
Wednesday 4 January 2017

Dondang Sayang (Christmas High Tea) @ Corus Hotel

Happy New Year 2017 everyone!  How was your new year celebrations?  Good, I anticipation of a good year ahead even if it might not be.

For the first time, I'm starting the year without any scheduled posts in my draft folder.  I used to have at least two weeks worth (sometimes even three) of scheduled posts.  That's because (of late) I've grown tired (and definitely lazier) of writing...haiz....I've slackened so much that I've fallen behind on my writing.  I guess that's bound to happen when you've been at it for some years :(

So, maybe my new year resolution should blog less.....wahahahaha! :D  That's right.  Can?  I know, I know...what kind of a resolution is that?  A resolution should be a promise to do an act of self-improvement or something better...not the other way round! >_<

Sorry for the little deviation.  OK, coming back to this post.....the last time we were here was more than a year ago for an Easter High Tea Buffet.  As usual, when you have a group of more than ten, buffet is a logical choice.

So, here we were again (on an invite from my sister-in-law's family) for a Christmas High Tea Buffet @ Dondang Sayang, Corus Hotel on Christmas Day.  It was their treat (but, if you need to know, the price was RM80 nett per person).

It was a super busy day with the place not only fully taken up but extra tables had to be set up to accommodate the crowd.  And because it was super packed that day, photo taking had to take a back seat.

This giant Christmas tree greeted us at the entrance to the coffee house.

Some snapshots of the Christmas decorated buffet the beginning when it wasn't so chaotic.

Also some shots of the lovely desserts at the counters (before they were all gone)...and that was pretty much it! ;)

So, let me just show you what I had.....and it wasn't much either.  For some reason, I wasn't very hungry that day...probably because I ate breakfast before heading there....haha! ;D

Bowl #1 - Cream of Tomato (this one I enjoyed as it was thick and creamy, and not too acidic)

Plate #2 - Healthy Stuff from the Salad Bar ;)

Plate #3 - Black Pepper Chicken, Lemon Chicken, Thai-style Sweet & Sour Fish & Fried Squid Rings.  I saw other stuff like satay, fried meehoon, two types of pasta, hot dog, lasagna, mashed potatoes, a cheese counter and others I can't remember now.

Bowl #4 - Mee Rebus (one of the better tasting things that day)

I was lucky enough to be passing by when I saw this fresh tray of nachos coming out.

Plate #5 - Of course, I had to get myself a plate with some extra condiments of minced meat and fresh salsa dip...yum :)

It's not Christmas if there's no turkey, right?  Again, I was at the right place at the right time...when a freshly cooked whole turkey made its appearance.

Plate #6 - #AnythingButTurkeyBreast with brown jus & cranberry sauce (my favourite of the day)

Finally, Glass(es) #7 - these were the only desserts I had....I swear!

I started with Teh Tarik and ended with Coffee (surprisingly, this time, there weren't any chilled juices).

My Personal Opinion

Although there wasn't a wide selection but it was still plenty enough to satisfy any appetite...and all for a reasonable price of RM80.  Of course, based on the price, we also can't expect it to have the more premium choices of food, like what other hotels are offering, coz those would be priced well above RM100.

In the end, it serves the purpose of having a comfortable venue for a get-together during Christmas.  We were probably one of the last tables to leave, not because we were still busy eating, but because we were busy chit-chatting! ^.^

Corus Hotel Kuala Lumpur
Dondang Sayang Coffee House
Jalan Ampang
50450 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-2161 8888


  1. i think the turkey does elevate the high tea (i only expected to see it served for dinner), and makes it worth the RM80 nett, considering the prices that were charged everywhere for takeaway turkeys last christmas :D maybe the NY resolution could be to blog the amount that makes you happy, without worrying too much about frequency. though of course, i too haven't been able to take that advice myself :D

    1. I think you hit the nail on the blog the amount that makes one happy...that should be the way (always)....and not be overly concerned about frequency. Yeah, I was surprised to see turkey offered at the buffet which makes the RM80 tag very reasonably priced :)

  2. That was quite a spread and loads of desserts. The choices are not too bad, I see things that I like (besides the desserts hee..hee..). The nachos seem so sparse of toppings. I guess it has to be that way or else they will get soggy very fast. Ah, turkey! I have yet to taste turkey, believe it or not >.< Hey, the desserts you had, all three glasses? hee..hee...

    1. Haha...only 3 glasses mah! I didn't eat any other desserts, you know...hee..hee! Oh, you must try least once. As for the nachos topping, you're'll get soggy, so they actually had the toppings separately (on the side) for you to add as much as you like (which I did) to the nachos ^_*

  3. I often prefer to eat High Teas at hotels as their prices would not gag my throat and the buffet spread would be just nice! Those high end lunches and dinner buffets often hit at least RM150! I just saw the StRegis-NYEve dinner at over RM10K per table!!!! ~Faints~
    I like Christmas theme as the food are colourful like what you have shared with lots of desserts like Xmas muffins, jelly and mousse puddings! I am sweet toothed!

    1. Anything under RM100 is a great deal when it comes to buffet in hotels. Yeah, those high end dinners costing RM300 per person, I still can't bring myself to go for those. What?...RM1K!!....~double faints~

  4. Hope it's not too late to wish you & your family a very Happy New Year!
    I've been to this cafe for Christmas buffet dinner, 2 years ago if not mistaken :P

    1. It's never too late when it comes to wishes. Happy New Year to you and your family too =)

  5. I've heard that this hotel does really well with tourists. I guess it's a convenient location, but also a reasonable price compared to others in similar locations in the city.

    1. I think it's popular choice with tourists because it's affordably priced at a prime location opposite KLCC.
