can't handle the heat).

All was not lost.  At least I got introduced to some nice fried mushrooms which I'm sure there'll be repeat orders from now on.

So, for those who can't take spicy food (or even those who can), beware of this super fiery rice!  Don't order it is my advice!

4Fingers Crispy Chicken
No 22G Jalan 2/1
Pandan Jaya
55100 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-9201 6484


  1. Goodness me! I bet that fiery hot sauce is buldak sauce which I have tried before at a Korean restaurant. It was a buldak ramen with fried chicken if I remember correctly. Thanks for the warning. I can't understand why they drenched the rice with so much hot sauce. And as you mentioned, they are super stingy with their teriyaki sauce. Haiz! I haven't checked 4Fingers lately and if I do I will stick to my favorites and avoid the Fiery Rice like the plague!.

    1. Oh no, was that buldak sauce? They should have at least warned us and told us what the sauce was in their fiery rice. Thanks for the heads up. Next time I see/hear mention of this sauce, I'll run the other way! >.<

  2. Wow! I was lucky to eat the non spicy chickens before the pandemic. I remember they were nice and good minus the rice. I will eat them when I get the green light again. It has been 18 months since I ate a chicken wing.

    The Koreans and Mainland Chinese are really crazy to eat fiery hot & spicy dishes which caused many people to be hospitalised.

    1. Yeah, I think I've seen some shows where they'd challenge each other to eat these spicy food. Wow, 18 months since you've ate a chicken're very disciplined. Never mind, I'm sure you'll get to enjoy them again soon once your doctor gives you the ok. Take care.

  3. I don't like my rice drenched in gravy/sauce, not to say that spicy sauce like this. I never try 4fingers as I found that their chicken is on smaller side which is less compatible with the price (same as Kyochon).

    1. Since I've only eaten these two brands (4Fingers & Kyochon) of KFC, I wouldn't know how their sizes compare to other KFCs. For me, size doesn't matter as long as I'm happy with the taste! ;)
