
Monday 16 February 2015

#ewew fries Prawn Crackers

After seeing suituapui's blog about prawn crackers (and his comment that he has never seen this type of prawn cracker), I thought I might as well include my favourite prawn crackers in a post.  I make these (which means I fry them only lar) on a yearly basis (without fail).  They're my most favourite thing to eat during Chinese New Year.
I usually buy these homemade prawn crackers from the same vendor at the Pandan Perdana market (or sometimes from an ex-colleague of mine).
These ones I bought are from the Pandan Perdana market and they come in a packet of 600g and is sold at RM24 a pkt (I can get about 4 1/2 large containers from 1 pkt).
These prawn crackers resemble a somewhat fat fettuccine (in terms of shape). 
As it comes in a long noodle strand, you have to break it up into about 1-inch pcs before frying, otherwise it's impossible to fry them in one continuous strand.
Fry up these little babies in hot oil and drain on paper towels.  I like these ones coz they really have prawn taste in them (unlike some).  They might not look very pretty but they sure taste great :-)
These ones are cooled enough to be stored in large containers......ready to be gifted away...I need to go fry up some more!
There are also these crab stick crackers that my son likes (which I don't know how to make).  I was told it's made from those fake crab sticks (my mom said you just peel the crab sticks into strands and fry them up.  If so, how do they make them so crispy...flour?).  She did make them one year but it wasn't quite successful (so, it wasn't so simple after all)....ah well, that's why my sister buys them from the 'experts' who know how to make them (and this year the one she bought was really crispy) can see that they're in thick strands (not the thin ones like most are)! :D
The other thing that I like to eat are these fried (dried) prawn rolls.  I wouldn't even dream of making these (not that I know anyway) as it's a lot of work.  My sis gifted me these as well (from Tong Kee).
The one thing my mom is successful at making....and that's frying cashew nuts.  Her fried cashew nuts contain no salt.  She would make them every year and give them away to family members.
Besides these, I've received other goodies from family, friends and neighbours but these are the few that I really like.  I don't need much, just a few fried stuff is more than sufficient to satisfy my simple needs.  After all, how much can 3 people eat anyway, especially when we're not 'snackers' ;)

Also, this is the first year (after many, many years) that I've decided not to buy any "long yoke" (barbequed dried meat) simply for 3 reasons...1) I'm trying not to eat them, 2) they've gone up in prices so much over the years that it's ridiculous and 3) I don't want to get shortchanged on the weight and be 'cheated' anymore (see my earlier write-up here)!

Over the years, I've actually cut back on buying Chinese New Year goodies as most end up unfinished long after the festivities are, waste not, want not!  In fact, there's no necessity to buy any nowadays as mine are usually gifted to me (so, thank you) when I make them cookies and prawn crackers. 

So, here's my new year wishes for all readers of my blog...

...may good luck and good fortune always be with you,
in other words....."ong mali"
Kung Hei Fatt Choy
 ...time for a short break.....


  1. Oh, I love all these crispy crunchy munchies! I have not tried crabstick crackers and you can see how it is done here :
    But I am not so hard working to fry these things. Too much work and too much oil!

    Here's wishing you and your family and very Happy and Prosperous New Year! Enjoy your break :)

    1. Thanks for the referring recipe...I'll check it out. But I think it might look easy but it's not coz even my mom couldn't make it work.

      Same to you too....and here's to a long weekend ahead!

  2. Those fake crab sticks are made of flour based ingredients if I am not mistaken, so they would crisp up in no time when deep fried..

    1. Oh, they are...probably that's why they crisp up so well. Hmm...I'm still pondering whether to try making these...perhaps next year! :D

  3. Ya...never seen nor tried before. You have my mailing address? Hehehehehe!!!!

    Wahhh!!!! All set for the New Year, I see. Qong Xi Fa Cai to you and all your loved ones! Huat ahhhh!!!!

    1. Would love to send you some to try but your mailing address is rather elusive.....hee...hee!

      Thanks for your wishes....have a wonderful weekend yourself too :)

  4. Thank you! Wishing you and your family a happy and prosperous CNY! I also don't buy long yuk to giveaway since a few years back after I read that it is very unhealthy to eat them. Oh, so all of you are not snackers, I would have thought otherwise since all of you seems to live to eat rather than eat to live, hehehe. Interesting crackers, I have not seen these too.

    1. I'm surprised that some of you have not seen these type of crackers before...these are really good. I think it's homemade (not those commercial ones), so it's not sold everywhere. Yeah, I'm not much of a snacker even though I enjoy eating!

      Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the holidays =)

  5. I didn't realize there were so many different types of prawn crackers!

    1. There are even more types than what I've put here...we got fish crackers, seaweed crackers, squid crackers, purple yam crackers, sweet potato crackers and lots more! :D

  6. this is a great blast from the past! my grandmother and aunts used to fry prawn crackers at home ... and i loved, loved them. they used to put them in big used tin biscuit containers, and we'd snack on them all afternoon, heh :) here's wishing you and your family plenty of happy feasting in the days ahead with all your loved ones :)

    1. Yeah, when I return to Ipoh, there'd be prawn crackers in the very same big used tin biscuit containers you mentioned...and the crackers are also just as big too! :D

      Happy feasting to you too, Sean....and enjoy your long break ahead :)

  7. Nice! I've never seen this type of prawn crackers too. I've only seen the super large ones with a red margin around it, that's the ones we get over here.

    Interesting...fettuccine prawn crackers! :)

    Happy CNY to you and your family!

    1. Hmmm...looks like many of you have not seen this type of prawn crackers before (which I've been eating for at least 10 years now)!
