
Thursday 23 May 2024

What have I been up to wise?

Hi, everyone.....I'm b---a--c----k!  Again? (I hear some saying)! :D  Sooner than expected?  I'm making a comeback coz I've something to share.  That...and because I read comments from some of my blogger loyalists of experiencing withdrawal symptoms of not reading updates in my blog, hoping that I'd return one day and even inviting me to join them on the writing trail again.  These loyal followers of mine have kept "me" on their sidebar hoping to see an update from me some day.  Looks like I can't stay away after all...hehe.  To be honest, I do miss writing (as it's something I enjoy doing to pass time).  I still continued to blog hop (and comment) even when I was not writing.  I quit because I was going went on a restrictive diet and knew I wouldn't have that many exciting new food posts to write about.  So.

This restrictive diet came about since finding out that my blood sugar readings were not at the levels they should be...and that was also one of the leading reasons why I decided to stop writing.  Well, if I can't eat freely....what is there to write about.  I foresaw that my makan makan outings would be minimal and my food adventures (of trying new food) would be even more limited.  It's just me not wanting to bore my readers with the same old same old food that I'd be eating while on a restrictive diet, so I decided to stop.

It has been a trying 6 months (the first 2 months were extremely challenging as I had to give up eating so many things) but the restrictive diet I went on (and is still undergoing albeit a little less strict) has brought about very encouraging results (and hopefully it can get even better), so I thought I'd share how I approached it.  I guess there'll be some cheat days (even if they're few and far between) I suppose I can write about those.  So, going forward, that's what I'll do...I'll write sporadically.  It's like a fresh start to my blog since my writing will be slightly different as determined by what I can and should eat now.

These days, everyone chooses a way of eating...their preferred way of eating (I'll just call it a diet for short) which they think is the best and what works for them.  Some choose to go on a diet to reduce weight to stay slim and pretty, some are on a diet to be in better health during their old age while some are forced to be on a diet because of impending health issues.

For whatever reasons, any restrictive diet is deemed good as it's always better for us to eliminate some foods that are detrimental to our health from our diet...though every diet has its pros and cons.  If you ask anyone who is on a diet, they'll say that the diet they're following is the best...and rightly so because it's their belief.  Vegans and vegetarians, will say their plant-based diet is the best.  Those on Atkins or keto-type diets that restrict carbohydrates and limit sugar, will say that's the way to go.  A carnivore will vouch that an all meat diet has enormous benefits.  We can't change what we believe...and we shouldn't try to change what other people believe either.

I've always been a person who believes in moderation in whatever I eat.  I eat anything and everything...but always in moderation (I try lah as much as I possibly can, although I do succumb to temptations every now and then)...we're only human! >.<

That's why a balanced meal is the way to go for me...and my doctor sokong (supports) that! ;)  I've recently changed my doctor coz my regular doctor retired after the pandemic...haiz.  I don't like to change doctors coz the one I had been seeing, I've been his patient for many years.  I guess that's what we have to be ready for when your physician happens to be an older doctor.

So, my current go-to doctor is a new and young doctor (like in his early 30s, newly qualified with the knowledge of latest medical practices, I presume lah)....and probably just venturing out into his own practice.  He's supportive of a low-carb and low-sugar diet but not in favour of extreme diets (neither am I) that cut out certain food groups.  He champions a balanced diet....which I've always believed in and subscribed to myself (which is also my wish for everyone) we seem to be on the same wavelength on this.

People who eats only meat obviously believes that it's good and beneficial for their health.  But ask the vegetarians and they'll say the same of their all veggies diet.  I don't subscribe to neither as (I believe) our bodies need both proteins and fibre.  Even if I do not support or believe in a diet that cuts out certain food groups, ultimately everyone decides for themselves what (they think) is best for them...and it's also best not to go round preaching or trying to change people's perception or believe that your choice of diet is better than theirs.  Diet is like people have strong opinions about their beliefs. ^_~

I also know of people who subscribe to a certain diet not because they believe in that diet but because they like to eat a particular food allowed in that diet.  An example is a neighbour of mine (an elderly couple) who subscribes to a a seafood (coz they just don't like to eat meat) and fruits diet and they seem to be doing pretty well for their (old) age.  They eat a lot of prawns and you won't believe the amount of fruits they eat on a daily basis (and yet they've no issues with cholesterol or blood sugar)! :O

If there's a diet I do believe in is one that asks us to cut down on carbs.  That I agree, 100%!  Carbs do nothing for us (too much of it lah)....except being detrimental to our health and make us put on weight which, in turn, lead to more health issues.

What about limiting sugar then?  A resounding 200% yes!  Sugar is the root of all (medical)!  Not only does it make us fat, it's the source of many of our ills.

Having said that, it's pretty obvious I don't support any type of diet.  My goal has always been to eat (or at least try to eat) a balanced meal.....and to eat until I'm not 100% full.  I read that this eating philosophy is what Tun M follows (and he's closing in on 100...not that I want to live that long!) and my mom too.

When I first started on this "not eating until you're 100% full", I felt the "rewards" immediately.  Before that, my stomach would feel very uncomfortable (bloated) when I ate to the brim.  Sometimes there was even this feeling of the food going back up my esophagus and wanting to throw up.  These days I feel much better when I don't overeat...and yes, you'll still feel you're hungry when you end your meal not 100% full...but, I assure you, that feeling of fullness will come...and do come later...and that's when you'll be glad you didn't stuff in more.  Wastage is the lesser of two evils.  It's better to waste some food than to cause more trouble to our bodies by overeating.  Of course if you happen to have a little container with you to take away the unfinished food, that would be most ideal.

For me, I don't believe any food group is bad in itself.  We should blame ourselves for our lack of control leading to us overeating a certain food group.  That is bad...and, by that, I mean we're the culprits...not the food!  Every food group deserves a place on my plate.....but everything in moderation.
A lot of the meal plans (for a specific diet) we find online are catered more to western palates which makes it more difficult for those of us who follow an Asian way of eating to plan our meals.  So, I'll let you in on how I went about my restrictive diet eating typically Asian meals or what I (a Malaysian Chinese) would normally eat from homecooked meals to eating meals outside.

Footnote: The food photos shown here (a post without photos would be too boring to read...hah..hah) are typically what I would eat or used to eat on a regular basis....and I'll let you in on how I was able to still eat some of them while on my restrictive diet, what my homecooked meals looked like and what food I had to give up over the next few posts (so, if you're interested to know, watch this space). ^_~


  1. Ah! You are back! Well, this is a bright spot in my day. I have been carrying a heavy heart since this morning (you know why). I agree that there is no one diet that fits all. We are all different and we just have to experiment and see what works best for us. I like your moderate approach. I can't do that because I have an addiction to certain carbs and the best way for me is to abstain (most of the time). As you have seen on my blog, I do indulge in carbs from time to time. Well, it is good that you are going to share your approach to your diet which I believe can benefit and inspire others who are in the same predicament of having to control their blood sugar.

    1. Hey PH, I'm thrilled to have a brought a little smile back to your face amidst such a sad time. Incidentally, it was TM who invited me to join him back on the "writing train" (as he called it). His blog was"under construction" and he was "spring cleaning" it to make a fresh start...but sadly that was not meant to be due to his passing. I was looking forward to him writing again (as many of us were) as his posts are always insightful and educational. I will miss his comments dearly as they were always complimentary and funny.

      Like you, I've an addiction to carbs too + my body can't have no carbs at all, so I still need to eat some but have to be watchful of portion control. As Nux V said, life is short, so we should enjoy and give ourselves a little "treat" from time to time. :P

      I was inspired by the positive results myself that was brought about by a change of diet, so (by sharing what I did) I hope it can help and benefit others in a small way.

  2. yay! you're back! this post is so full of food pictures....oh gosh, those ytf, ckt, pork noodles, curry tempting! I agree tht no one diet fits all too. I'm still figuring out which diet suits me yet i'm still exploring new food adventures out there. Kinda contradict, lol! Well, life is short, cherish every moment and of course be moderate too!

    1. Hi Nux V, I'm glad to hear that you're glad I'm back...hehe. Oh yes, pictures of (any) carbs are always tempting. And yes, we all must figure out which diet suits us best as our bodies react to food differently. I agree with you that life is short, so we need to need to indulge and reward ourselves every now and then. ^_~

  3. Never say never. You are a compromising person who will not force your opinion on each individual's preferred diet. Like me, though I super love curry and chili, I cannot eat too spicy food as it gives me the cough and sore throat easily and you know, we suffer when we fell sick. So like you, I believe in moderation. I am only a semi-vegetarian as I only eat vegetarian food on every chor yat and chap goh of each month due to beliefs and diet considerations. This is to discipline myself to eat more veggies and maybe fruits on certain days as other days I am a meat person and need to eat rice due to being a big eater. Of course there are "cheat" days too when I indulge myself with occasional ice cream and cakes as age is catching up so I too need to watch my diet. Welcome back EWEW, I love your writing!

    1. Hello Libby, thanks for your welcome...and your compliments on my writing (appreciate it). I love curry and chilli as well (especially Malay food) but also have to moderate that as it disagrees with my "rear end"! I see your diet involves eating everything but in moderation...meat, carbs, veggies and fruits (which is good). Yes, as age catches up with us, we need to be more watchful of what we eat. Of course there's the occasional desserts...yes, everyone needs their "cheat" days to eat what they love. Live a little...for what is life if we can't enjoy living it! ;)

  4. Aiyo, now only know that you're back, because my blogroll list does not have update notification. >_< Anyway, glad that you're back! I have been practising low carb diet for years but recently I have loosen my restriction until I gain a couple of kgs. ~>_<~

    1. Aiyo, now only you "perasan" that I'm! Well, I'm the opposite...I'm now practising a low carb diet and have lost a couple of kgs...hehe! ;)
