
Monday 5 September 2016

Sweetland (Curry Laksa) @ Taman Delima, Cheras

After trying out the curry laksa at One Yulek, Cheras, we went looking for another (the following week) courtesy of a review by themalaymailonline.  This time our curry laksa hunting brought us to Sweetland @ Taman Delima, Cheras (if you ask me, I'd probably guess that this shop sells "tong sui" or sweet soups).  

Walking in on a late Sunday morning, I instantly didn't like the dark and dodgy feel of the place which was pretty empty and devoid of customers.  But we stayed primarily out of curiosity (and hope) that perhaps we might find a good bowl of curry mee here.

I immediately went looking for the curry mee stall and placed our orders.  Right after I placed our orders, the curry mee seller told me that she doesn't have "see hum" (blood cockles) today.....what, no see hum??! So disappointing!  *Potong markah* (minus marks) at the onset already!! :'(

This was my bowl of Curry Mee @ RM6 which came with shredded chicken, long beans, bean curd puffs and pieces of rehydrated pig skin.  For RM6, I thought it would come with poached chicken pieces (since the other one in One Yulek cost only RM5.50 with poached chicken) but got shredded chicken breast instead! >.<  

Judging at how the curry was topped with mint leaves and served with sambal and half a calamansi lime, this has to be a Penang version (but without seafood or coagulated pig's blood).  The curry broth was too light and diluted with very little was no where near a good curry mee for us.  

And this was my spouse's bowl of Curry Mee also @ RM6 which had some fish and meatballs (since he doesn't like poached chicken) and all the usual stuff in the other bowl.  The only positive I can take away from this is that the bowl of curry mee had a lot of noodles (so much so even my spouse wondered why).  He looked around and saw that other people's bowls of curry mee seemed smaller than ours.  It was only then that we realised we were probably given 'big' when we didn't ask for it.  *Potong markah* again (default size should always be 'small' unless we ask for 'big' and I don't take kindly to stall owners who take it on themselves to make a quick buck by giving us 'big' when we are 'silent' on the size).  No wonder there were so much noodles until I couldn't finish my bowl and the below par curry didn't help either.

Although the curry laksa in One Yulek wasn't among some of the better ones I've had, it was still miles better than this one.  After the disappointing curry mee, I was in no mood to take photos of the pan mee (from the same curry mee stall) and a western breakfast.  Anyway, it's not like you missed out on anything worthwhile.

To make matters worst, my "kopi-o ping" (iced coffee) was terrible and my son's soya bean drink (those already pre-packed in a sealed plastic cups) came with a dirty straw.  On checking the soya bean, I saw that it was three days to expiry.  I asked for it to be changed to something else.

My Personal Opinion

First and last time.  So not coming back.  No way.  Not in a million years.  Heck no.  Ok, I think you get the message.....wakakakaka! :D

Restoran Sweetland
No 65 Jalan 34/154
Taman Delima
56000 Cheras


  1. Not a good one :( Well, at least you tried. So the first impression you had was correct hah..hah...

    1. I was hoping my first impression was not correct...haiz! >.<

  2. How dare you judge that the curry mee is Penang version, when they bother to sell even when they have no see hum? Penang folks will rise up in arms against you! XD

    1. So, you mean your Penang hawkers (selling curry mee) will not open shop when they don't have see hum for the day? Wah, that's good coz I'm usually pissed when they don't have see hum.

    2. The few that I know, yes they will not sell on days they don't have see hum. That rarely happens though...

  3. The soup looks intense in flavors from your photo, most probably because of the deep red hue :P

    1. Don't let the looks fool you...haha! :D The proof of the pudding is in the eating! ;)

  4. So would you return? Ha, ha.. just joking - not visiting on your advice.

    1. Don't take my advice.....who knows, you might like it...hehe! ^_*

  5. eeks - it sounds like even see hum might not have salvaged the situation ... unless they had been really juicy, bloody, flavourful see hum! :D

    1. You're right...there's no see hum in this world that could have saved this bowl of curry mee (for me).....haha! ;D
