
Wednesday 20 April 2016

My Fairy Collection

Warning!!!  What you're about to see is...cuteness and sweetness overload! :D

 Today I'm taking a break from my usual food and cooking posts to write about something all of us went through, at one time or another, and that's when we go crazy over a certain thing and start a collection.  I'm no different, I went through those crazy spells too....and have many collections (note the plural form of the words "spells" and "collections") >.< 

Let me show you my first "craze" and the start of my very first collection (many, many years ago).....fairies!

It all started with the purchase of these initial four medium-sized fairies.  I remembered that there were more than four designs though I only have four in my collection.  The reasons were they were pretty expensive back then + I soon got attracted to the bigger fairies on display.

I was instantly drawn to these fairies because of their intricate and detailed designs from the folds of their dresses to the detailed flowers on their hair, dress and hands.

Fairy #1

Fairy #2

Fairy #3

Fairy #4

Then these five large-sized fairies caught my attention and these were even more intricate in design...and more expensive too.  The dresses had more designs and the dress folds looked more real.  This time, the absolutely beautiful fairies' wings were made of very thin and transparent fabric wrapped around a wire.  And, most of all, the expressions on the fairies were sweet and angelic! :)

Fairy #5

(captured from different angles)

Fairy #6

(captured from different angles)

Fairy #7

(captured from different angles)

Fairy #8

(captured from different angles)

Fairy #9

(captured from different angles)

After spending a sizeable amount of money (then) on these large fairies, I moved on to buy cheaper ones like these five small-sized fairies! :'(

These small-sized fairies' expressions were downright adorable....and don't they look like little angels?  There were also the extra details of flowers, beetles, butterflies and tutus.

Fairy #10

Fairy #11

Fairy #12

Fairy #13

Fairy #14

And then, one fine day, my fairies fad and obsession came to an end.

Till today, they still sit (ever so proud and angelic) in my display cabinet at home.

I know that these fairies will 'deteriorate' over time and putting them in my blog will help 'immortalise' them forever! ;)

This is just one of the few crazy collections I have...perhaps, I might showcase some others in the future....who knows?! ;D


  1. Seriously hah..hah... I must say that the fairy figurines are rather pretty. But I'm not into these things, I just look and admire. It did remind me of the ballerina figurines in my late grandma's house. Not that I want to scare you (you probably don't believe in these things anyway) but I have a phobia for figurines because I had some spooky experiences with them. Maybe I watched too many horror movies or I'm too much of a scaredy cat hee..hee..

    1. Don't put thoughts in my mind...haha! Anyway, these are sweet and angelic faces....nothing spooky! :D

  2. I didn't expect this at all. When I read the first line with "cuteness overload" in it, I thought it would be a long overdue Cookie post again!

    These figurines, best to just see from other blogs (like yours), if anyone gives these things to me, they will be covered in dust or worse, forgotten within weeks. >.<

    1. No-one (with a sane mind) will give these things to a guy, of course! :D

      Hmmm....long overdue Cookie post? I should write one soon then...hehe! ;)

  3. U must be spent quite a lot for these collections :P

    1. Not a lot was long ago, so prices were cheaper then.

  4. They are so pretty! Thanks for sharing. Previously I only collected stamps and first day covers, nothing as special as your fairy collections. At first I couldn't tell how much bigger those big fairies are until your last few photos. Those big fairies are really big when compared to the medium and small ones. Are they all made of porcelain? If yes, I don't think they will 'deteriorate' that easily when you always take good care of them. Was each group bought from different stores under different brands?

    1. Yes, they're made of porcelain, some with a smooth finish, some not. Those with a smooth finish are easier to keep clean. Those with fabric wings deteriorate faster. I bought all from the same store but may have been different brands or collections.

  5. the first thing that struck me too was how beautifully intricate they are ... i love the poses, the expressions, the grace and elegance ... great artistry! i can see why you collected them! :) i can't choose a favourite cos they're all really nice ...

    1. Yeah, they're all very intricate in design with angelic expressions. That's why I had a hard time choosing a few and ended up with a collection! ;D
