
Friday 5 August 2022

Say Hello to My Part Time Lover

Say hello to my Part Time Lover.....this bushy-tailed, extra fluffy, longer-haired female cat (with colours similar to a tiger) that waltzed into my porch......and into my heart! ;)

She arrived about a month after Cookie's passing.  Just as I lost my little tiger in the Year of the Tiger, another little tiger walked into my life.  Could it be more coincidental?  It's as if God sent another one my way for companionship to ease my grieving of losing Cookie.

From day one when I met her, I could see that she's a very affectionate cat.....and that makes it very obvious that she's not a stray but was abandoned (probably when her owners moved away and didn't take her along) or she was intentionally discarded!  How could anyone be so heartless as to throw away such an adorable and tender-loving cat? :'(

At around the same time, I also noticed a ginger-coloured cat in the back alley of my house.  He was also bushy-tailed with longer fur (just like the female cat) and very friendly with my husband who was doing some work at the back.  I'm wondering if they could be siblings, both discarded, but she somehow managed to get to the front road.

She was walking so slowly and lethargically when she first came that I thought she was an old cat (but her youthful-looking face told me otherwise).  She must have been famished, tired, feeling lost and under stress in an environment that she was not familiar with.  She looks a lot happier now (and can even chase after birds) after food and shelter were provided.

Let me tell you why I know with certainty that she was someone's pet once and not a stray.  She was not afraid when I approached her (unlike untrusting stray cats).  I could lift her up and cuddle her (like a baby).....from the very moment I met her.  I could rub her under her chin without her even flinching.

She would let me hold her paws (and I don't feel her nails piercing my hand as they're always retracted).
She would allow me to belly rub her (she actually loves to be belly rubbed and would expose her belly to me begging for!  Is she adorable or what? ;)

I could even put her over my shoulders (like patting your baby after milk to help him/her burp)...hah..hah.  Note that all these were from the very first few days after I met her.  

You can't do that with a stray (you've just met).  Sometimes you can't even do that after months of feeding them as they don't trust you enough or they're just not used to human touch being out on the streets all their lives.  P/S: Even my Cookie couldn't be cuddled or belly rubbed even though I've had him for years.  Maybe it was just not in his personality to be touchy-feely (I don't really know and I've never understood why).  But this female, she's very docile.

I've never met such a loving and adorable cat.  Even the many strays that I've fed that have come and gone over the years.....I was never able to do that with any of them.  The best I could achieve was to give them a rub on their heads or pat them...that's about it.

For a cat to expose their belly inviting a rub means he/she has connected with you and really trusts you.  Some pet cats that you've had for a while may even claw you when you do that.

This female is so cuddly, it's unbelievable.  She is so lovey-dovey that she'll tug at your heartstrings.  It's obvious she has been "taught" well by her previous owner (as she behaves much better than my Cookie ever did, I guess I wasn't a very good cat mommy).  Why someone would be so cold and unfeeling to discard her just like that, it's impossible to comprehend.

Oh, do you still remember this ginger-coloured cat from the group of three brothers?  Well, the other two brothers have disappeared (preferring to be fed by another neighbour) but the ginger cat has remained.  So, I do my civic duty and feed him too.

As much as I want to offer this girl a forever home, I'm also afraid.....afraid of the bond we'll one day share...and the heartbreak I've to go through again when she leaves me (just like my dearly departed Cookie). T_T

For now, all I can do is to ensure she won't go hungry (or thirsty) and offer her a place to sleep (outside where I've made a box for her lined with a soft mat) for when she needs it (I've seen her sleeping there many nights).  That's all I can offer.  I guess she's what I call my part time pet (along with the stray ginger male).  Is there even such a thing as part time petsLol! ^_~


  1. I can see that the 'tiger' cat trust u alot! U did a great job in providing the cats with shelter and food. Btw, do you have a name for the 'tiger'cat?

    1. Oh, I think this little 'tiger' would trust just about anybody coz that's the way she was brought up. No, I did not name the cat for fear of the bond that may be created. >.<

  2. Auuuwwwww!!!! What a heart warming post! This female kitty cat (does she have a name?) is very much like my Girl. Girl also loves to expose her belly and does not mind me giving her belly rubs. unlike Belle Belle who will give my hand a kick with her hind leg. Your part time pet is indeed very charming and affectionate, how not to fall in love with her?

    I understand your reservation on taking her in. No kitty cat can replace your beloved Cookie and you cannot stand the thought of going through another painful loss. It's a good idea to keep her as your part time lover (LOL!) and the fact that she hangs around and asks for affection means that she is happy and loves you too. A part time mommy is better than no mommy. It's wonderful that this adorable girl is bringing you so much joy.

    Ah, that ginger boy is very handsome! He has such a classy atas look!

    1. As mentioned earlier, I chose not to name the cat for fear that if I give her a name, a bond will develop in future. So I just call her Girl and the ginger cat,! ;) Like you said, a part time mommy is better than no mommy though I still fear some kind of bond will still develop over time....haiz.

      Now that I've had a chance to "provide" for both a female and male cat, I've come to realise male cats eat more (the ginger cat will sapu everything that the female can't finish) but stay slim. The female cat has a more rounded belly even though she eats less. Haiz, the world is always unfair to females, we eat less but put on more weight easily...and the same dynamics happen even in a kitty's! :D

  3. Amen. I live in Vietnam and I have a British Short-Hair cat. I love him. He is a smart cat

    1. Oh, a British Short-Hair is such a cute and adorable cat. I'm sure he brings you much joy.

  4. Thanks for taking care of them! Very sweet of you. If you want to elevate a bit then perhaps bring them to vets for a check up.

    1. I tend to have a soft spot for cats. If they're in need of vet care further down the road, I'll do my part to ensure they have the care they need.
