
Wednesday 22 March 2023

Kenny Hills Bakers @ Bukit Tunku

After our lovely, long-awaited meet-up together with a stunning, delicious meat-up, I knew I couldn't give up the chance of not walking next door since it was just a few steps away.

Kenny Hills Bakers @ Bukit Tunku
has been on my to-visit list for the longest time.  I first read about them from when they opened their flagship store in Bukit Tunku.  Back then, they were just a tiny half-lot bakery set up for the sole purpose of providing the neighbourhood with artisanal breads and take-away coffee.

From just a hole in the wall, they've grown and evolved to offer not only fresh bakes of amazing pastries, cakes, pies and organic breads but also gourmet sandwiches, signature pies, toasties & rilletes, soups, salads, burgers, pastas, wood-fired breads & sourdough pizzas, including their famous beef wellington, and more.

Soon, more branches opened in Desa Park City, AmpangTTDIIOI City Mall and Putrajaya, including a kiosk in Bangsar Shopping Centre, and a sister brand, Nourish by Kenny Hills Bakers at The Five, Damansara.

Since we already had not only an amazing lunch but a rather fulfilling one as well, we came over obviously for the dessert part of the meal....and the most instagrammable Peach Strudel @ RM18 was at the top of my list.  Looking at photos of the visually attractive peach strudel on social media and now seeing this in front of me, I knew instantly that it would taste as good as it looked....and I was delighted that it was.

First, you have these two layers of homemade puff pastry that's super thin, flaky, light and immensely crispy to eat.  Sandwiched between the puff pastry was a layer of chantilly cream and slices of the most beautiful-looking sweet (canned?) peaches (they must be coz they're always consistently the same in colour, shape, size and texture/  This same layer is repeated at the top and finished with a dusting of powdered sugar.

The combination of an airy, flaky and crispy puff pastry with a delightful chantilly cream (that wasn't too sweet) and juicy peaches was incredible.  I've not eaten many peach strudels in my lifetime...but I'm glad I ate this one (and I highly recommend that you do too).  Every bite is worth the calories! ^o^

Another popular choice here is their Onde Onde Cake @ RM16.  If you love the flavours of our local onde-onde kuih, you're bound to enjoy this onde-onde cake.  It consists of 3 layers of pandan sponge with 2 layers of coconut and gula melaka filling and covered with a dessicated coconut topping.

I thoroughly enjoyed the texture of the pandan sponge which was very soft and fluffy and I did too the gula melaka filling (in fact, I love anything gula melaka!) although I've to forewarn you that it's rather sweet (it's similar to eating onde-onde kuih where the sweet gula melaka will squirt out and fill your mouth when you bite into them).  This was compounded by the sweetish dessicated coconut topping as well but I found myself going back fork after fork even though it was generally sweeter than I would have liked.

The Key Lime Pie @ RM16 was another pastry of theirs that have been raved about...and if a dessert has the ingredient of lime in it, you bet I'd be interested.  It's a simple pastry consisting of a buttery shortcrust pastry filled with a tangy (key) lime curd that's topped with whipped cream and finished with a sprinkling of (key) lime zest that further enhances the strong citrus aroma.  It tastes absolutely sub-lime (no pun intended)! ;D

The key to a good key lime pie (again, no pun intended) is the use of key limes instead of regular limes as the former is known to be prized for being tart (but not as acidic) and super aromatic.  The more costly key limes have such a distinct aroma that you not only can taste the lime, you can smell it too.  As with any dessert that features lime, you bet it'll be full of zesty flavours (but expect it to be a little sweet also as it needs to balance out the tartness).

The final dessert of Strawberries & Cream @ RM26 was chosen by my friend's girls.  It's a waffle with vanilla chantilly cream, local organic honeycomb, strawberries, blueberries and organic maple syrup.

I didn't partake in this one (so I don't know how it fared) but the whole thing looked like I would get an overdose of  But it's a creamy, dreamy dessert for young girls who have the privilege to (and can) eat anything they want at their age.  My friends commented that they were surprised that the vanilla chantilly cream wasn't too sweet.  I did taste a tiny bit of the honeycomb (which is well-known for its intense sugary-rich flavour) and maple syrup which I found to be fragrant and of fair quality.

Of course, no desserts would be complete without coffees as an accompaniment.  I guess Kenny Hills Bakers said it best, "man cannot live on bread alone, he needs coffee too"....and we had 2 Iced Lattes @ RM14 each, an Iced Cappuccino @ RM14 and a Banana Berries @ RM19 for the girls.  The coffees were good.

My Personal Opinion

These delightful desserts are sure to tickle your taste it tickled mine, especially the peach strudel and key lime pie which I thought were the standouts.  I asked my friend's daughter which dessert she liked best...and (surprisingly) she went with the key lime pie (instead of her own choice).  So there you go, you know which one you must try! ;)

With the pastries and cakes hitting it out of the park, I hope to return one day to try some of their hot food...and you'll be spoilt for choice here as they're aplenty.  If you've got the cash to splash, perhaps you might want to spend it on their expensive but famous beef wellington.

Besides, there are lots more bakery items to try too like the orange polenta cake, lemon meringue pie, butter cake loaf, banana bread, croissants or their well sought-after signature pies (of fish, chicken, beef & portobello) which caught my attention.

All in all, a great place for desserts and coffee.....but a place you can't linger for too long as it's perpetually crowded with an influx of customers always queueing and waiting for a table (especially on weekends). ^_~

Kenny Hills Bakers
Lot B-2 Taman Tunku
Off Jalan Langgak Tunku
Bukit Tunku
50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-6206 4111


  1. Adoi! This post got me very excited. Ooopppsss!!! I am not supposed to be excited hah..hah..hah... All the pastries look so delightful and I must suggest to my brother hee..hee.. Maybe this he also cannot resist!

    1. Oh, sorry to get you all excited over these sugary treats. Like its name suggests, it's a treat yourself lah once in a! :D

  2. I must try their beef wellington one day & compare tht with Gordon Ramsay's🤪

    1. Oh, you've eaten Gordon Ramsay's beef wellington...that's great. Hope you try this one and let us know how it compares (if it's worth our money to splurge RM240-290 for one...yikes!).

  3. How many Kenny Hill bakers are there now? :D

    1. Apparently not enough if you ask the owners! ;D

  4. OMG, I love every dessert you had, they are so enticing!!!
    I jog at Desa Park City every Saturday and witness all those cafe hoppers queuing to get into Kenny Hills Bakers even the shop not yet open. Very kua jiong, if you ask me, somemore the prices are not cheap!

    1. Ya, the prices may not be all that cheap but they more than make up for it with quality ingredients and taste in their baked goods. I believe you've dined here before, just that you didn't have any of their sweet treats. You should try some the next time you're here...and you're lucky it's so near you. ^_~
