
Tuesday 4 June 2019

Just One Food - Tauhu Begedil Goreng

Ramadan is coming to a close...and, as usual, like any other year, I've been doing my jalan-jalan cari makan rounds at Ramadan bazaars for food.  Some stalls have come and gone but most of my favourite ones are still around.  Well, this year I was well 'behaved' and didn't go overboard by eating too much...and you do that by simply limiting yourself to only one item at each walkabout (as you can so easily get caught with overbuying when confronted with so many smells choices at the bazaar).

After many years of visiting my neighbourhood Ramadan bazaar, I knew exactly which ones I wanted and didn't waste time with trying new stalls like previous years.  I just zeroed in on those I've come to enjoy over the years (like nasi lemak with various lauk, fried popiah, cucur udang, various nasi goreng kunyit, fried chicken ball, ayam goreng berempah, satay & otak-otak).  I've already written four blogposts in the past (2015, 2016, 2017 & 2018) on these Ramadan goodies, no need to add another one.

But I'd like to highlight something new I came across at this year's Ramadan bazaar which I've not seen or had before, so I got some to try out of curiosity.  Maybe it's not new.....but it's new at my bazaar...and it's Tauhu Begedil Goreng (RM5 for 4) and there were two stalls peddling this! ^_~

What exactly is Tauhu Begedil Goreng?  Well, I'm very familiar with begedil as I always pick that when I buy Malay mixed rice.  It's basically a patty of mashed potatoes with minced meat (chicken or beef) coated in beaten egg before being deep-fried.  I especially love all the extra fried frizzy egg strands...crispy and yummy.

And I obviously know what tauhu is (in this case it's actually beancurd puff).  So, it looks like some genius decided to stuff a begedil into a piece of tauhu and then deep-fry it...and voila, we have a new creation called Tauhu Begedil Goreng, people! ;)

To make this, they first sumbat (stuff) this inti (filling) of begedil into a beancurd puff.

They then coat it in beaten egg (as I can see some frizzy egg strands) and deep-fry them into crispy morsels of pleasure.

And they serve it with this punchy sauce which initially looked very much like the sauce for rojak buah (fruit rojak).  I actually thought it was just thick, dark soya sauce only to realise it had deeper flavours when I had a taste of it.

It was sweet, salty and spicy all at once (made with key ingredients of kicap manis or sweet soy, brown sugar and fiery cili api).  It went very well with the tauhu begedil.

The tauhu begedil also came with some whole green bird's eye chillies.  These green cili api were probably thrown into the oil (at the last minute) just when the tauhu begedil is ready to be fished out of the wok as I noticed them scattered on the heaps of ready fried tauhu begedil.

I'm not sure how I'm supposed to eat them...bite into the chillies while taking a bite of the tauhu begedil?  I'd much rather have them sliced and scattered on the fried tauhu (but that would mean extra work for them).

What's not to like, right?  It's's's potatoes....and it has a kick-ass sauce.  It's a win-win formula (don't you think?)....crispy tauhu with a tasty begedil filling! ^.^

Great as a tea-time or break fast snack, just not too many at one go coz it gets kinda dry once you've had one too many.  I know of bet someone who bakes & cooks will make a success of these at home if she gave it a go. ^_*


  1. This Tauhu Begedil Goreng sounds so delicious. Your good description helped me to imagine and salivate at the same time!
    Today is the last day of Ramadhan, so I guess I will only get to try this Tauhu Begedil Goreng in 2020!

    I just had my last Buka Puasa cum Anniversary dinner 2 nights ago. I think I better post the food I ate in my blog today before Hari Raya.

    Happy Holidays to you.

    1. By 2020, this tauhu begedil goreng could be a thing of the past and taken over by some other new food sensation...hehe! ;D

  2. waaaaah ... this is more tauhu begedil in one post than i've eaten in one lifetime :D it's really fun to see how local recipes continue to evolve - wonder what you'll spot at the bazaar next year! :D

    1. Hopefully some other new local creation! ;)

  3. Hey, this is something new to me. After googling for the recipe, I noted that it was some sort of a sensation about a year ago and I did not even know about it. That sauce is sambal kicap and it would also be great with fried fish. BTW in your last paragraph, were you referring to me? (perasan mode on) hee..hee..hee..hee...

    1. Of course I was referring to there any other person I know who goes by the moniker 'bakes & cooks'?...kekeke! ;P

  4. Only went to param once this pausa month, now already raya.. too late liao.

  5. Is this inspired by our Yong Tou Foo of stuffed bean curd puff? ^__^

    1. I think it is...though the filling is quite their thing. Maybe next time they might learn to reverse the beancurd puffs inside out before frying (like what some of the Chinese stalls have done).
