
Monday 14 November 2022

An Update on my Part Time Furry Friends

Just an update on my part time furry friends, the bushy-haired female and the ginger-coloured male cat, to let you know how they're doing.  And yes, the female cat has no name (and I don't intend to give her one) coz if I do give her a name, it kind-of becomes my cat (and a bond develops).  So, these two cats, I just call them Girl and Boy.

I've been feeding them regularly and they appear, like clockwork, everyday (in fact twice a day) at exactly the same time).  Every morning when I wake up, I find them waiting at the porch already.  The same scenario in the evenings.  On the few occasions when they're late (or I'm late), I just shake the food container and they'll come running.

Sometimes they'll hang around in the porch after their meals and in the nights (especially when it's raining), I'd find Girl sleeping in the box I prepared for her.  Lately though, Boy has claimed the box as his, so I had to set up a second box.

One fine day, I opened the door to see this scene unfolding before my eyes.  Omg, this Girl is on fire heat! :O  I actually suspected this already since I've seen her behaving walking with her butt slightly elevated or rubbing herself on the road (I believe that's to leave her on-heat scent to prospective males in the area).  And soon enough, the male cats descended!  When female cats are on heat, they take on multiple partners (that's why their kittens come in a multitude of colours depending on which male cat has the more domineering genes).  Well, you can pretty much call female cats a whore...but that's natural in the animal kingdom.

Even her so-called best friend, Boy, wants to get in on the action.  Unfortunately, he's too young and didn't quite know what to do (very inexperienced lah as this was his first rodeo)...hah..hah.  Instead of doing it, he ended up just massaging!  There's no privacy in the animal kingdom, suitors even watch...and wait their turn! :D

But two other experienced/of age males cats knew exactly what to do.  This mating actually goes on for days (or as long as the female is on heat).  I used to think they'd mate once and be gone...but no!  It's quite agonising to see the female cat going through this mating process as some of these male cats can be quite aggressive in the act...they need to bite down on the females' necks while doing it (not sure if that is to keep the female in place so that they don't run away or for some other reason).

It was then that I decided enough is enough...I looked around for a vet (I didn't want to use Cookie's previous vet for a reason) and managed to book an appointment (two weeks later) with another vet to have her neutered.  The cost was from RM150 (or RM120 with snipped ear) for female cats (I didn't have the heart to snip her ears).  In the end, I paid RM180 (extra RM30, that's why the price says 'from') coz there were some complications (as she was already pregnant).

This was her after the surgery with part of her belly fur shaven off (now I know why females are fatty bom-boms even if they eat the same amount as males coz they put on belly fat  You can see the little incision (I'd say probably about half an inch) all stitched up.  She was kept indoors (in a cage) the night before the surgery (as she needed to fast) and the night after the surgery (as she was still groggy from the anesthesia and couldn't walk straight).  It was quite a funny sight to see her head bobbing up and down, left and right (you know, like a bobblehead).  I didn't see this when Cookie had his snip snip as it was done in the morning and the anesthesia had worn off by the time he was picked up from the vet.

She's all fixed now...and her belly fur has grown back.  Neutering I feel is the best thing to do for a stray female cat.  I wish that more people would come out and neuter stray cats rather than just feeding them.  Once females are neutered, the cat population can be controlled and there won't be as many strays.  Anyway, stray kittens born on the streets usually don't make it to adulthood (if they're lucky, maybe one in each litter might survive).  Imagine if they did, there'd be so many more strays on the streets since a female cat gives birth at least 3 times a year (and with a litter of 3 - 5 kitties each time)! :O

Now that she's fixed, she's a happy-go-lucky girl (with no disturbances from would-be suitors).  As you can see, she and the ginger male have now become bosom buddies (more like friends without benefits)!  He can even bury his face in her private parts without sexual tendencies in his mind...wakakakaka! :D

Girl now comes in and out of my house like it's hers!  The first time she came in she went straight for the cat bed that I laid out (which Cookie avoided like the plague) though she has now given up on the cat bed too.

She likes to sleep all stretched out on the floor...

.....and on the dining table

......or under a side table.

But her most favourite sleeping place is a plastic basket I left on my dining table.  The first time she jumped onto the table, she went straight into the basket and slept there for hours (she can even sleep up to 8 hours in it at one time).  I think cats feel protected with the basket (or box) encasing them.

She would come out occasionally to stretch before getting back into her basket again.  I've tried putting the basket elsewhere (on the floor, chair and side table) but she won't use it.  She only wants it when it's on the dining table...haiz.  I guess cats love (and feel safe) on high(er) ground.  That's why I've also set up two boxes (for her and the ginger male) outside that's elevated on top of a cupboard.

She also has a good time playing with (more like destroying) Cookie's old toys which (incidentally) Cookie didn't find any amusement with.  I've come to know that different cats really have different demeanour and personalities.  This Girl likes to be touchy-feely, cuddled and belly-rubbed, play with cat toys, don't meow incessantly for human food and listens to commands...totally unlike my dearly departed.

But she does have a few similarities to Cookie, like how she likes to play hide and seek when she's in the house.  Now where is this naughty Girl hiding, ah? ;D

She also likes to hide inside cabinets.  There was a time we closed the door on her when she hid in our TV cabinet.  We could see her as it was a glass sliding door but she was frantically trying to find a way

And like Cookie, she seeks out high vantage points.....and has made it to the top of my decor, storage and kitchen cabinets as well as the fridge.
I'm always amazed at just how well behaved she is (her previous owner taught her well).  She don't jump onto our sofa or beds...and on the very few occasions that she did, she'd listen and come down when I said "No".  She would even come out of my room when I tell her to.  If it was Cookie, you can tell or yell at her till the cows come home and your words will fall on deaf ears.

I can eat comfortably in her presence as she doesn't meow incessantly (like Cookie used to) hoping for a handout.  The most she'll do is to peek at what I'm eating (sometimes standing on her two hind legs for a better view).  I also found out that she doesn't like chicken (as much as my Cookie did).

I once tested my theory by giving her two plates of food, one filled with (Cookie's leftover) chicken-flavoured canned food and the other with dry kibbles (and she went for the dry food though she'd eat fish-based canned food).  I guess that's why she's peeking at my fried fish with curry rice from the mamak.  The ginger male eats anything.

To show her appreciation, she brings me gifts (only birds so far, luckily no rats or monitor lizards..yet!)...many times (even more than Cookie ever did).  Thank you, Girl, but...seriously, I don't need any gifts! >_<  I once saw the ginger male playing with one like it was his kill but I know better who is the more efficient hunter-killer here.

As for the ginger male, I'm afraid he's not allowed in the house since unneutered males are known to spray to mark territory.  I guess he'll just have to be contented with being outside but with food and shelter available.  I've yet to decide if I want to snip snip him as male cats living on the streets need to have their balls to fight and survive the altercations with other male cats to dominate territory.  Once they're neutered, they're usually more docile and lose in fights (like Cookie used to).

I, too, have to be contented...having a part-time furry friend is better than having none! ;)  These two kitties have brought a certain measure of happiness since Cookie's passing...especially the girl, who knows just how to amp up her cuteness factor when I'm around.  Providing food and shelter for these two strays (without that 100% bond and responsibility) is all I can offer for now...and I hope that's enough for them.


  1. Oh dear! X-rated lah! wahahaha!! This is such a delightful post. I read it last night and couldn't help chuckling to myself. So you have a Girl too and it seems to me that she is applying for permanent resident status, now that she has made her way inside your home. She is so adorable! I really laughed seeing Boy trying to get it on and how he nuzzles his head between her legs. Hamsap, eh! hah..hah... He sure is a very handsome boy, I love the photo of him (second photo from the top) where he posed so nicely.

    I am fortunate that my two girls came already neutered, so I have no experience with taking a kitty to be snipped. So after your Girl came home from surgery, did you have to confine her inside the cage and how long did it take to for her to heal? My partner and I initially thought my Girl was pregnant due to her big belly and I did contemplate taking her to the vet to be neutered. I was worried how to nurse her when she came back. But after waiting and waiting, no kittens came out. LOL!

    Well I am happy for you that your Girl and Boy bring you so much joy although they are part-timers. I suspect a bond has already formed between you and Girl.

    1. Aiyah, this comment went into the spam folder again (just saw this now). Don't know why it keeps doing this. >.<

      Yes, she's very adorable, isn't she? She's so well behaved and affectionate, it's unbelievable. Actually, no nursing needs to be done after they're neutered. They just have to stay put until the anesthesia wears off. Usually, the vet should do the surgery in the morning (like Cookie was) and then by the time you pick them up from the vet in the evening, everything would be fine already. Just that this vet did the surgery too late (only an hour plus before I picked her up) coz I asked the front desk lady when I noticed she was bobbing up and down in the carrier. So I had no choice but keep her in the house for the night for the anesthesia to wear off otherwise she would not be walking straight (something like a drunk-lah) and a car might run her down if she's outside. By morning, she was fine, ate a hearty plate of food and went off to jalan-jalan. I'm also afraid of bond that'll develop with this Girl, haiz.

  2. You're so kind to let the stray cats go into your house.
