
Tuesday 7 September 2021

Sally's Kitchen Homecooked Food Delivery (for August)

Continuing with Sally's Kitchen Homecooked Food Delivery for this month, I'm continuously amazed that after six months, they still churn out new and different dishes for their customers so that we won't get bored with their food.

The first week of August started with their Dry Pork Curry Rice Set @ RM12 with sides of salted egg (the yolk was oily and glistening, I likey) and stir-fried cabbage with carrot shreds and glass noodles.  I thought I hadn't had their pork curry before but, on checking back, I realised I had...and this turned out to be a repeated dish from May.

So, it looks like I've eaten their chicken curry, fish curry, vegetable curry and pork curry too....and they're all fantastic.  The pork was tender and the curry thick and delicious with the welcoming sight of more potatoes. You won't regret ordering any of their's certainly their forte!  The pork curry was even better this time round with a much thicker curry paste! ;)

The other option for the week was their Chicken Stew for the Soul @ RM11 with sides of stir-fried french beans & fishcake slices.  The presence of lots of crispy, fragrant bits of dried prawns elevated the taste of this vegetable stir-fry.

At first, I thought this would be a typical Chinese stew that's done with oyster and dark sauce but it turned out to be a take on a western-type stew (I should have guessed since they named it chicken stew for the  This stew had super tender fall-off-the-bone chicken leg/thigh pieces cooked with carrots, potatoes, shimeji mushrooms and some green herbs (I'm guessing bay leaf, parsley and maybe some oregano).  The chicken stew was thick and tasty, albeit a little on the oily side (I think it was cooked with some butter), but I thoroughly enjoyed it nevertheless since it was different from a Chinese-type stew.

The third dish for the week featured Mushroom Aglio Olio with Breaded Pork Chop @ RM12.  The breaded pork chop was well seasoned (I could taste the seasoning in the crispy breading itself).

It was a generous slab of thickly cut pork chop and because of that, it could have been a bit more tender if it was pounded thinner, I suppose...but it was still tasty nonetheless with that light drizzle of mayonnaise.

The aglio olio, fried with shimeji mushrooms, lots of garlic and finely minced fresh red chillies (not chilli flakes from a bottle), was a bit too oily unfortunately (but it was my box only, perhaps my serving was from the bottom of the pile!).  I quite enjoyed the heat level in the spaghetti (I think they used either bird's eye chillies or their red chillies were the hot type) though some might feel it's too spicy (for a pasta dish).

Week 2 which featured Kimchi Fried Rice with Chicken Bulgogi, Har Cheong (Shrimp Paste) Sliced Pork with Fried Egg & Kangkung and a repeat of Fried Mee Siam & Chicken Curry Kapitan (from April).  Since I'm not a fan of kimchi and can't say I'm particularly fond of shrimp paste either + I just had chicken curry two weeks prior, I took a break from ordering from Sally's Kitchen.

The following week saw my most favourite dish, the Taiwanese Braised Pork Rice (Lou Ro Fan) @ RM12, making a comeback again.  Of course I had to order....what do you think?  Same good taste as always! ;)

Next up was their Nasi Lemak Ayam Masak Merah @ RM12 served with hard-boiled egg, fried ikan bilis & nuts, cucumber and sambal.  I've seen this dish before (in the earlier days when I started ordering from Sally's Kitchen) but have not tried it before.

I've not eaten that many ayam masak merah to know the true flavours of it but I felt that this wasn't quite it.  First of all, it didn't quite have the looks of an ayam masak merah as I was expecting it to be more reddish in colour (I think it's from the use of tomato sauce....correct me if I'm wrong).

This one just looked (and tasted) like some sambal/chilli paste type of spicy chicken (almost like a Chinese-style sambal chicken with lots of onions)....but not withstanding that, it was still a pretty tasty chicken.

The week ended with their Friday Special of Char Mee Suah @ RM12 with sides of Penang Lo Bak & fresh sambal belacan (which is no longer too spicy for me as I can sapu all).  The fried Penang Lo Bak was very similar to their earlier Nyonya Lobak Rice Set except this time the lobak was much bigger and thicker in size.

The fried mee suah (wheat vermicelli) was very nicely done....which isn't easy to do seeing how soft the texture of mee suah can be (it's usually done soup-style).  It was tastefully fried with fishcake slices, crunchy beansprouts and fragrant chives.  The noodles were topped with fresh medium-sized prawns too (three of them to be exact).  This char mee suah was yet another successful noodle dish.

The final week of August offered two rice sets I've had before.....Marmite Chicken and Sweet & Sour Pork (with sides of veggies and an egg dish).  They tasted all right but not something I'm dying to eat again.  But their third menu item of Tom Yam Spaghetti @ RM13 totally attracted me with its picture of the large prawns.

Even though I was a little weary of the spaghetti, due to my earlier experience with the rather oily Aglio Olio, I still went ahead to order it as the promo pic of the dish with large prawns sitting on top the spaghetti was just too tempting to resist.

This time, my fears of oily spaghetti was unfounded as the spaghetti was nicely done.  The spaghetti was stir-fried with shimeji mushrooms and just the right amount of tom yam paste for a slightly spicy-sour aftertaste. The large-sized prawns, thankfully were fresh prawns (and not frozen ones...and there were four) with that all-important prawn taste.  The finishing touches of shredded coriander leaves and a few fine slivers of kaffir lime added a fresh and fragrant dimension to the pasta.  So good! ^o^

Not only is Sally's Kitchen good at cooking Nyonya-type dishes and curries, they seem to be equally adapt at cooking noodles from mee siam, fried meehoon and zha jiang mian to pasta like this month's mushroom aglio olio and tom yam spaghetti.  I am liking their noodle dishes just as much and can't wait to try eat more! ^_~


  1. I am very impressed with Sally's Kitchen after hearing so much from you. They should be named Sally's Thoughtful Kitchen for planning and cooking so well to make the residents happy. You guys would never get bored.
    I really love to eat Nyonya-style dishes, Mee Siam and Zha Jiang Mian. Good ones are not easy to find nowadays.

    Their western styled Chicken Stew for the Soul made me drool when you said it was thick and tasty with super tender fall-off-the-bone chicken parts with carrots and potatoes. Good heavens. I love that!

    1. Yes, the chicken stew was certainly comforting and heart warming for the soul...kekeke! ;) I'm sure your lovely wife can make that for you.

      I love that Sally's Kitchen continue to brainstorm and cook new dishes for us to savour so that we won't get bored with the food. Although they're located in my neighbourhood, I understand they do deliver to other areas (minimum 2 orders with a delivery fee (probably RM7 - RM8 to your place). If you don't mind paying delivery charges (for simple homecooked dishes), you can enjoy Sally's cooking too. ^_*

  2. I hope my neighbourhood can have such catering restaurants so that I can have a rest sometimes. Now not only weekdays dinner, I need to plan my bento lunch as well as lunch for Sam who stay at home too, because I'm skeptical to tapao food from outside also. But once a while I'll force to tapao for her too due to lack of ideas what to cook >_<

    1. We've been tapao-ing mostly since the pandemic started in March last year with no untoward incidents (even from places that were closed at one time or another). Just remember to follow your own strict SOPs. I'd rather tapao coz 1) less work than cooking, 2) don't know what to cook sometimes, 3) outside food tastes better than my & 4) the eateries need our support to survive. As I mentioned (in my reply to TM), though Sally's Kitchen is not from your neighbourhood, they cover delivery to other areas with a delivery charge (foc if you order 6 portions). You can consider their homely food so that you take a rest from cooking sometimes. ^_~

    2. From Cheras to Kepong, the delivery feew would be quite "kaw" I believe. :P
      I,m a cheapskate that not willing to pay delivery fee, LOL

    3. Her delivery fees I feel are very reasonable too...RM6 - RM10 (she only charged RM10 all the way to Shah Alam). But if you're not willing to pay delivery fees, then I can't help you! ;) P/S: So I take it that you cook most of the time (like one of my neighbours) since you're skeptical to go out to tapao food and don't wish to pay delivery. I used to do cooking the most (when the pandemic started) but now I do it the least (tired of cooking and tired of my own cooking)...hehe!

  3. curry pork pls! I haven't had pork for 3 weeks already!

    1. No pork delivery to your area? Hah...hah..go get some curry pork pronto! :D

  4. My eyes wide opened with the level of variety Sally's kitchen offers, i like almost all the dishes you featured here from the chicken stew for the soul to the breaded pork chop and char mee suah with lo bak some more. How i wish i have such a neighbourhood caterer which cooks and provides such homely food.

    1. Yeah, I'm indeed very lucky to have found Sally (9 months late...but better late than never!). Keep your fingers crossed that one opens up in your neighbourhood one day. :)

  5. the foods are so delicious looking....I hope they have an outlet nearby my house~~~

    1. Unfortunately, this is a home kitchen operating from their house, so there won't be any other outlet (unless their business thrives to the point that they need to expand to a central kitchen/shop). ^_~

  6. Am I envious or what? hah..hah..hah... All the dishes for August look very good and I would be happy to order. From your photos, I would say that the dish that attracted me the most is the Tom Yam Spaghetti (ooo...corriander!)followed by the Dry Pork Curry and Chicken Stew. The Ayam Masak Merah was clearly not what it is supposed to be but since it still tasted very good, no disappointments there. You are right that Ayam Masak Merah has tomato sauce in it (as well as chili sauce too) and it is one of my favorite Malays dishes. I like fried mee suah but have not come across it for a long time. Long ago there was a restaurant called Aunty Nat near my office and they dished out a pretty good fried mee suah.

    Well, you and your neighbors will keep Sally in business and hopefully Sally's Kitchen is a permanent feature to supply you lucky people with very tasty and affordable food.

    1. Hah...hah..I'd be envious too if you had one such tasty and affordable food delivery servicing your area. Yeah, we can count ourselves lucky indeed but I don't think my neighbourhood can keep them in business as we only make up a small part of their clientele, I believe. I should think they do lots of other deliveries out of our neighbourhood (she once told me they even delivered until Shah Alam!). ^_*
