
Friday 6 January 2017

Pretty On Plate @ Taman Maluri

After a fabulous lunch that brought the Christmassy feel and spirit, my friends and I headed to Pretty On Plate @ Taman Maluri for dessert and coffee.

Yes, you heard right....for more dessert coz, after all, the Texture of Chocolate we had earlier was such a tiny portion, it doesn't count....haha! ;D

Actually, we just wanted a place to chit-chat some more and the place was chosen purely because of its location near to a friend's subsequent appointment.

As it was the Christmas season when we came, the place was in full swing with Christmas-themed decoration complete with gingerbread house and gingerbread men.

There were also lots of very Christmassy desserts at the counter....including this edible look-alike Christmas wreath cupcakes! ;)

Also on sale were these freshly baked cookies (almond flakes, chocolate chips & walnut and rosette meringue) for the Christmas period.  For Chinese New Year, they'll have these for sale....Prosperity Crunch (almond crunchies), Lucky Bites (the same chocolate chips & walnut cookies), Golden Coins (a mixed nuts florentine of melon, sunflower and pumpkin seeds) and Pineapple Tarts (according to their Facebook).

As far as desserts go here, you basically have 4 choices...1) their signature brioche with ice cream and injected filling, 2) daily selection of individual desserts, 3) dessert platter with chef's pre-selected assortment of 8 mini pastries and 4) plated desserts after 6pm (which I read about) coz otherwise I wouldn't have known as I didn't see it on the menu in any way + the servers also did not promote nor highlight its availability to us (so I wouldn't know how one goes about ordering those unless one knows of its existence).

There were only 3 types of brioche left available by the time we got there close to 6pm, so I went with the Brioche - Mango Compote with Vanilla Custard & Coconut Ice Cream @ RM15.  Probably wins the cuteness factor with a vanilla custard filled syringe jabbing through the brioche and the fun factor of injecting the brioche with it.

Taste wise, I found the brioche to be dense and hard in texture and not buttery at all.  Though the coconut ice cream had a nice coconut flavour to it, I found it to be too sweet as well.  I didn't like this one bit.  Other fillings include peanut butter or chocolate with chocolate or strawberry yogurt ice cream.

Next, I browsed around their display chiller for a glimpse of their daily selection of individual desserts available that day.

I settled for the recommended Earl Grey Tea Mousse with Passionfruit Jelly & Almond Jaconde @ RM13 which the server mentioned as not very sweet.  Unfortunately, it turned out to be just that...sweet!

Sweetness aside, this dessert just tasted wrong on all levels for me.  I don't know how to describe it...let's just say it wasn't a very pleasant taste in my mouth! >_<  But I can certainly understand why people would choose this as it's a pretty-looking dessert.

Finally, since it was Christmas, we decided to order their dessert platter made up of a very pretty assortment of pre-selected mini pastries (which got our attention at the display chiller earlier on).

However, the Dessert Platter @ RM35 ended up to be just very pretty to look at....and not very pretty in the taste department! :'(

Top Row - Fruit Cake/Pavlova with Strawberry Compote/Petit Antoine/Christmas Tree Meringue.  (The Petit Antoine, made up of hazelnut dacquoise, crunchy feulletine, dark chocolate cream & milk chocolate chantilly, is also available in a regular portion for RM13).

Bottom Row - Raspberry Sorbet with Granola/Cheesecake Ball/Gingerbread Man/Lychee Raspberry Mousse (this one and the petit antoine were probably the slightly better tasting ones).

To say that the Dessert Platter didn't leave a lasting impression would be an understatement.  This platter definitely looked better than it tasted! >.<

Luckily, the coffees saved the day.....and the coffee art presentation were all very nicely done too.

We had two Salted Caramel Macchiatos @ RM13 each

two Cappuccinos @ RM10 each

and one Chocolate Matcha Latte @ RM14

My Personal Opinion

I  wasn't impressed with any of the desserts I tried here.  In fact, I pretty much want to forget it altogether. You probably might not be sampling the same dessert platter since the choice of these 8 petite portions changes depending on what the chef puts out.  Hopefully, the next time you're there, the pastries selection tastes much better than it looks.

Having said that, if you check their Facebook Page, there's certainly no denying that they can produce very pretty designer, wedding or customised cakes and cupcakes for all occasions.  Now if only they can follow that up with a taste that matches its looks.

In the end, they were just pretty on a plate....pretty in a cup even......but, sadly, that was pretty much it! :'(

Pretty On Plate
G3 Amaya Maluri
Jalan Jejaka 2
Taman Maluri
55100 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-9201 6661


  1. Too bad it was all about looks and not the taste. The chef should look into this and get the flavors right.

    1. I'm sure many will feel the flavours are right. It's probably just me....I'm either difficult to please or I've a taste bud that's different from the rest...haha! :D

  2. Presentations are pretty. I'd like to try a coffee there.

  3. Another Instagram friendly only place, prepare to say sayonara to it soon...

    1. Well, hopefully that's not the case. I may not like it but that doesn't mean others will not =)

  4. The whole place served all the nice Christmas treats and decors. I noticed you often traveled all over Klang Valley to dine and feast. I need to learn to be adventurous like you.

    1. It's not too late to start. I actually only became adventurous when I started blogging. I guess it's because of the need to feature new and different places on my blog...coz who would want to read the same old food and places, right? ;)

  5. Oh desserts, a lot of desserts! Women really have separate tummy for dessert(s) huh, hehe ^__^

    1. Hehe....these are petite portions...and they were shared out between a few mouths, so it wasn't really a lot! ^_~
