
Thursday 5 May 2022

Lim Fried Chicken @ Sunway Velocity

I've heard about Lim Fried Chicken from way back when but have not tried until I was tempted by their discount vouchers on ShopeeFood recently.  For food that I've not tried before, I usually prefer to use such bargains to minimise my losses (so to speak) in case the food turns out to be a waste of my hard-earned

From its humble beginnings in Wong Soon Kee coffee shop in Subang Jaya's SS14 since 1983 (with long queues reported then) to a chain of restaurants throughout Klang Valley now is testament that Lim Fried Chicken has a following.  Of course there are their old customers who say that their original shop in SS14 tastes better but I wouldn't know anything about that since I've not had it there before.

So, I ordered delivery from Lim Fried Chicken @ Sunway Velocity with a RM4 off discount voucher.  For my very first taste, I got their most raved about Fried Chicken Set @ RM16.80 with rice + whole chicken leg + vegetables + egg (RM14.90 for this combo without egg).  I asked for the sambal to be packed separately not knowing how spicy it would be.  I ended up receiving the curry packed separately too.....nice.

On opening the box, I saw that the fried chicken leg (chopped in half) was freaking huge and accompaniend by vegetables (cabbage) and an egg (but I got a hard-boiled egg instead of a fried egg shown in their menu).

With the chicken leg covering almost the entire length of the box, I thought I'd have an easier time eating it out of a plate....and since the curry and sambal was also packed separately, I was able to present it nicely on a plate. ^_~

The curry had the distinct flavours of curry powder and spices which I'm not a big fan of.  It tasted almost like an Indian (fish) curry which is unlike our Chinese-style curries which have a more dominantly rich santan (coconut milk) flavour.  The (onion) sambal was moderately spicy, sweet and fact, a bit too salty if you ask me.  I'd say slightly better than most Chinese-style sambal but not quite near the standards of a good Malay sambal.

The enormous piece of battered fried chicken leg was crispy (no complaints on that) while the meat was still adequately tender and juicy.  I'm always apprehensive about a whole chicken leg (because of just how big and thick the chicken is to fry) as I've gotten slightly undercooked chicken quite a few times before...and this one I'm afraid was a bit undercooked too around the leg joint (so I made sure I ate around it leaving the pinkish meat aside).  Now I understand (and perhaps even appreciate) why some places choose to make a slit around the thigh joint to ensure their chicken leg is cooked all the way through.  Overall, it's still a decent piece of fried chicken (when fried well) but the taste is just moderate, not outstanding.  I thought the meat itself could do with a bit more seasoning.

This was a complete meal of rice with meat, veggie and egg doused in curry and sambal.  Looking at the plate, I couldn't help but thought that it looked rather like nasi kandar...hah..hah.  Even the taste of the curry reminded me of an Indian-style curry although a proper nasi kandar would have a more complex flavour with a few more types of curry spooned over it.

The second time I had this was with ShopeeFood's 95% discount with a minimum spend of RM0 capped at RM6, so that means I can get the Sambal Sotong Set @ RM16.90 with RM6 off that comes with rice + sambal sotong + vegetables.  It also came with a packet each of sambal and curry separately as requested.

The sotong (squid) was tender enough (by most standards) but I like mine even softer.  I can't say I liked the sambal sotong all that much as I've eaten too many sambal sotong (by Malay nasi lemak vendors) that will beat the crap out of this one! >_<

The sambal sotong was spicy and savoury, the spiciest of the three compared to the (onion) sambal and curry but nothing I can't handle.  With both the sotong and onion sambal, I didn't need to douse my rice with more curry, not that I liked the curry anyway.

Again, the menu pic showed long beans as the vegetable component but I got stir-fried cabbage yet again, not that I'm complaining since I did enjoy the rather tasty soft cabbage (stir-fried with lots of garlic) on the previous occasion but some will not take kindly to getting another type of vegetable when the pic showed a different vegetable. :P

Besides the combo rice set with fried chicken and sambal sotong, they also offer an option with curry mutton (RM17.90) and chee cheong fun with fried chicken (RM14.90) with either curry or sweet sauce.  Seeing that I didn't enjoy the curry, I don't think I'd want to try their chee cheong fun.  As for the curry mutton, we don't always see Chinese vendors cooking/selling mutton...and that brings me to the point that there seems to be an underlying Indian influence in their food here (I could be wrong).

My Personal Opinion

It goes without saying that they're a fried chicken expert.....and the fried chicken is the star of their dish! It's the only thing that's worthy here (that I've tried) although I can't say it's something I'll crave as there are definitely other fried chicken contenders that will trump this one.  There's even fried chicken from a stall in my neighbourhood's coffee shop I'd rather have over this one.

At the end of the day, their fried chicken is still considered decent...and the price more than reasonable for a complete set of meal with a freaking huge piece of fried chicken leg that will fill you up adequately with its portions.  As for the egg (fried or hard-boiled) and vegetables (cabbage or long beans), it depends on luck what you'll get.

Their style and taste of curry caters to specific tastebuds (not necessarily mine).  People who like Indian food and enjoy Indian curries will probably find this suits them much better.  I suppose you can call this fusion (lol) of a Chinese-style fried chicken with an Indian-influenced curry that's halal for all to enjoy. ^_~

Lim Fried Chicken
Lot 4-01 Sunway Velocity Mall
90 Jalan Peel
Taman Maluri
55100 Kuala Lumpur


  1. When I scrolled down to see all your photos (without reading) first, I thought the sotong was braised pig intestine, LOL
    With your positive review about the fried chicken, I think I will give Lim Fried Chicken a try since they have a branch in Kepong.

    1. Braised pig intestines cooked in sambal? Lol. I think this fried chicken meal can feed both you and your daughter.

  2. I have had Lim Fried Chicken some years back at The Starling and the stall is still there, testament to its popularity. Like you, I did not think it was that great. The curry and sambal I did not like and worst of all was the cabbage. I think they only serve cabbage maybe because it is cheap and convenient. The fried chicken itself is all right, big portion and crispy but I did not think the taste is anything fantastic. At least now you know what LFC is all about. LOL!
    P.S. The box that your food was packed in is quite nice with photos and all.

    1. To have survived all these years in Starling (when many had 'bungkus' shop) does say a lot of their fried chicken. I actually thought you might like their curry (because of the Indian influence in flavour). I see you didn't like the cabbage though I found it quite tasty fried with lots of garlic (at least the one I had). I love to eat really soft cabbage. Well, I think they chose cabbage coz it's indeed cheap and also keeps well long after cooking.

  3. Goodness me. I think I frequent Starling Mall more often than PH yet I wasn't aware or missed the sight of LFC. I will be there again to take a look and eat the fried chicken when I have fully recovered. You won't believe that I have not eaten chicken for 6 months now on the advice of the cancer specialist's forbidden food list. It was suffering until I became immuned and stop missing chicken, seafood and cow's milk.

    I actually love Indian and Malay curries more than Chinese styled. Probably I had Thai versions all my life and their spices are always flaming hot.

    1. Oh dear, there's quite a lot of food on your forbidden list (including many vegetables & fruits as you told me earlier)...but never mind-lah, you can eat after you've recovered. If you can't eat chicken and seafood (with the exception of fish), the only protein left is red meat (pork, beef or lamb). I've always thought (and was told) that you should refrain from eating (or eat less) red meat for cancer-related illnesses. I was also told that you should refrain from eating sugar too as it feeds cancer cells it seems (not sure how far this is true but that someone who told me used to work in a hospital). But since you have a cancer specialist to advise you, that would be the best advice, I'm sure. Take care.
