
Thursday 4 February 2021

Kim Gary @ Aeon Maluri

My family used to eat frequently at Kim Gary Restaurant in Aeon Maluri before Aeon embarked on a two-year renovation of its premises.  After the expansion and refurbishment works were completed in 2019, the restaurant now occupies a much smaller lot than previously.

With food delivery or home cooking making up a big part of meal plans since the MCO was re-implemented, there are times when you get really we did with Kim Gary, not once but twice.  How lucky can we get?  We couldn't believe our eyes when they offered a 70% discount (!), so we jumped at the chance (or chances) immediately.

I have many favourites at Kim Gary but the one that takes the cake (for me) is their Fried Spaghetti with Pork Fillet in Hong Kong Style @ RM18.90 (RM6.62 with 70% discount).

Can you imagine a price of RM6?  You can't even get a plate of fried noodles from a stall in a coffee shop at that price!  What a fantastic deal!!  At a cut-throat price like that, why wouldn't I take full advantage and order extra portions which I can eat another day.  In fact, this dish keeps very well in the fridge with no loss of flavour.

This may be an unorthodox take on a spaghetti dish (a Chinese take if you will) where it's stir-fried in black sauce (thick & light soy) with sweet, sauteed onions (that I thought was integral to the dish) and a trio of frozen vegetable (of carrots, corn kernels & peas that I didn't care if they were there).

The slivers of tender pork and the sweetness of the onions coupled with spaghetti coated in a delicious, black sauce makes this one of my most favoured spaghetti dish.  I've lost count how many times I've eaten this already! ;P

Another of our go-to dishes is this Fried Pork Chop with Shanghai Style Vegetable Rice @ RM16.90 (RM5.92 with discount) which happens to be a favourite with my family.  This is plain rice accompanied with well marinated pieces of fried pork chop (the same one that they cut into strips for the fried spaghetti above). The Shanghai vegetables are just stir-fried white-stemmed pak choy with corn kernels.

Then there is this Wrapped Fish in Egg with Shanghai Style Vegetable Rice @ RM17.50 (RM6.13 with discount).  Ok-lah, this one only I will eat since my family isn't into fish + this one is frozen fish fillet (and it's dory!) which can sometimes be a little fishy (though not all dory tastes like that, some good quality ones taste alright).

After always ordering and eating Fried Pork Chop with Shanghai Vegetables, I thought I'd have the Scallion Oil Rice with Pork Chop @ RM19 (RM6.65 with discount) for a change.

I was totally taken aback by the packaging for this rice bowl.  It came in a very big plastic container with two levels, the bottom houses the rice and egg while the top was the pork chop with scallion sauce.  Please excuse the sorry state of the egg as it somehow got stuck to the top of the inside container (but that does not excuse the obviously overcooked egg).

This pork chop looked much paler in comparison to our earlier go-to fried pork chop dish where the pork was well-browned and had a deeper marination and flavour.  This one looked lightly seared only served in a soy + oil sauce.

What elevated this dish for me was the delicious scallion sauce made with chopped scallions and a bit of ginger in some oil.  Usually hot oil (maybe flavoured with a dash of sesame oil) is poured over the scallions to take the raw edge off and cook it a bit.  You might find some roasted meat stalls serving this with their siu yuk.

Not sure why they couldn't serve this all in just one container (it was extra plastic packaging we don't need). They could have just drizzled the soy sauce over the rice, placed the egg on top of the pork chop and spooned the scallion sauce on the side.  That was what I did in the end, I dumped everything in and you can see that the container still had so much space.

When the Crispy Chicken Popcorn @ RM13.90.....

....or Crispy Pork Popcorn also @ RM13.90 is only RM4.87 with discount, it's a pretty easy decision to make to get the snack as a side order, don't you think?

For me, I'd rather go for a healthier alternative like this Borsch Soup @ RM10.50 (RM3.68 discounted price) though I wouldn't consider getting it if it's full price coz I can make a much better borsch (or tomato) soup at home than this one which was very diluted (I don't remember it being this watery when I had it on-site).

And because of the proximity of Kim Gary to where we live, I like that the food is able to reach us still fairly hot.  You bet we'll take full advantage (again) when the prices are worthy...and low! ;)

My Personal Opinion

Kim Gary was an option for our family's weekend dinners when dine-in was allowed.  We used to patronise the outlet in Aeon Maluri (which used to be quite a big outlet) but I have to say we have not visited since Aeon reopened in late 2019 after renovation works were completed.

Over the years, standards might have dropped off a bit but there are still enough favourites in their menu to keep us happy.  Delivery prices may seem a little stiff but if a discount is offered (even if it's not 70%), it's still worth it as some of their meals are pretty decent especially the fried spaghetti, various rice bowls and fried rice options.

Hong Kong Kim Gary Restaurant
S12 Aeon Mall
Taman Maluri
Jalan Jejaka
55100 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-9282 9208


  1. Kim Gary been in Malaysia so long d kan? I remember it was such a cool place back then with "new" dishes with cheese and rice back then!

    1. Ya, kudos to Kim Gary for their longevity. I still remember when they opened their first outlet in Sg Wang and it being the place to be then. Their cheese-baked rice seems to be very popular as I've noticed many people ordering and eating that but it's not for me. ^_~

  2. That fried spaghetti is my favourite at Kim Gary too, although it's been a while since my last visit. Just like what you described, it is very flavourful and it really suit my taste bud.
    I would definitely do like what you did to tapao more and keep in fridge considering the price is so unbelievably cheap!

    1. Oh, you like that fried spaghetti too. Heheh, Chinese-style spaghetti can be tasty also, right? I didn't know how well the spaghetti would keep frozen, otherwise I would have bought more. :P

  3. I have heard about Kim Gary and recently found out that there is an outlet at 1 Utama. I am quite curious about the food. They must be trying to drum up sales by offering such a deep discount. Let me try them on Grabfood and satisfy my curiosity!

    1. This is simple, comfort food but not everything on the menu is good though, so my family and I stick to tried and tested ones. Hope you make the right picks...and enjoy the food :)
