
Friday 7 June 2019

Lavender Bakery (Cakes) @ Pavilion

I'm a regular at Lavender Bakery @ Pavilion as it's one of my favourite and usual spots to buy pastries and bread whenever I'm at the mall (there's now one nearer me in MyTown Shopping Centre which I wasn't even aware of).

If I find myself at this mall, I'd almost always stop by to get myself some bread (like egg loaf, soft raisin ball, mini brioche buns, wheat buns and wholewheat bread) to make egg or bacon sandwiches, garlic bread or just having it with plain butter for my breakfasts.

It was on one of these trips here that I came across slices of banana cake at the cashier counter.  So, I got a slice @ RM1.40 a slice to try and liked it immediately.  The cashier told me that the banana cake is not something that's on their permanent menu.  After trying it, I thought it was quite nice...and hoped that it would make it to their permanent menu.

So, I was happy to see whole banana cakes on their shelves when I visited Pavilion some weeks later.  Glad that they've decided to put it on their permanent menu! ;)

The Banana Cake retails @ only RM11.90 for a whole whopping cake...that is an amazing price indeed (especially so when a piece of cake can cost even more than that these days).  It comes in a nice packaging too with a cute see-through banana apt! ^_~

It had a fair amount of banana flavour but without that artificial taste of banana essence.  More importantly, it wasn't all that sweet which is why I liked it.  Would I have liked a more intense banana flavour?  Sure.

This is a cross-section of the banana cake...which I managed to cut into 12 slices.

It may not be among some of the best banana cakes I've eaten but it's certainly decent in taste, more so if you take the price into consideration.  Where else can you get a whole cake for the price of a slice! O_o  I can't have any complaints.

Another cake I saw available was the Marble Butter Cake @ RM16.90 for a whole cake.  I got one too and it came in the same type of packaging.  The packaging makes it perfect as a gift to bring to say a makan party or simply gift it to someone.

The cake was nicely fluffy and soft, just like the banana cake, but missing a bit of that buttery, cocoa-chocolaty flavour.  Although if I wanted a marble cake, the first one that comes to mind would be the one from Yut Kee (RM18 now) but the last time I bought this, it tasted denser than I remembered it to be. :(

Here's a cross-section of the marble butter of twelve slices.

Each cake isn't very measures only about 6 x 2 inches but is still a sizeable cake considering the price paid.

Well, if you happen to be in Pavilion, these cakes are good buys for their amazing prices.  They're great as contributions to say a makan party, a kid's birthday or a child's school event/activity as they're presentable and easy on the wallet too (why slave over the oven to bake your own when you can just buy one off the shelf....*wink wink*!).

Otherwise, it's also ideal for your own consumption, especially if you're one (like me) who doesn't like cakes with lots of cloying cream and icing and prefer simple cakes like these.  Like life's simplest pleasures, a classic, simple piece of cake complemented with a cup of coffee is sheer enjoyment :)

Other whole cake flavours on offer include chocolate, walnut butter (RM19.90, the most expensive) and pandan chiffon (RM9.30, their least expensive cake).  I think they sell them by slices too as I saw them cutting and packing the banana cake into slices (now RM1.50 a slice).  Why bother to bake your own when you can get one from as little as RM9.30...haha! ;D


  1. Come to think of it, baking your own cake is a hassle - the time spent preparing the pan, measuring ingredients, mixing, washing up and the anxiety if the cake will turn out OK. But of course there's the plus side of putting in better ingredients etc. There is a Lavender at 1 Utama. I went in once or twice in the past to oogle at the cakes and pastries (I was on low carb diet at the time, so I just see see smell smell only) but did not buy any. Next time when I pass by, I will try some of their bakes. If the banana cake is available, I would like to try it. See how it compares to mine hah...hah...

    1. I think it will pale in comparison to your banana cake as yours, I'm sure, would have loads of fresh banana taste in it. I agree with you totally on the aspect of quality ingredients in homemade cakes. Sometimes it's not necessarily that the bakeries want to stinge on ingredients but the ease of making them with some component of artificial ingredients that makes the process a lot quicker.

  2. Those Marble cakes really look so tasty esp with coffee! I'm not a fan of Banana cake nowadays...

    1. A cup of coffee is fabulous with just about any cake :)

  3. I remember this bakery from 1 Utama. I think I had a wonderful apple sourdough here.

    1. Hmmm, I don't recall seeing sourdough...will keep an eye for it the next time I'm there shopping for bread. ^_~

  4. Looks like something that's back to basic without all those fancy deco, I'd love to try.

  5. the prices are quite astonishing - if i were a cafe owner, maybe i should just buy these cakes and sell them at my cafe for RM4.80 per slice :D i remember lavender used to have a restaurant at 1 utama, called l.table i think, which was pretty decent too :)

    1. Waah, I see you'll be a cafe owner that maximises profit, hehehe! ;) Actually, quite a lot of cafes do that these days, they sell cakes procured from a supplier or home baker. Imagine what the cost is like coz even at RM11.90 for a whole cake with packaging, the bakery can still make money. :O

  6. I bet you remember that I would collect leftover breads from the bakery at Leisure Mall once a week. I often shook my head when I placed all the funny looking bread and cakes into my huge PVC bag. That's because I am a fan of Lavender and Sun Moulin bakeries. I would pay more for good quality bread and cakes because the bakers would add more ingredients and effort to make them good.

    I agree with your comments about their actual costs and hefty profits that could keep their business alive! They have to discard so much unsold stuffs by 2 days.

    1. On the contrary, I think Lavender's prices are very reasonable. Even at RM1.50 a slice, they can still make money (indication that actual cost is really low). Imagine what the cafe makes (Sean's cafe...ahem!) if he buys the cake from Lavender and sell it for RM5 a slice...haha! :D

  7. Lavender Bakery always doing good business as there's always long queue at the cashier whenever I pass by.
