
Thursday 7 May 2015

Just One Food - Mini Pineapple

I love to eat pineapples and I would usually buy the cut fruit from fruit vendors (I don't buy whole pineapples coz it's too much for one person to consume + I hate to skin the pineapple...too much work!).  Sometimes, if you're lucky, you end up with a sweet one but for the most times, it's not!  At times, it's so tart, it numbs my tongue :'( and basically ruins my taste buds for the rest of the day.
But that was before I discovered the mini pineapple! :D
The first time I saw this fruit was on Mun's blog and barely 2 weeks later, while I was having breakfast at my neigbourhood coffee shop, this young lady passed by our table selling the exact same mini pineapples.
I was overjoyed coz I wanted to try them.  I asked her how much and she said RM10 for 3.  If I had not seen it (or know how much it costs) on muntalksfood, I probably wouldn't have bought it since it isn't that cheap...more than RM3 for something so's even smaller than a Granny Smith apple (after it has been cut)!
On googling, I found out that this is indeed the Mini Thai Pineapple.  Appearance wise, the baby pineapple looks exactly the same as the larger pineapple.  Taste wise, the flesh is a lot sweeter and juicier than the usual larger varieties...and has a more intense pineapple flavour. 
The inner core of the mini pineapple is completely edible.  You can devour it (like I did)'s tender, sweet and crunchy unlike the larger member of the pineapple family where it's tough and fibrous....and inedible!
Here's a picture I found online of the cut and uncut ones.  If you love eating pineapples, you have got to try this one...and you'll forever be converted....and you won't go back to your regular pineapples anymore! ;p
As great as they are eaten fresh, I can just imagine how equally great they'll be in a salsa, salad or simply grilled!  Or even as pineapple jam or in pineapple tarts (they're so sweet already, you probably wouldn't need to add any sugar).
I have since gone searching for this mini pineapple at the morning market as well as the fruit shops in my neighbourhood...I've not found them yet! :(  I've yet to try the "pasar malam" (night market) and supermarkets.  Even if I do find them, they'll probably be the uncut version, so I won't be jumping for joy anytime soon.  Hopefully, our paths will cross soon and I'm destined to meet the young lady selling these again!
Till then, I'll be thinking of you.....yellow sweet juicy tiny cute adorable tasty pineapple!

Update (15.05.2015):  I've since found these mini pineapples selling at my neigbourhood pasar malam....yay!

They are selling them at RM10 for 3 (mini ones) or RM10 for 5 (really mini ones)...hope you find one at a pasar malam near you! ;D


  1. Wow, smaller than an apple? I do love pineapple. I wonder if they've been naturally cultivated or if they're GMO?

    1. I think I need to clarify the statement about it being smaller than an apple....that's only after it has been cut (so, I updated my blog on this), otherwise it would be really small in the uncut version. I'm not sure if they have been genetically modified but I read that they can be found growing in Thailand, Brazil and Hawaii.

    2. Hi.. i'm craving for this mini pineapple where is your neighbourhood pasar malam?

  2. That's so so cute!!! Our celebrated Sarikei pineapples are very small too but not this small and they're oval, not round. I wonder where these came from, sure would want to try.

    1. Cute is one thing...but they're also very delicious! Our ones here probably came from Thailand. When I googled it, I cam across sixthseal's blog who ate them in Phuket in 2013....we're so outdated!

      Hope you get to try them one day :)

  3. Mini pineapple is something new to me, such a small pineapple definitely not easy to handle.

    1. Yes, not easy to cut....but very easy to eat!

      Thanks for dropping by my blog.

  4. I was also very curious about this pineapple after seeing it on Mun's blog. So far I have not come across this mini pineapple as yet. And I am with you on peeling pineapple. I hate it! So much work! hah,,hah,,,

    1. I guess you have to 'work' (like cooking too) for things that taste good! ;) Hope you come across one in future.

  5. Go back to the same restaurant and wait for her, then ask her for more details! XD

    1. It's easier said than done. She goes from coffee shop to coffee shop (she's not 'parked' at one shop), so bumping into her again is not that easy. There's a malay lady who sells fried snacks (also going from shop to shop) that has one that I really like and I've not bumped into her again...for months! :(

  6. I ate the inner core too. You are so si mun to cut it up to eat. I just held it like a lollipop and chomped it all away. I wonder how much they are sold for if uncut. Do let us know when you find some uncut ones. :D

    1. I'm not that si mun...I cut it up for the benefit of my readers so that they can see the inside core as well. Plus I was afraid if I held it by its stem and chomp on it, all that juice is going to spurt everywhere (but my spouse did eat it like that)! :D

      Actually I asked the fruit seller at the morning market and he said he knows about these mini pineapples but they don't bring them in coz they're expensive (and don't keep very long) and customers will not buy when they hear the price. Oh dear, I think it's not going to be easy to find uncut ones! :'(

  7. Finally I found that at sempah genting !
    4 for rm10 , and it damn delicious ..
    I'm not a fan of pineapple, but at this moment I'm a fan of #minipineapple #tinypineapple.
    Loves that so much 😍😘😍
