
Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Cookie's Weird (but Cute) Snoozing Positions!

My adorable cat, Cookie, has become somewhat of a 'mini celebrity' on my blog.  He likes it when I make a post about him coz he loves all the attention.

Since there was a request (notice the emphasis on 'a') to feature my cat more on my blog, I'll do just that today.  I'm going to feature some of his many sleeping positions....zZzz..

He likes to snooze on our sofa.  Cookie says "Everybody off the couch, it's all mine!"

He also likes to sleep on the study table..

......or on our dining table

He likes the dining table so much that I have to cover half of it with a table cloth these days.
In fact, any table will do!  Cookie says "I'll just blend in with the shape of the table!"

But, wait, aren't these common positions most 'normal' cats sleep in?  If there's one thing my Cookie ain't...and that's normal!  Let me show you some of his weird-but-cute and not-so-normal positions.

For some unexplainable reason, he likes to sleep with his legs open showing off his puny balls (and his little wee wee) for the whole world to see (luckily he's a 'he' and not a 'she')! XD

Here he is again with his indecent 'exposure'!  Close your eyes!

With legs wide open again even when he's sleeping in his cage (and, for some reason, he likes to squeeze into the breadth of the cage instead of lengthwise where it's more spacious).
He's ever so proud to show you his 'manly' side ;D  *Cut!  Sensored!*
He also likes to sleep with his hands up (nope, I didn't say freeze)...

.....or folded into cute T-Rex hands ;D
This is him snoozing on the study table with his head hanging out once...he was on the verge of falling off but recovered in the nick of time.  I'm sure all of us have seen videos of cats sleeping on top of TVs and falling actually does happen! :D
I sometimes wonder if other cats sleep like my Cookie! ;D

You may think that my Cookie is so weird....but he obviously thinks otherwise.  In the words of Cookie...
And that's how my Cookie rolls....or, more precisely, sleeps (most of the time)!!! XD
P/S:  Cookie says "I'm canvassing for more fans *wink wink* so that I can be featured more often on this me some love!  Muacks!!


  1. Nice looking feline, such lovely fur.

    1. Cookie: Oh, thanks...I keep my fur lovely and shiny with a strict diet! ;D

  2. Cookie is so cute! And quite the exhibitionist hee..hee...

    1. Cookie: So cute?.....Muacks! Exhibitionist?...If you have it....flaunt it! ;D

  3. I don't think I've ever seen a cat sleep like that, with the belly facing up and of course showing off his "manhood"! But I do know that with cats, there are only two major times in a day: eat time and sleep time, so Cookie is normal in this sense! XD

    1. Cookie: You forgot one more major time....shit time! :D :D

  4. awww so cute ... am looking forward to future photos of cookie ... cookie eating, cookie playing, and cookie getting a bath once in awhile? :D

    1. Cookie: Aww....thanks! Future pics of Cookie eating, cooking problem. Cookie can do...I only go to professionals for my grooming! ;)

  5. Lol..i had a cat once. Ya the birdie sometimes come out when he is sleeping 😃

    1. Cookie: Is that why you're called Small Kucing...hee...hee! What happened to your cat lah?
