
Monday 9 February 2015

Relocated: Yut Kee @ Jalan Kamunting

No, this is not a new Yut Kee's the old Yut Kee at a new location!  I recently revisited Yut Kee @ Jalan Kamunting (a couple of times) after they moved to their new location in August 2014.  You can read my previous review here.
You can see that the fresh coat of dark red paint has made the shop very distinctive and one that you can easily spot from afar.
Once you step inside, you'd find that there is ample space in the compound that is used as the waiting area.  Many chairs (and fans too) are propped up to make your waiting more comfortable (compared to their old premise).  There are even 2 large umbrellas that open up to provide their customers with more shade while waiting.  The waiting is definitely more bearable + the waiting time is shorter over here coz the place is twice as big (we got our table only after a 10 - 15 mins wait compared to at least 30 mins wait at the old place).

Once inside, a look around and you'd realise that they have kept much of the old architecture, charm and ambience that was so apparent in the old place.  Also, the turnover rate (ie. the speed at which they serve you your food) here is so fast, it's unbelievable!

A look at the menu and I was very glad to note that they've not increased prices just because the restaurant is newly built.
Their no. 1 best seller here is still, without a doubt, their Hainanese Chicken Chop....which I love, love, love!  But, today, I decided to have their Hainanese Pork Chop @ RM11.50 instead. 
The 'oh-so-good' and 'yet to be replicated elsewhere' sauce is exactly like what you'd get with the chicken chop....
.....down to the potatoes and vegetables.
The egg-battered pork chops (2 pcs) were (surprisingly) more tender and not as chewy as the previous times that I had it.
The Belacan Fried Rice @ RM7 wasn't quite like the usual belacan fried rice (we preferred the plain fried rice better).
We also managed to try their "Char Siew" (Barbequed Pork) Rice @ RM6.50.  Let's just say it wasn't any worse than those served at some chicken rice stalls...and the rice was quite nice.
The Hailam Mee @ RM7 was note-worthy too.  I was surprised that I liked the thick yellow noodles done this way other than the Hokkien-styled Fried Mee...maybe it was because of the small portion size (not big enough for you get overwhelmed by the alkaline taste of the noodles).
It's great eaten with their fresh sambal (with a squeeze of lime)!
The Curry Meehoon @ RM7 looked nice from afar and (so) I decided to give it a try.  I liked the texture of the meehoon, which was a bit coarser than the norm, and the plate of curry came with chicken, bean curd puffs and "taugeh" (bean sprouts) only.  The curry broth was acceptable (just not close to the better ones that I've had) but (be forewarned) the curry is very spicy even for someone (like me) who can take spicy food.
The French Toast @ RM4 was a real surprise...surprised that I found it to be really, really good!  It was nothing like the ones I had or the ones I made at home ;)  The bread is generously soaked in egg and deep fried until you get these frizzy strands of eggs on the sides (much like their chicken chop).  The flavour was full on but be warned that it's gonna be greasy....greasy goodness, that is!  You may think that RM4 is somewhat pricey for just one pc but know that it was served with a good dollop of their homemade kaya which is loved by many (but it's a bit grainy and sweet for my taste buds).
Also equally good, as always, is their Half-Boiled Eggs @ RM2.80.  As you can see from the pic, they use "kampong" (free range) eggs which is the best tasting eggs for half-boiled eggs.
The last time I had these eggs, I had forgotten to take a pic of the eggs when they were cracked open (too eager to slurp...kekeke!).  So, this time I made sure I did...I'm 'eggcited' to share this pic with you....just look at those bright orange yolks!  The soft-boiled eggs here are always done perfectly...with just the right amount of ooziness ;) 

You can end your meal on a sweet note by ordering a slice of their Kaya Roll @ RM1 while a whole roll costs RM10.  The "kaya" (coconut jam) filling was alright but I found the Swiss roll texture a bit on the dense side.  I definitely preferred the Marble Cake to this.
Other than my usual "kopi-o-ping" (iced black coffee), another drink I would normally order is their "Kopi-Ping" (Iced Coffee with Milk) @ RM2.30.
The other would be the Iced Barley Lime @ RM2.30 also.
My last couple of trips here I was not so fortunate to get my hands on their Marble Cake @ RM16 to take home....but not today =)  This time I made sure by ordering (and reserving) it the moment I stepped into the café to put my name down for a seat.
This marble cake, with some cocoa swirls, is soft, buttery and moist.  You can smell the butter when you open the fact, you can smell it in the café too when they're baking it (from the second floor)!
Get ready for some oily fingers (from all the butter) when you eat this cake.  So, if you're one who gets squeamish with too much butter, then surely this cake is not meant for you....coz this is a real butter cake :D

P/S:  I saw a sign saying that they're taking orders (bookings) for their Marble Cake and Roast Pork for Chinese New Year (in case you're interested)!

My Personal Opinion

The food here is still very good, especially all the old favourites like Hainanese chicken chop, soft-boiled eggs and toast, kopi-o, hailam mee and marble cake.

And you can now savour them in a 'new' nicer and cleaner environment but yet retains the 'old' kopitiam vibe.  The (old) Yut Kee has stood and served us for a good 86 years...let's toast to the (new) Yut Kee.....for another 86 years (and more) to come!

Restoran Yut Kee
1 Jalan Kamunting
50100 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-2698 8108


  1. I had the Hainanese pork chop in Penang - very nice and very very cheap...but I hear the shop has closed down since. :(

    1. Aww...that's too bad. Hope you find another Hainanese pork chop that you like :)

  2. At first i thought BKT shop here but when love the dishes that you have ordered

    1. If you like Hainanese chicken chop, you must try this favourite todate!

  3. Replies
    1. Yup, free-range eggs are the best when it comes to soft-boiled eggs.

  4. I would definitely go for the chicken chop! Oh, how nice 6" butter cake. I am not squeamish about butter at all hee..hee...

    1. It ain't a butter cake if it doesn't smell and taste of butter, right? Haha....

  5. My mom would love a decent Hainanese Chicken Chop! She has Hainanese ancestry after all.

    1. Maybe she can make an even better chicken chop?

  6. I prefer their kaya roll to their butter cake but I still will eat the butter cake despite the oily butter. I don't like food drenched in gravy so no chicken chop for me.

    1. I prefer their butter cake coz I don't quite like their kaya...a bit grainy and not smooth enough. Ah, you're like my son...who doesn't like his food drenched in gravy too!

  7. this location used to be just a two-minute walk from my office (near sheraton hotel) a few years ago ... but now that i've moved, yut kee is elusive for me! :D

    1. I can't believe that this place has eluded you all this time when you're just 2 minutes away!!

  8. I haven't been to this new place!

    I used to love eating at Yut Kee, I had every single thing on their menu and wanted to write about it but never did. I have eaten every single dish they had at least once when they were at Jalan Yap Ah Shak (coz the NN office was just around the corner) including the Friday pork specials.

    I gotta check this new place out! :)

    1. had every single thing on their menu!! It's quite a long must have eaten there very often.
