
Thursday 21 April 2016

Olfactory Bulb @ Kota Damansara

To think that my friends and I would get by with a meet-up that doesn't involve coffee somewhere in our agenda would seem impossible to comprehend.

So, to get our coffee fix on, after our tea interlude at Lancelot Tea-Guild, we headed to Olfactory Bulb @ Kota Damansara.  It's a coffee, cocktails and dessert bar that's been around for about a year.  We've had coffee...and we've had cocktails...but all-in-one glass, we have not...but this is a coffee mixology bar after all! ;)

Tucked away on the first floor, the place was rather quiet with just two tables occupied when we stepped in. Then again, the timing that we were there was pre-dinner time, so it's as expected but I would think the place will certainly come alive for after-dinner drinks.

You have the option of sitting on the cooler inside (but be warned that the air-conditioning is freakin' cold) or the warmer alfresco smoking area outside.  I'm usually the one who complains about the place being not cold enough but even I had to succumb to the comfort and warmth of a blanket (offered by their staff...sweet).

A glance at their drinks menu highlights imported beer, signature cocktails, espresso cocktails, hot alcoholic coffees, summer drinks, smoothies, coffees and organic teas on offer.  Since we were here for some coffees, let's start with just that.

From the coffee menu, they have espresso, long black, piccolo latte, cafe latte, nutella latte, flavour-infused latte (hazelnut, macadamia, Irish, salted caramel, amaretto & coconut) and affogato (with Kapiti vanilla bean ice cream).

Cold Nutella Latte @ RM15

Hot Cafe Latte @ RM11

Hot Cappuccino @ RM11
(not on the menu but they were more than happy to oblige)
All the coffees were spot on.

But since this was a coffee mixology bar, we just had to try one of their alcoholic coffees.  My friend suggested the OFB Irish Coffee @ RM35 made with Jameson Irish Whiskey, Kahlua, espresso, maple syrup and topped with whipped cream.  Taking a sip without stirring in the whipped cream (as recommended by the server as one of the ways to drink it), it was 'hard core' (the taste of whiskey) for us non-drinkers! :D

Taking a sip after stirring in the whipped cream, the taste was less intense but still 'hard core' for me.  That's it...two sips and I'm done! >_<  I left it to my friends to finish it but I'm glad I tried it at least once.  For drinkers who love coffees as well, I can certainly understand why this would appeal to them.

I went with a summer drink of The Four Elements @ RM16 knowing that we'd need something refreshing to fall back on if the alcoholic coffee proved to be too much...and I was right, everyone was sipping this.

The description says the drink is a combination of green tea, grapefruit syrup, passion fruit syrup, sour plum and bitter lemon.  Not to worry, you can't taste the red chilli pepper even after it's been dunked in the drink. But the server suggested that one way we could drink this is by taking to a small bite of the red chilli before taking a way I was going to do that :P  But my friends were up for the challenge and did just that...let's just say they soon regretted their actions (haha!).

We also tried two of their Wafflemess, one alcoholic and one not.  The server urged us to try one of their new creations, the Sangria Berry Mess (Alcoholic) @ RM28 with Kapiti summer nectarine ice cream, Vodka blackberry syrup, spiced rum infused berries, cranberries, toasted almond flakes and whipped cream.

We were glad we went with her recommendation instead of our would-be choice of Whiskied and Whipped. The Kapiti ice cream was lovely and the chopped up waffle pieces were warm and crispy.  Everything worked together in unison for a delicious bite.  This waffle, even with the rum infused berries, didn't have any lingering taste of alcohol so much so that my friend's little one was able to partake in this too.

For our non-alcoholic waffle, I chose the Som Tam @ RM24 because the description was filled with many ingredients I love....Kapiti lemongrass and ginger ice cream, lemon cream, promegranate syrup, young papaya kerabu, chicken serunding, crushed tom yam flavoured peanuts and kaffir lime leave.

The experience was like eating a Thai green papaya salad...only difference was it came with a lemongrass and ginger ice cream!  The flavours of the ice cream and the so-called papaya salad eaten on its own was no doubt good...but together, I wasn't so sure.  This was a bit over-the-top for me (the other waffle was much better).

As the evening sky descended into the night, the place became more alluring...dark and cosy with the soft lighting from the glowing light bulbs providing a romantic ambience, perfect for couples on a date! ;)

My Personal Opinion

OFB certainly pushes the boundaries with their unique take on waffles and alcoholic coffees.  If you like something distinctive unlike anything else, then this could be worth your while.

The place offers the best of both three worlds....cocktails for drinkers, coffee for non-drinkers.....and alcoholic coffee for those in-between who wants both...hehe!  When you're in a place like this (and borrowing words from their Facebook page), it's never too late to drink coffee and never too early to drink alcohol.....amen to that! ;D

Olfactory Bulb Coffee Mixology
No 15-2 Dataran Sunway
Jalan PJU 5/13 Kota Damansara
47810 Petaling Jaya
Tel: 03-6151 1108


  1. i like the folks who run this place ... they push the boundaries and they do it well, confidently and quietly! :)

  2. The moment I saw the words [Nutella] I kind of tuned out everything else, I will definitely order that!

  3. Kerabu with ice cream? That I won't mind trying. I'll just eat them separately hee..hee...

  4. Drinking liquor makes the body warm, that's why they turn the aircond to so cold and instead of adjusting the aircond, they chose to give customers blankets instead. Interesting! I wonder do they wash the blanket after each use and how many blankets they have in total for customers.

    Seems like a place for the adventurous drinkers and non drinkers friends who like coffee, waffles and ice creams.

    The closest thing I have had of liquor and coffee is Sheridans Coffee Layered Liqueur which I tried a bit only.

    1. I'm sure they do wash the blankets but how often I wouldn't know. The blanket we got was in good condition. If there are more drinkers than non-drinkers, they won't need many blankets! ;D

  5. Restaurant that offers blanket to the patrons, a good gesture especially customer like me that afraid of cold~~

    1. Yeah, I was pleasantly surprised too. Well, now you know you'll be kept warm here ;)
