
Wednesday 7 September 2016

Just One Food - Ikea's Curry Puffs

When it comes to curry puffs, I've always enjoyed eating Ikea's Curry Puffs.  I used to eat them quite often back in the days, some 10 years back, when I was shopping frequently at Ikea Mutiara Damansara! ^_*

That was because my house was going through some renovations and I had to get all the new furniture, fixtures and fittings I needed from Ikea.  When all that was done and completed, I stopped going to Ikea altogether (and stopped eating their curry puffs) until a new one opened in Cheras late last year.  I've been to this new Ikea a couple of times now and have since got reacquainted with them Ikea Curry Puffs again....hehe! :D

Right off the bat, I noticed two things.....and I'm hoping my memory serves me, the price of half a dozen curry puffs has remained unchanged @ RM5.50 (or RM1 for one).  Whoa! O_o.....10+ years later and they've not increased the price?  Thumbs up!!

Two, the curry puffs are now packed in just a brown paper bag instead of a nice and easy-to-carry paper box previously.  This is probably one of the ways they've cut costs and maintain the price of their curry puffs...use a cheaper packaging!  Although, presentation-wise, it doesn't look as good (with the oil seeping through the paper bag) :D  And now that Ikea has dispensed with plastic bags altogether, you get this as it is...which is a bit troublesome to carry around and, worst still (when you get to your car), you can't hang it or put it on the car seat (because of the oil seepage).  So, remember to bring your own (recyclable) bag if you intend to buy these! ;)

All the way home, the aroma of the curry puffs permeated throughout my car.  On reaching home, it was time for a taste see if it still tastes the same after all these years.

It still had the slight crisp on the crust that I remembered (maybe just a tad softer by the time I got home).

It still had that nice and soft but not-too-flaky crust.

It still had that hard-boiled egg pieces inside....maybe a smaller piece?

The filling of chicken and potatoes was still there.....just couldn't taste the scant chicken.

Alas, it wasn't quite as good as it used to be (or as I remembered it to be)....not because the taste was different.....but because the filling was not as plump as yesteryears (you can see some gaps in the filling....hehe!).

Even though the filling has reduced over time, it's still a very decent curry puff (by my standards and one I still enjoy eating)....and you have to give them props for maintaining the price all these years (when everything and anything has gone up in price)! >_<


  1. I still love their curry puffs. I remembered the ice cream and curry puffs were like RM1.00 each at the very beginning. I don't recall about the paper boxes except another famous curry puff shop in Damansara Uptown that sold in paper boxes.

    1. Yup, there were those nice-to-carry paper boxes...but only when you buy half a dozen, otherwise it'd come in paper bags. I think the ice cream is still sold at RM1! :)

  2. No lah, their food is not their main revenue generating avenue. Their food is used to lure people to visit and hopefully spend on big ticket furniture. So their food always remain cheap.

    1. Their snacks, like curry puffs and ice cream, are cheap....but I don't consider their food (mains), like Swedish meatballs and salmon, to be all that cheap though.

  3. ooo, i'd forgotten all about their curry puffs ... the last time i had one was in 2003, when i was shopping at ikea for the furnishing at my place (that was the last time i needed to set foot in ikea). love puffs with hard-boiled eggs in them. i wonder whether they maintain the puff prices cos they get all the profit they need from their furniture sales anyway, heh :)

    1. Probably...and, like you, I stopped eating the curry puffs once I was done with refurnishing my home....until the Cheras one popped up near me and I got reacquainted...hehe! ;D

  4. I've heard positive things about their curry puffs. There's no way I'm going to Ikea Cheras again though! We visited once and found the traffic to get in and out of the carpark tremendous and the crowds in the shop itself just made it worse. No Ikea for me - so I guess no curry puffs either. ;-)

    1. Yeah, I heard the weekend crowd is quite mad...try going early on a morning weekday (I had no problems when I did).

  5. All I have ever heard of is their meatballs. I haven't been to Ikea for the longest time. The last time I had curry puffs, they were from Old Chang Kee. If I remember correctly, that one also has a hard boiled egg wedge in it.

    1. Yes, the Old Chang Kee ones have hard boiled egg wedges in them...I love curry puffs that have them but the Old Chang Kee ones I find the crust a bit too thick and hard.

  6. Still one of the best curry puffs with great value!

  7. Ikea's curry puff definitely not the best version I've ever had but it really has an addiction factor that attract so many fans :P Proved by the constant long q

    1. Yeah, it may not be one of the best in terms of taste but certainly one of the best in terms of value...these days! ;)

  8. Gosh this is making me drool! How I was Ikea in Sydney has curry puffs too!!! T.T

    1. I think the curry puffs are available in some other Ikea stores (like Ikea Singapore) but not the one in Sydney, huh? What a bummer...otherwise you can have a taste of home in Sydney! ^_*
