
Tuesday 14 March 2023

Gone Girl

No, this post has nothing to do with the 2014 movie of the same name, starring Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike, a brilliantly entertaining movie that I've watched and rewatched many times, it's just a post title based on the same! :D

I said I was home alone this Chinese New Year (CNY), I really meant I was home alone...not only had my family gone back to Ipoh, my girl was gone too! T_T  She disappeared some two weeks before CNY.  When she missed her second feed for the day, I instantly knew something was amiss.  I believe, because of her looks and adorable demeanour, someone took her...and I believe that someone is a neighbour from my street.  I also believe that neighbour has watched her for months (as this street is her territory and she wouldn't stray far, just a couple of houses to my left and right).  You could say I've my (unsubstantiated) suspicion as to which neighbour.

Whoever took her did not take her as a pet for themselves (otherwise she would be seen roaming around the neighbourhood if she happens to run out of the perpetrator's house) but for some other family member or friend.  Even my neighbour (from two doors away) misses her who went round looking for her just in case she got into an accident

I guess I only have myself to blame for not wanting to take her in and offer her a forever home coz after Cookie's passing, I just didn't want to go through that again.  Perhaps it's not right to do so but I'll still curse that someone for taking her away.  When you see a cat that's so gemuk and well fed, fur well kept, neutered with docile personality, it's obvious that the cat is being looked after by someone.  If you want to offer a stray a forever home, then pick up a stray that obviously needs a home (God knows there are plenty of them around).  They're easily recognisable by their unhealthy, unkept and unfed demeanour...and nurse them back to health....not snatch someone else's well looked after cat lah!  Some people are just selfish and heartless.  Even though I've only known her for 9 months, I'm still heartbroken and miss her dearly! :'(

I don't know if I should be happy or sad.  I guess I should be happy since she (may) have finally found her forever home...but I'm not (take lah a cat that really needs help instead of my part time cat...haiz).  I'm incredibly sad that she's gone.  I  now only have photos (and a few videos) to remember her by.

This was when she first came.....petite, frightened, lethargic and hungry.  She walked so slowly that I thought she was a senior cat at first.

When she ate, her teeth made this grinding sound that I thought she had some medical problems (leading to her being discarded in the first place).  Well, she was still discarded for some reason.

But, over time, that sound disappeared and her appetite grew when she was nursed back to health until she became a fatty bom bom and was a happy-go-lucky gal that started chasing birds.

She became bosom buddies with the stray ginger male cat that I was feeding before she came.  That ginger cat is still around for obvious reasons (not good-looking or adorable enough and not

I will remember her.....for how she liked to snuggle up into a ball and sleep in this basket which I used to go to the wet market with but which she claimed as hers.

This was even after I upgraded her temporary home to a bigger condo...she still liked her tiny apartment.  I guess she's not an

I will remember her fondly for how lovable she was and allowing me to cuddle her up close and giving her belly rubs when even my late Cookie didn't.  I'll always mull over the fact if I made the wrong decision of not taking her in coz I don't think I'll ever meet another cat quite like her. 

I will always remember her.  I guess I shouldn't have let her into my home..... and into my heart. T_T  Maybe I should just stop saving/rescuing strays to prevent more heartbreak coz it's so difficult to let go when a bond forms even when I try not to.  In the end, there was no happy-ever-after for me...hopefully there was a happy-ever-after for her.  Goodbye, Girl! :'(


  1. Darn! You made me cry! I had to run to the toilet to calm down. In spite of being carnivore, calm as I may be, I am still an emotional wreck when it comes to cats! LOL!

    Although I understand your sentiments about not taking her in (to avoid a major heartache) I was was secretly hoping against hope that somehow you would. Of course, I am not going to be so kepoh to suggest that to you.

    Since you didn't stake your claim on her, inevitably someone else did and I hope that whoever that has taken her is kind to her and that she has found her forever home.

    Ah! Your heart will mend. As cat lovers, we can't help it, can we? By some miracle, if she ever shows up again, don't let her go!

    P.S. For a moment there, the ginger boy looks like my Girl. And I also enjoyed that movie Gone Girl.

    1. I'm so sorry that this post brought you sadness. From one cat lover to another, I can relate why we get emotional over cats.

      For months, I was grappling with the decision of whether to offer her a forever home and now she's gone. I'll forever have to live with my regret of not taking her in.

      Even though I didn't stake my claim on her, I will never look upon the person who took her as someone kind as he or she was selfish and unkind to take her in the first place knowing that she's being looked after by someone. >:(

      If she ever shows up again, you bet I'll stake my claim on her. You know what people say about second chances. But then, miracles rarely happen. >.<

      P/S: Oh no, your Girl looks a lot more adorable than this ginger

  2. Sorry to hear that, lost a cat that way too and now my cats are all in-door only 100%

    1. Oh no, you too. These heartless people have no conscience whatsoever. >.<
