
Saturday 8 October 2022

Snack Attack - Ice Cream Potong from Aiskrim Faizah

 This will be a short and sweet post......literally! ;D

During the last hot and dry spell, I thought I'd stock up some aiskrim potong (or ice cream in a plastic bag that's shaped like a tube) for the sweet-toothed person in my family.  I found Aiskrim Faizah on ShopeeFood and obviously it had to be from my own taman, otherwise how to survive the delivery and not become a melted

These Malaysian lollies bring back nostalgic memories for some...of their childhood years.  Back then, as a child, having a stick of aiskrim potong (literally means cut ice cream) was considered a luxury.  Some of us would wait eagerly for school to finish as we know the ice cream man (on a bike) will be waiting at the school gates.  Kids these days are so much more fortunate (not to mention pampered) that this cheap, low-class ice cream is now mostly forgotten and replaced with more expensive commercially produced ice cream or more decadent artisan soft serves, gelatos, granitas, sorbets and what-nots.

But these days, it's making a comeback!  There are many brands of commercially produced aiskrim potong in the market now.  Hopefully these ordinary-looking aiskrim potong can still create a little bit of magic for the kids of today.  Faizah's aiskrim potong is priced at RM1.90 - RM3 a stick, some of these are milk based, some are milk & cream cheese based, some milk & whipped cream based and some are just sugary-syrup based (back in the old days, the latter was the only choice...made from sugared syrup of various flavours).

These days, even these old-school aiskrim potong has to take on a more unique flavour and decadent look, otherwise they won't even deserve a second glance.  Although these days the commercially produced aiskrim potong is more like ice cream on a stick, the ones we had as a child came in cylindrical plastic tubes (more nostalgic packaging also...hehe).  As a child, we would tear off the top of the packaging (with our teeth) and just push the ice lollies out to lick or suck for mess-free eating.  Any melted water syrup would just be left inside the plastic tube which we can tilt to drink up the last bits.  Ah, what a childhood experience and memory!  Anyway, here were just some of the flavours I got for sweet-toothed person in my family.

Aiskrim Vanilla Cadbury
Milk & whipped cream based ice cream + vanilla flavour coated with cadbury chocolate

Aiskrim Durian
Milk based ice cream with durian musang king flavour
(I remember him mentioning about this one, so he must have liked this one the most).

Aiskrim Solero Lime
Milk based ice cream layered with calamansi lime base

Aiskrim Asamboi Jambu Kasturi
Sugar based ice cream + calamansi lime flavour + asam boi

Aiskrim Cheesy Tutty Fruity
Milk & cream cheese base ice cream layered with orange, strawberry and kiwi (bakel's?) fruit filling.
This one I got coz I was attracted by its

I had like two bites of the asam boi one (which I had initially gotten for myself since it'll be lightly sourish).  I could taste the tangy asam boi alright but I also tasted the sweetness of the sugar syrup base to balance out the tartness, so I passed but it was very refreshing though.  I don't know how the rest tasted like since I didn't try any of them.  But since my husband didn't mention anything untoward, I guess they were alright.

I suppose during hot and humid days, an ice-cold aiskrim potong will be so welcomed as a lifesaver to quench your thirst and give you some relief from the heat.  A bite of this aiskrim potong may evoke a childlike response of familiarity that will bring some of us back to a time past...a poignant reminder of the passing of time.  Those were the days.....simple life, simple things! ^_~


  1. So colorful these ais krim potong and I bet they are super sweet. I was guessing the sweet tooth person is your hubby and I was right hee..hee... The last time I had an ice cream potong was when I was a little girl. My grandaunts made these for a living (as well as kueh, laksa and such) and they only had one flavor - asam boi. So nostalgic!

    1. Oops, missed out this comment. Ah, your relatives are in the food business...I can see where you got your cooking chops from. Yeah, this ice cream potong is certainly nostalgic! ;)
