
Monday 29 October 2018

How many ways can you eat soft-boiled eggs?

It's been a long while.....this post was lost and forgotten in my draft folder....waiting to be completed and posted.  So, the Chronicles of the Humble Egg continues into its final many ways can you eat soft-boiled eggs?  

With this, it finally comes to a conclusion that first started with how many ways can you eat an egg and followed through to how many ways can you fry an omelette and how many ways can you serve hard-boiled eggs.

Though I'm a fan of eggs done any way...soft-boiled eggs remains my top favourite way of eating eggs.  There's nothing quite like sinking your teeth into an egg yolk that breaks and oozes down your mouth.  It's something so simple...but yet so gratifying! ;)

#1 - the most classic way

Obviously, the best way to eat soft-boiled eggs is the most classic way....simply as they are with a dash of soy and pepper....just slurp it up! ^o^

It's great with toasted bread too.  One of the more popular choices among locals for breakfast at home or at coffee shops.  Perhaps, our western counterparts might dip asparagus spears (or fried bacon) for a more classy version. ^_~

#2 - with Japanese hamburger

Some Japanese-style hamburgers come topped with an onsen egg that breaks and oozes down the burger to make eating it a complete mess but a mess we'd be happy to deal with.  The same effect can also be achieved with a sunny side-up egg in western-style hamburgers.

#3 - with pan mee

When we order dry pan mee, a soft-boiled egg is usually included which when broken coats the noodles lovingly like a sauce.

#4 - with pasta

In western-style noodles like pasta, the egg yolk acts as a binder for the pasta together to give it that creamy texture.

#5 - with Japanese donburi

When it comes to Japanese rice bowls, many are served with an onsen egg, similar to a soft-boiled egg, that can double up as a sauce for the rice.

#6 - with pork noodles

Whenever we order pork noodles, the hawker will usually ask if we want to add an egg...and a barely cooked one at that.  It's a well-accepted way to eat pork noodles though I don't do that very often as I find that the runny yolk interferes with the original taste of the soup base.

#7 - with salad

Nowadays, we also find salads being served with a perfectly egg-secuted runny yolk.  Well, that's one way of making more people eat salads! ^_*

#8 - with char kway teow

Recently, some genius even decided to introduce a soft-boiled egg as topping for char kway teow which, in my humble opinion, is not the brightest idea.

Sorry I got egg-cited and carried away with this topic which has since spawned four blogposts...kekeke! ^_~  But I'm eggs-hausted...I'm finally's been an egg-cellent ride...but it has to end some, this is my last piece on this eggs-traordinary subject...and the Chronicles of the Humble Egg comes to a close.

Eggs were put on this very earth to satisfy our lust for their runny middle...that's it....hihihi! ;D
It's comfort food in its simplest form.  Is there any other way to eat soft-boiled eggs? ;)


  1. I can see that you are a through and through egg lover. How else can someone come up with four blog posts on ways to eat/cook/serve eggs? I do love my eggs too and I'd have to say I share your love for soft boiled/soft centered eggs. I like to add soya sauce, pepper and then dip with toast. So heavenly!

    1. Ah yes, soft boiled eggs with toast and a cup of kopi-o is truly one of the greatest breakfast options we have here :)

  2. I am like you, I love eggs, I like it soft boiled, hard boiled, sunny side up or scramble but not so much into omelette style.

    This is a very well written post about the various ways of eating soft boiled egg.

    1. Thanks for the compliment...glad you enjoyed the post :)

      I like eggs done any way (as quantified in my profile...kekeke!)...including omelette.

  3. Not into western style omelette but I like the chinese style omelette with chai po aka chai po neng

    1. I like both western and Chinese-style omelettes. The one with choy poh is my son's favourite.

  4. it's 8am and i'm now craving soft-boiled eggs for breakfast! :D i like soft-boiled eggs on their own, with instant noodles, and with avocado, heheh :D

    1. Ah, of course, with instant noodles is the ultimate comfort food. I've not had it with avocado and don't know if I'd enjoy creaminess (of the yolk) over creaminess (of the avocado).

  5. Just bout 10 eggs a couple nights ago in my bike and went a bit too fast, broke 5 of them.. gahhhhhh

    1. Moral of the story....don't buy eggs when you're travelling in a bike! ;P

  6. I love this post as much I love to eat soft boiled eggs too. High 5!
    I like your cute facial drawings on the eggs. Honestly, I started paying attention to the jumbo eggs that I always buy. I would patiently fry the eggs with runny yolk without breaking using different oils & butter in the tiny egg pans. Next I will try to make onsen eggs! My wife who is a good cook is hopeless in frying nice eggs or omelette. It really needs skills.

    Thank you for sharing the various ways to enjoy eggs. I was hoping that you would be showing how to eat raw eggs the popular Japanese way.

    1. Glad you liked the post. Fyi, those cute egg drawings are not drawn by me.

      I did think of doing a post on raw eggs but decided against it as I realised I don't have enough material for it (other than the Japanese way of eating them raw with rice and as a dip for sukiyaki...and with moonlight kway teow). Anyway, eating or drinking raw eggs (like eggnog) isn't in our culture + the eggs we buy aren't the pasteurised kind, so better not otherwise we might risk salmonellla infection.

  7. Imho, the CKT and burger are not suitable to pair with soft-boiled egg as the "liquid" with soften the bun as well as subtle down the robust flavours of the CKT.

    1. Soft-boiled eggs with CKT makes the CKT very wet and a good CKT should be dry! ;P With burgers, I don't mind :)

  8. In Malaysia it really is quite acceptable to put an egg on top of just about anything ;-)

  9. if you dont highlight, i didnt realised that there are so many ways to eat it. I dont really like it but husband and son like

    1. I'm sure there are still more ways to eat this which I've either forgotten or have not come across yet.
