
Wednesday 11 February 2015

San Francisco Coffee @ The Intermark

Who haven't been to Starbucks, San Francisco Coffee or Espressolab, right?  I should think everyone has, so why blog about San Francisco Coffee now?  Funny you should ask coz an unfortunate turn of events led me to blog about San Francisco Coffee @ The Intermark.
You see, I bought some San Francisco vouchers (from a group buying site) that had a long expiry date of 6 months.  Initially, my intention was to use these vouchers for coffee whenever I happen to be at Jaya Grocer...but then I conveniently forgot about them until it was due to expire in 3 days.
So, I had no choice but to use them all at one go on a Sunday after morning mass.  And to use all the remaining vouchers in hand, I couldn't just order coffee...I had to order breakfast too....and that turned out to be my biggest mistake and the reason for this post.
*Spoiler Alert* It turned out to be the worst western breakfast I ever had!  Don't say I didn't warn you...about the breakfast, I mean!
This is the Big Breakfast @ RM14.90 with some low quality processed ham and sausages, poached egg, potatoes, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes and toast.  Does that look scrumptious to you?
If it remotely does, this should kill it off for good...this is how the poached egg looks like on the inside :'(  It's not only way, way's beyond dead!!
The American Breakfast @ RM13.50 with the same mass-market processed ham and sausages and 'o-so-delicious...not' scrambled eggs.  I think I'd rather have the plain toast with butter and jam...and that isn't saying a lot, is it?
The some kind of pasta @ RM10.50 (can't remember the name of the pasta) wasn't Michael Buble's 'some kind of wonderful'.  It tasted like something that was prepared some days before and put into the microwave oven to reheat.  On hindsight, I should have been more attentive to what the staff was saying...and then later remembered that she said "yeah, we have one pasta left"....err, left from when?
As I still could not finish the value of my vouchers, I had to order some (God help me) add ons to fully utilise my vouchers.
This is the Mushroom Soup @ RM4 with some pcs of bread that looks remotely like garlic bread but doesn't taste like garlic bread.  The soup, on the other hand, was so diluted and watery that even a can of Campbell soup would have tasted 10 times better!! T_T
....and some (God knows what) potatoes also @ RM4 that tasted as bad as it looked :(
Each breakfast set comes with a free coffee or tea
Iced Cappuccino @ RM11
The coffees were the only saving grace!!!

My Personal Opinion

San Francisco Coffee's tray liner says it all..."The journey of speciality coffee from seed to cup is a long one.  A lot of care and effort goes into producing the cup of coffee you now hold in your hand."  If only they applied it to their food as well (and I think Espressolab falls into this category too).  Starbucks is the only smart one to stay clear of this and focus on their coffees.

I feel that if they don't even try to put out something good, then it's better not to do it at all.  These coffee chains should just stick to doing what they do best...and that's churning out a decent cup of coffee for the masses!  Enough said.

San Francisco Coffee
Lot C-02 Concourse Level
The Intermark Mall
348 Jalan Tun Razak
50400 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-2181 1449


  1. Seen this some place, never dropped by...and looking at your review, I guess that's a good thing. Not a fan of Starbucks - I like CBTL, their all-day breakfast and their free flow of coffee is not bad.

    1. This is a large coffee chain, so you'd find it everywhere.

  2. Hmm... i'd cook my own breakfast at home LOL

    1. Yeah, my home cooked western breakfast looks and tastes way better than this too!

  3. Goodness, gracious me! This is terrible! For a reputable coffee chain like San Francisco Coffee, they should have ensured that the food they serve is of decent quality. Like you said, if they can't do that, then might as well just stick to serving coffee. Thanks for the warning!

    1. Yup, it's better to just stick to their coffees...and nothing else!

  4. i have always wanted to try their breakfast but glad that I didn't... like Ken said, it's better to cook own breakfast at home..

    I used to burn many, many vouchers i bought online.. either i totally forgotten about it, or when i recalled, it expired.. or when I wanted to make appointment, the timing is always not suitable.. hence, I stopped subscribing to those online vouchers thingy.

    1. I've had the same experience too...expired vouchers, unable to book suitable times. I'm now more selective when buying vouchers. The key to this is not buying too many at one time and use it immediately after buying. That way you won't forget and you can get the times you want.

      Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving your comments. Do come back and visit again soon :)

  5. uh oh ... this is almost a funny story, in the sense that it's rather rib-tickling how you had to keep on ordering cos of the vouchers. but ya, the sausage in particular does look like the tragic sort that i'd just eat three bites of :)

    1. Well, at least my 'pain' was someone else's 'gain' in terms of it being somewhat amusing....hahaha! :D

  6. I see that they accidentally served my well done poached egg to you, LOL! :D

    1. Yeah, so now you know where you can get your egg done the way you like it ;)

    2. I have only been to this coffee outlet once about 15 years ago and bought one ice-blended coffee to takeaway. Never been there for food and don't plan to do so. Must thank you for that. :)

    3. Not this exact outlet of course but the one used (or is it still there, no idea) to be at Amcorp Mall.

  7. Yeah their food is inconsistent at best!

    I used to work in Menara Millenium (at PBD) and there was a San Fran Coffee just at the lobby so we'll go there for meeting sometimes with clients and the food was always a little dodgy. I just had the Starbucks affogato and it was pretty decent!

    1. I totally agree. Espressolab's affogato is pretty good too =)

  8. Well, they don't have a kitchen right? heehee

  9. Not sure about this. Only took their coffee before this

    1. It would be wise to just stick to having coffee here.

  10. Same goes to Delifrance, I can say. Apart from their expensive sandwiches, none of their food is worth talking about.

    I think 10 years ago, people would've been okay with the kind of American Breakfast that you got for the kind of price you paid, when there weren't that many decent choices as today.

    1. Yeah, we have so many decent choices these days (with all the new brunch cafes springing up in every corner), so these restaurant/coffee chains better buck up and not serve us those 'crap' they call American Breakfasts!
