
Wednesday 3 July 2019

Snacks from around the World 2

I'm indeed privileged to have received so many snacks from around the world from friends and family that I wasn't able to fit them all in one blog post.  Well, I could...but it would be a very long read.  So, here comes snacks from around the world, part two! ;)

#1 - Godiva Assorted Classic Truffles

Chocolates are always a good gift to receive...more so if they're Godiva chocolates of individually wrapped Belgian masterpieces in dark, milk and white chocolate truffles.

#2 - Irvins Salted Egg Potato Chips

#AbsolutelyGood and #DangerouslyAddictive but #ExorbitantlyExpensive at S$16 (big, 230g) or S$8 (small, 105g) are these made-in-Singapore salted egg potato chips.  The question is...would you be willing to pay about RM25 for a small bag of potato chips? ^_*

#3 - Archer Farms Deluxe Roasted Mixed Nuts

You have the unsalted variety (that's good for health)...

.....or one with sea salt.  Of course, the salted variety tastes better. ^_~  I usually give them away as my family isn't into nuts.

#4 - Jenny Bakery's Butter Cookies

Another gift from a sister-in-law were these 4mix butter cookies from Hong Kong...and they were absolutely buttery, flaky and melt-in-your-mouth delicious.

I like the coffee-flavoured ones the most.

#5 - Hershey's Chocolates

Hershey's American collection of truffles, nut clusters, caramels and other fine confections in assorted milk and dark chocolate is a pot of gold indeed.

#6 - Almond Nut-Thins

These wheat and gluten-free nut & rice cracker snacks from Sacramento (US) are sugar-free and have no trans or saturated fat for guilt-free snacking! ;P

#7 - Irvins Salted Egg Fish Skin

Equally as addictive as the salted egg potato chips (of the same brand) is this salted egg fish skin.  Much crispier but sweeter too, these crispy morsels of delight should not be missed if you're a die-hard salted egg fan! ^.^

#8 - Byron Bay's Dotty Cookies

Touted as Australia's original cafe cookies, these cookies were originally baked in an old farmhouse stove in the hills of the Byron Bay hinterland.

These bite sized cookies are studded with milk chocolate chunks and topped with colourful button-shaped chocolate (much like M&M's).

#9 - Momiji Manju

These little maple leaf-shaped cakes from Japan are really nice and soft.  The fillings are absolutely delicious and they come in many flavours. ^o^

#10 - Godiva Mousse Truffles

These 'heaven in a bite' mousse truffles comprise individual flavours of dark chocolate vanilla, milk chocolate, strawberry, lemon, peach and cafe au lait.

#11 - Korea Haitai Toppoki Snacks

Some kind of Korean rice cake cracker (shaped almost like penne pasta) that has a nice crunch with a sticky-sweet texture but lacking in savouriness.  The colour looks fiery but it isn't spicy at all.

#12 - Bangkok Seaweed Cookies

These are not your typical flour-and-butter cookies but rice cookies from Bangkok flavoured with seaweed for a nice, savoury crisp.

#13 - Furikake

Does this even qualify as a snack?  A great export from Japan...furikake is pretty versatile in that you can sprinkle it on rice, eggs, meat, instant noodles, tofu, vegetables, poke bowls or just about anything you can think of.  Well, if you sprinkle it directly into your mouth...that qualifies as a snack, right? :D

#14 - Indomie Salted Egg Curly Fried Noodles

Indomie brand of instant noodles from Indonesia is pretty well-known in the market (available from our supermarkets too).  But this one, bought from Indonesia directly, is a salted egg flavour which I've not seen sold here (or are they?).  Salted egg is so in demand nowadays that every entrepreneur is jumping on the bandwagon to include it almost everything, so why not instant noodles, right?  But this one missed the mark completely. :(

#15 - Lindt's Chocolates

From master Swiss chocolatier (since 1845) Lindt & Sprungli comes this creme brulee filling encased in the finest Lindt milk chocolate that tastes as decadent as it sounds.

Or how about a mint coulis enrobed in dark chocolate instead?

#16 - Sake Kit Kat

This Kit Kat from Japan showcases the elegant taste of sake (provided you love to drink sake) wrapped in the gentle sweetness of a white chocolate-coated wafer.

As soon as you open it, you get a whiff of sake (or alcohol to me).  Probably appeal to sake drinkers but an acquired taste for me since I have never drunk sake before (and, after this, I don't think I will if it tastes anything like this). >_<

#17 - Irvins Salted Egg Potato Chips (Hot Bomb)

Similar to the original salted egg potato chips which hails from Singapore, this is as's a hot bomb indeed (the heat hits you at the back of the throat as you eat more).  For those who subscribe to the motto "if it's not spiced, it's not nice" will surely favour this over the original version...but for some of us, it may be too hot to handle.

So, thank you again to all my 'snack givers'.....hey, if you continue to keep this up, there may possibly be enough 'material' for part three...hihihi! ^_~


  1. I was once nicknamed the Junk Food King by my wife who would tell everyone that I even snacks on my bed! She had to add on that I would line all the essential oils and snacks on the bed side!! Muahahaha That's washing dirty linen of mine.

    You are indeed so organized to slowly compile all the whole year of snack gifts and share them on this blog post. I salute and give you a Gold Medal for blogging in different and interesting styles. I love to read no matter how many pages it could be.

    Here's my own feedback:

    #2 Irvins Salted Egg Potato Chips - I love them and won't mind forking out RM25 to pamper and de-stress myself sometimes. I just cannot afford to eat this everyday.

    #4 Jenny Bakery's Butter Cookies - I must remember to try the coffee flavour next time! I still enjoyed their plain butter cookies.

    #5 Hersey's Chocolates - I used to worship this brand until I went to study in Pennsylvania where this brand was founded in Hersey's town itself. I had too much there as the lecturer even fed the class weekly with this Hersey's chocolates as they were so dirt cheap over there. Now I only set my eyes on Godiva & any other Belgian or Swiss brands.

    #7 Irvins Salted Egg Fish Skin - Yummy Yummeh! Bring on anytime! You have successfully lured me to buy one packet after office to surprise my wife today.

    #10 Godiva Mousse Truffles - This brand is so heavenly and I rarely had chance to eat this until I went to London earlier this year. My friend there gave me a huge box of this similar flavours and I sapu them all in 2 weeks before I left UK. So greedy & no paiseh!

    #13 Furikake - One blogger friend gave me this and I think he bought them from the 100 YEN shop in Japan. It was my first time seeing it and we loved to sprinkle them into our food. I must open my eyes wider on my next trip to Japan or the Nippon stores in KL. I love it.

    #15 Lindt's Chocolates - They are very good and pure chocolates! Why can't Malaysia make good chocolates, I just wonder?

    #16 Sake Kit Kat - I am a fan of Kit Kat and would even buy them as altar offering for my mum on her Death Anniversary Prayers. She loved them too. LOLOL I have not tried this Sake flavour yet and would love it since I am a fan of hot sake drinks.

    All the other items apart from above in your list are new to me! How I wish some kind friends and neighbours would shower me too.

    1. Oh wow, thank you for your l..e....n..g...h..t....y comments. I certainly appreciate you taking the time to write it...and I love reading your comments too, no matter how long. You have always been very appreciative when I put out these type of compilation blogposts. Among some of the encouraging adjectives you have thrown my way...brilliant, creative, big effort, so interesting, great lengths, walking encyclopaedia from the kitchen, learned something new, thank you, fabulous, informative and loved it! ^o^ And now you've even given me a Gold, thank you :) And you're right, it takes quite a bit of work to write these kind of summary posts...and I'm glad someone out there appreciates my effort.

      Now, coming back to your comments, you're such a kind-hearted soul that I'm sure you have lots of friends who shower you with gifts too (maybe not all edible...hehe). Get Irvins after work to surprise your wife? As I know, this Singaporean snack is not sold here but you can buy them online. Love Godiva chocolates anytime compared to others.

  2. Those salted egg snacks will be the death of me.

    1. It will be the death of many, many people...wahahahaha! :D

  3. Lucky you, got so many gifts! The Japanese sake kit kat I believe I got that not too long ago when my other brother and his family went for a holiday in Japan. Unfortunately I found the kit kat way too sweet and I could not eat! I would prefer to receive those salted egg munchies hee..hee...

    1. Crispy snacks are always popular. Yup, I agree, the kit kat was way too sweet...and that's why I don't like white chocolate. Still prefer dark chocolate anytime.

  4. i'm happy to accept the nuts, since i love nuts ... peanuts, cashews, pecans, pistachios, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts - i've eaten meals at home comprising nothing but nuts :D

    1. Wow, you really love your there any nut you don't like? ^_*

    2. i don't like macadamias :D

    3. That was the one nut I was thinking too that you don't like. ^_~

  5. I love trying snacks from around the world. The nuts would be my favourite.

    1. Good that you like nuts coz eating them is good for health :)

    2. Exactly. I like those healthy fats ;-)

  6. Wow, you must be having a lot of friends who always gift you souvenir all around the world! Biscuits, chocolate or snack souvenir certainly a trend now if compared with old school fridge magnets or key chains, LOL

    1. Friends & family know me...they get me 'eating' souvenirs! If they get me non-eating souvenirs, I will just wait for them to get old and dusty and then discard them...wuahahahaha! :D

  7. Where can I buy that furikake in Malaysia?

    1. You can buy them from most supermarkets (like Aeon)...just look for them at the Japanese section....or any Japanese stores (like Isetan).
