
Wednesday 23 December 2020

Secret Garden #8 - A Christmas Doily

 Well, well, what do you know?  I've put down my colour pencils for more than 3 years now I just realised (looking at the date of my last piece)! >_<  That's quite like me, I go gung ho in the beginning with most of my projects but tend to not see them out (you can revisit my previous colouring works here).

With Christmas just around the corner, the festivity was obviously the inspiration for this piece.  After all, tis' the season to be jolly.....and God knows we need a little bit of that after almost a year of upended lives (and livelihood) caused by the global pandemic.

So I decided to colour this piece like a Christmas doily!  What better then to go with the traditional Christmas colours of red and green (I only had 4 shades of red and 5 shades of green to work with).  And if you see some uncoloured parts, they were deliberately left that way to mimic the look of a crocheted Christmas doily. :P

Since this piece is still life, no shading is necessary to make the subject look real (or as real as possible).  So, it ended up to be the easiest piece I've coloured so far...but also the most! :D

Only a little bit of creativity was needed to pair and match the different shades of red and green together. pretend Christmas Doily is finished. ^_~

As we near the end of a roller-coaster year, I'm more than happy to see the back of a gloomy 2020 but also thankful to have come through it safely thus far.  So, here's wishing you some Christmas cheer & joy (even if it's just a little bit)!

And we welcome a hopeful new year, hopeful that the end of the pandemic is near as vaccines roll out.....and we can eventually return to some form of normalcy.

In the meantime, let's stay resilient and continue to mask up and adhere to social distancing if you have plans to celebrate the year end festivities with family & friends..... stay safe & take care.

Merry Christmas everyone! ^o^


  1. Your coloring is superb as always! I love the color combination and it is really pretty and makes for a very suitable Christmas decoration. You know, after I read your artwork posts, I actually went to buy those coloring books from BookExess (as they are cheaper there) and a box of coloring pencils. But I haven't started! And my coloring books/color pencils have been sitting in my study room (somewhere) for what, 3 years? wahahahaha... I must get started. My mum said that it would be therapeutic for me.

    Well, it is Christmas eve today and I'd like to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!

    P.S. Are those cupcakes real? LOL!

    1. Oh, please do get started. After the stress your two pampered cats have been giving you, you need some relaxation...haha! Just do like 15 mins to half an hour a day...bit by bit and soon you'll have a finished piece (I overdid myself with this one trying to rush it in time for Xmas that I strained my fingers, pulled a nerve or!). I'm waiting to see some of your 'creative' works! ;)

      Many thanks for your Christmas greetings...and I wish you and your family the same joyous and thankful Christmas :)

      P/S: Those are my pretend know I don't bake....hehehe! ;D

  2. Honestly, this post got my thoughts running very far, wide and wild after looking at all your photos. It gave me some spiritual answers that those Buddhism Mandalas looked similar with shapes drawn and formed in perfect circles. So those flowers you spent time to colour actually trained your focus and mind into some form of meditation. The results brought you much peace and contentment to your well being. From this day onwards, I will also go to book shops to pick up those books to study all the templates on the pages to identify any that you bring me some better connectivity with the universe! I will buy one that catches my attention. Thank you!

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2021 to you, your family and Cookie.

    1. Well, I'm glad my colouring was able to instill some form of spirituality in you...and made you want to go out and get a colouring book too. ^_~ You have a knack for art, so you should be just as excellent in colouring.

      Thanks for your wishes...and belated Christmas greetings to you and your family too.

  3. Merry xmas to you and your family!

    1. Thank you, belated merry xmas wishes to you and your family too :)

  4. I always tempted to get those colouring books because the pictures are very pretty but I know I'm going to leave it after colouring 1 or 2 pages, so my self-control ability won, hehe :P

    1. Ah, your self-control may have won over colouring books but not so in dinnerware...hahaha! ;D These colouring books last a lifetime, so you can pick it up again (like me) after years...or Sam can help you with some of the pages. ^_~
