
Tuesday 2 May 2023

Grab Bread Bakery (GBB) @ Pandan Indah

I was first introduced to this new bakery (actually not new lah since they opened in December 2021) by the lady boss of a noodle shop I frequent on a weekly basis and that's because her daughter works there.  Some of her customers have tried the pastries and bread in that bakery and had positive things to say.

The lady boss couldn't tell me the name of the bakery (as she doesn't speak English) but I later learned from one of her customers that it's next to Victoria Bakery (which I know as this bakery has been around for a good 5 years, I think)  Since the bakery comes highly recommended, I might as well take a look-see.  

So, I made my first visit to Grab Bread Bakery (GBB) @ Pandan Indah one morning.  This bakery isn't new, the staff there told me that it has been around for a year already.  I don't frequent that street (so I wasn't aware) since I buy my baked goodies from Maison (formerly Fougasse, then Ficelli) and not Victoria Bakery (which is just next door to GBB).

This post is 5 months in the eating (as per the date stamp on the very first photo) to moderate sugary intake and allow myself or (at least) try to limit that indulgence to once a week (or once in 2 weeks). The first thing that caught my eye which I couldn't resist getting was the Banana Cake @ RM6.30 as it's among one of the few cakes I really like to eat.

A fair portion size for the price (about a 3.5 - 4 inch-square mini cake) which you can cut into 5 slices (approx. 2-inch in height).  Compared to commercially-produced banana cakes, it was a notch up as it had a pretty decent banana flavour which probably came from a combination of real bananas and banana essence. The tiny black specks (banana seeds) inside the cake is proof that some real bananas were used in the making.  It certainly tasted a lot better than those made from just artificial banana essence only.

It's a decent banana cake by such standards but not quite up to the the taste, quality and standard of a banana cake from (say) cafes where I had eaten them before coz they use lots of bananas (and you can definitely taste the difference with the real deal).

Still, it tastes loads better than those commercially-produced banana cakes and also better than some of those from bakeries.  I particularly like this one as the sweetness is light.  Now I know where I can get a fairly good slice of banana cake when I want one.

The Honey Marble Cake @ RM3.80 is a slice of cake about 4.5 x 3.5 inches (and slightly less than an inch in thickness) that was light and fluffy but I thought the texture was a bit too soft for a cake.  All things seemed well until I got to the cream layer in the centre! :O

Between swirls of cocoa in the marble cake, there was this centre layer of cream that was greyish in colour (possibly some kind of coffee cream?) but did not taste like coffee cream.  Instead, it had a very unpleasant, artificial, almost metallic, taste of I-dunno-what.  It was so off-putting that I had to scrape the cream away with my finger.  Even that was not enough, I had to cut away the part of the cake that came into contact with the cream.  That appalling smell even lingered on my finger after washing that I had to rewash my hands and apply sanitizer to get rid of that awful smell.  Stay clear of this've been warned (unless something went horribly wrong on the day I bought it)! >.<

I finally got my hands on the Pandan Layer Cake @ RM10.80 after two unsuccessful trips.  This cake comes highly recommended by the same lady boss of a restaurant where I'm a regular.

This cake measures about L8 x W2.5 x H2.5 inch in size and you can slice them into six 1-inch thick pieces.  It had two layers of sponge cake with two layers of pandan custard and finished with a sprinkling of dessicated coconut on top.

The pandan custard has a jelly-like consistency that's similar to agar-agar while the sponge cake was light, airy and fluffy.  Again, this cake had very light sweetness which seems to be the standard norm for most of the cakes here which is good (I like that standard!).  The pandan layer cake was not too sweet and certainly ranks as one of the better ones I've eaten thus far. ^o^

I've always had a soft spot for cats and.....Cream Puffs (Original) @ RM6.80 (for 6 pcs) as I like that super airy, soft and almost melt-in-your-mouth texture of the choux pastry.  This one was light to eat but not as airy and the texture not as soft.  It was lightly cold from being kept chilled in their bakery display counter. There's even a sticker attached to advice consumers to keep it in the fridge and consume within 2 days as it contains no preservatives.

Biting (or tearing) into the cream puff, many would be very pleased to see it, not adequately filled but, abundantly filled with sweetened pastry (or whipped) cream and finished with a light dusting of confectioners' sugar.  Call me crazy but I would like it not to be so abundantly filled with cream (although some might say they dream of such cream) so that it'd be less sweet (I actually scooped out and discarded some of it). >_<

I suppose the sweetness of the cream puff was acceptable (seeing the amount of cream was in there) and would generally appeal to the masses of sweet-toothed people who love pastries and desserts for that very reason.  The cream puffs also come with a choice of chocolate-filled cream.

After tasting some cakes and pastries, I thought I should try out some of their buns as well starting with the BBQ Chicken Bun @ RM3.30.  The minced chicken inside is quite similar to the taste of BBQ minced pork buns. 

I thought the chicken filling ratio to bun was acceptable.  The cook on the chicken meat was also pretty tasty.  What was commendable was that the bun remained very soft and fluffy even when I ate it much later (even after half a day).

The Spicy Ikan Bilis Bun also @ RM3.30 was another surprising success.  You can find quite a few whole ikan bilis in the filling and together with the sweet onions, this ikan bilis recipe was adequately tasty, better than many I've eaten.

The key difference of this ikan bilis bun (with others) was the dusting of chilli powder on the surface of the bun which reinforced the spicy flavour a bit.  Overall, the flavour of the ikan bilis sambal was rather good and not spicy at all.

I got the Sardine Bun @ RM3.30 next as I'm a fan of sardines (I like both the canned variety as well as fresh ones although the latter isn't very common here).

Those you get stuffed inside a bun is, of course, canned sardines...and this one had very light spicinessness but a little sweeter.  Again, this one had a dusting of something (chilli flakes + dessicated coconut?) on top which made it extra delicious.

With the relative success of the three savoury buns I've had thus far, there was no hesitation to try yet another of the same nature, the Curry Potato Bun @ RM3.30.  Again, the (not spicy) curry potato filling ratio-to-bun as well as taste was acceptable.

For this one, instead of a dusting of chilli powder I found on the other two buns (ikan bilis and sardine), this one had like a fine crumb on top which was lightly crispy.  Sometimes, it's these small little touches that set it apart from other bakery's buns.

When it comes to savoury buns (other than spicy ones), there really aren't a lot of choices to pick those without cheese since many would come with cheese like this German Golden Cheese Bun @ RM4.80.  This one I was purely attracted by the visually long sausage which, to be fair (*roll eyes*), was extra long compared to other sausage buns I've had before...kekeke.

Let's just say I was greedy and the extra long (9-inch not foot-long) sausage was drawing me in.  Of course, the taste of the sausage is like any commercially produced sausage you'd expect.  As for the topping, it was a mixture of mayo, cheese and mustard. The latter ingredient was a surprise but, then again, sausage with mustard is a common (and proven) combo.  I still went ahead and got it anyway although I've a strong aversion to cheese and  I was able to take as it wasn't anything strong tasting and the mayo actually masked it with some sweetness.

As much as I enjoy savoury buns, I also enjoy sweet buns and one that is hard to resist for me is where there's blueberry flavour involved as blueberry jam is one of my two favourites.  So, it isn't much of a surprise that I'd find myself getting the Twin Blueberry Bun @ RM3.80 at some point.

The bun has a filling of cream (that's not too much and not too sweet) and blueberry jam that's lightly sweet and nicely tart.  It's the tartness of the blueberry that made the bun very easy to eat and not cloying at all.

The other where resistance is futile is when kaya (or coconut jam) is involved especially these Kaya Soft Buns @ RM5 (for 4 pcs).  These pillowy soft buns were finished with a dusting of dry flakes (dessicated coconut perhaps?) on top.

The ratio of kaya filling to bun is perfect.  The kaya has a sufficient aroma of creamy santan and pandan and is nicely (but not overly) sweet (a kaya isn't a kaya if it's not sweet, right?).  In my mind I want to think it's not too sweet so that I can eat them with less guilt as I know this is one I'd like to eat

As a coffee lover, it was pretty obvious that I'd want to get the Coffee Mexico Bun @ RM3 to try.  This one, however, wasn't buttery enough and the coffee taste was rather muted.  Certainly a far cry from the renowned Rotiboy's version. >.<

My Personal Opinion

There are still a lot more baked goods I've not tried but I'm pretty satisfied with some of the ones I did.  More importantly, I felt that the sweetness level of most of the cakes and buns here are within tolerable levels.

Before GBB I used to get my baked goods from Maison but found that they tend to be a bit stiff and dry when eaten later (and Victoria's offerings didn't quite latch on to me either).  In the end, it's the pillowy soft texture of GBB's buns (even when eaten later) that will see me returning for more.  I've found a few favourites already like the pandan layer cake, kaya soft bunbanana cake, blueberry bun and spicy ikan bilis bun which I'm sure I'll be enjoying from time to time from my go-to bakery now.

This is a good addition to the bakeries we have in my neighbourhood as there aren't many of them besides Maison and Victoria.  The fact that they were brave enough to open an outlet right next door to another existing bakery (Victoria) tells me that they're confident that they can crush the competition be! ^_~

Grab Bread Bakery
13G Jalan Pandan Indah 4/33
Pandan Indah
55100 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-4296 9186/014-351 2838


  1. What a yummy post today. I love good quality banana cakes like heavens. My late mum used to bake them without banana essence and I could finish whole leaf at one sitting. That was during my student days when I ate like a horse. I remembered eating my sister's rock buns fresh from oven. After 50 pieces, I threw up like volcano and almost died.

    Next is the yummy cream puffs. I used to die for the ones sold at Beard Papa's. I could eat 3-4 pieces at one go. Now I have to cut down sugar drastically, so one is enough.

    I love to eat Curry Potato Buns too. I want to buy them today and keep for next few days as I have cut down eating heavy meals at night. This curry potato buns are very appetizing for me! I totally forgot about these buns until I saw your post. Thank you.

    1. I didn't know what rock buns were so I googled it. My, my, 50 did eat like a horse during your student

      It's not only you, everyone needs to cut down on their sugar intake. It's a good and healthy practice to not eat a heavy meal at night since we're usually inactive before bedtime and won't be able to burn off the calories we consumed.

  2. That is a very nice find, a bakery that produces bakes that you find agreeable. I guess this is the one you will now frequent. I used to (maybe I still do!) have a weakness for baked goods especially buns. I see that you control your intake very well, taking 5 months (hah..hah..hah..) to try a variety and write this post. My old self would have sapu within one week LOL! Well, enjoy your banana cake and pastries! (I know you moderate your intake)

    1. Yes, this is a very nice find indeed and is now my regular bakery. The first photo was date stamped in late Nov and although this post was 5 months in the 'making', I did repeat some of my favourites within that time...hehe. If it's cake, I'll buy one and if it's a bun, I'll usually get two...and try my hardest to moderate that to once in 2 weeks or once a week. My mom also has a weakness for bread and simple buns (not those fancy ones with cream) and I would get her some from here when I visit her.

  3. I love any bun or cake with cream, the more the merrier! I always avoid sausage bun due to too many scary stories that I saw >_<
    I notice that you didn't buy any sourdough or western style bread (with harder texture), it's either the shop not selling any or you're not fan of them?

    1. The more cream, the merrier? Ah, then you'll certainly like the cream puffs here. Oh dear, with regards to the sausage bun, what scary things did you see (or was it scary stories that you read)? My guess is in the manufacturing (or what fillers went into the making) of these sausages you saw on TV (I remember seeing one such episode a long time ago). The same story goes with any processed meat (not only sausages). Trying not to (eat as often) but I actually like to eat processed meat (sausages included)

      I do like sourdough (especially when toasted) but usually only eat them at cafes cum bakeries where they're more commonly found (local bakeries like these don't usually sell sourdough coz I think there are not many fans of harder and chewier texture bread in the general public where these bakeries operate). You're more likely to find sourdough in bakeries that operate as cafes where coffees and western meals are also offered.

  4. Before clicking this I thought it's roti delivery!

    1. I can see why you made that association :)
