
Monday 24 May 2021

Anyone Missed (the Adorable) Me?

After seeing the many charming poses and cute antics of PhongHong's cats, Ah Girl, and (more recently) Belle Belle, my Cookie is feeling a bit left out with all the attention the two girls are getting.  Cookie: What about me, ma?  I've got some cute poses to show your readers my followers too.

I've already posted a few of his sleeping positions before (here and here)....but he says he's got more to show, so let me show you then a couple more never-seen-before photos for your enjoyment.  It has been a long while since you last saw Cookie featured here...I think about a year ago during the first MCO.  Well, someone did say she misses him and was asking when is his next blog post.  So, let's not disappoint his fans fan.
Note: I did do a bit of research to see what some of these positions are called and why a cat may sleep like this for a better understanding.

#1 - Curled Up Position

If that's not a curled up furry ball, then I don't know what is.  A 
cat curls its tail around its body
probably because he's cold and is trying to keep warm (well, I do switch on the air-conditioning daily in the living room in the evenings).

#2 - Paw Over the Face Position

A cat looks really adorable in this sleeping position.  It can be a paw over the face.

Sometimes, even a leg will do.  A cat 
sleeps this way coz he's trying to shield his eyes from the light.  Either that or he's trying to tell me not to disturb him!

#3 - The Contortionist

This is him trying to be a contortionist where he twists and bends his body and 
head at weird angles.  How one can sleep comfortably in this position is beyond me.

#4 - Sleeping Sideways

This is 
an extremely relaxing sleeping position, fully content and feeling safe.  It's a position that's the closest to how we sleep.  Like humans, he even does it with a pillow sometimes...and he only wants this pillow/cushion (he doesn't want any of the new cushions I bought him...haiz).

Although, for other cats, it would probably look more like this.
Sometimes, he would even sleep dangerously on the edge.

And, occasionally, he dozes off with his head hanging precariously over the edge! >_<  And no, he hasn't fallen over yet (like those funny cat videos you've seen).

#5 - The Half-Eye Shut Position

In this position, the cat is conscious and alert and knows what's going on in the surroundings in case there's imminent danger (like if they're in the wild or outdoors).  I've seen Cookie sleep with one eye shut and one eye slightly open when he's not sleeping soundly but just resting.

#6 - Belly Up Position

When cats expose their most vulnerable part (their belly), the cat feels confident and safe in his/her surroundings.  When Cookie sleeps this way, he's totally relaxed and in deep sleep mode.  When you see your cat sleeping in this position, they're just tempting you to run your fingers through that soft, fluffy belly of not attempt though!

#7 - The Loaf Position

This position is when the cat sleeps sitting upright with paws tucked in.  This is 
just a way of resting (or chilling) where one does not wish to sleep for long.

#8 - Standing Up Position

Just as cats can sleep sitting up, they can also catch forty winks while standing up! :O  Well, I guess sleeping is their other favourite pastime....besides eating.

#9 - Cat in a Box

Although I don't have a pic for this since there's no box in the house for Cookie (you can check out the one that Belle has before it got annihilated).  I used to see a box in the holding cell when Cookie stays overnight at the vet (and at pet hotels) too.  This, I presume, is for the cat to seek comfort, solace and protection inside the box in case he/she is stressed or worried (about safety).

#10 - The Splooting Position

I usually find dogs lying this way...the splooting position (I googled) with their hind legs stretched out all the way (I used to think it was because their butt was too heavy).  So, I was surprised to find Cookie sleeping in this position.

#11 - Cat Sandwiched Position

No-lah, there's no such sleeping position.  This was created by my cat mommy.  She deem it funny to sandwich me between two cushions. 
Anyone wants a cat sandwich?  Kekeke! ^_~

#12 - All Wrapped Up Position

My mommy also likes to throw the blanket over me (when I'm on the bed)...but who am I to complain since it's super comfy and warm in there.....all wrapped up like a "chung" (or rice dumpling).

#13 - Sleeping (Anywhere) Next to Mommy (Will Do)

This is me sleeping on mommy's laptop or newspapers just to annoy mommy so that she can't read the papers or use the notebook.....full attention on me! ;P 
If you cat is one of those that follows you around the house all day, you'll notice that they'd want to sit or sleep (unless they're in their cage) right next to where you're seated.

Sleeping photos are the most difficult to capture coz cats can hear the slightest sound or movement when you creep up on them.  The next few photos have nothing to do with sleeping positions though but I thought I'd show you some of his other cheeky poses.

This is him sitting like a tai ko (gangster).

This is him hiding behind the curtain (or
 playing hide-and-seek) and thinking we can't see him.  So, we just play along and pretend we can't see him.  Now, where's my Cookie, ah?

That's me cleaning my 'privates'
 caught on camera which mommy thought would be amusing to share.  Amusing for her....not me.

This is the "I don't want to talk about it" pose, so don't disturb me.  This happens when he comes back after an altercation (or fight) with another male (your guess is as good as mine who lost!).

Did you enjoy these photos of me?  You want more?  I don't have anymore.  You've seen me sleeping....peeing...pooping.....playing...eating...hunting....even killing.....what else more is there to show? :P


  1. I wonder if he would fell down when he slept on the edge of the sofa?

    1. Yes, I've actually seen a funny cat video where the cat was sleeping precariously on top of the TV (not the current thin types but those old TV boxes) and fell! ;D

  2. Cookie! Cookie! Cookie! Of course I missed (the adorable!) you! hah..hah..clap..clap...finally a post on Cookie :) I went through all those poses and my, my, some of them I have never seen my girls do!

    Photo #1 He is really curled up like a ball, all round and fluffy. I am amazed that he can put his leg over his head like that and sleep. He is quite the contortionist.

    Photo #2 I have seen my Girl do this and I find it so very cute!

    Photo #3 Now, the pose on the bottom right, that looks very uncomfortable. I have never seen Girl do this. Maybe she is not as supple as Cookie hah..hah...

    Photo #4 and #5 Goodness me! Cookie looked like he could fall off the couch anytime but I suppose cats have very good sensors and quick reflexes. I have never seen Girl do that and if I did, I would worry that my fatty might fall off!

    Photo #6 Ah! I love this position. I always find it funny but when she is awake and does this belly up thing, she does not mind me running my fingers over her belly. She seems to tolerate it but not Belle. Belle reacts when I do that so I never dare to try again.

    Photo #7 Girl and Belle do this a lot. Cookie is quite lean and when my girls go into this position, they look really fat!

    Photo #8 Oh, Cookie can sleep while standing, I have not seen my girls do that yet.

    Photo #9 Let me imagine Cookie is a box!

    Photo #10 Nope, never seen this one either with my girls.

    Photo #11 & #12 hah..hah...all wrapped up in a blanket is really cute. I love to do that with Girl but she always kicks the blanket away.

    Photo #13 Cookie really wants to hog your attention! Neither one of my girls have ever done that. But I think Belle might if I let her into my study room. I actually keep all doors closed when she is out of her cage because she is the "adventurous" one.

    The "taiko" pose made me laugh. it's like he is saying "What? What are you looking at? Huh?" hee..hee... I also have a photo of Girl cleaning her errr..female parts...which I have yet to reveal LOL!

    That last photo is so adorable! Cookie sulking away, poor fella!

    Well, many thanks for this Cookie post. It sure brought a smile on my face and gave me a few laughs. Ah, the joy of loving and caring for a cat(s)!

    1. Cookie: Wow, what a long comment...I love it! Glad to have brought a smile to your face. Anything for my No. 1 fan! ;) Aha, there are some poses I do that your girls can't who's a better model now? And a more shapy one at that...kekeke! :P

      Photo #4 & #5 - it might hurt your two fatty bom bom if they were to fall on their butts.

      Photo #6 - Yeah, Cookie is also ultra sensitive there. Running my hand through that is inviting myself to be scratched! >_<

      Photo #10 - I'm surprised your girls don't do this since it's even more comfy sleeping like this if you're endowed with a plus-sized butt...wuahahahaha! ;D I wonder if female cats tend to be fatter than males in general. That could explain why your girls are rounder than Cookie when they seem to eat the same amount of food.

      Photo #11 & #12 - Oh, Cookie loves to be wrapped up...he feels really safe like that, especially safe in a house of pillows I built (it feels like he's inside a box).

      Photo #13 - Jumping on top of my computer table and sitting his butt on my keyboard is usual with him but lying down on my newspapers, that was a first. The key thing is to disrupt me.

      That last photo was also the first time I saw him do that as he'd usually crawl into a corner or under a chair/cupboard/bed after coming home from a fight. That's usually to tell me "I don't want to be disturbed".

      I'm happy that this post had brought you some laughs and brightened your day...that's the intention anyway for all my readers! :)

  3. Waaah! I love all your beautiful photos especially the first one that curled up like a woolen ball. So nice and unusual pose. The gangster pose is photogenic too. Phong Hong has labelled all the similar comments, so I have little left to elaborate.

    I just watched the Japan's NHK news documentary which talked about their scientists are working to complete the device sensors after observing whales, cats, dogs and elephants which have strongest sensors to detect ahead of coming earthquakes, tsunamis and avalanches. Human's sensors are so way below these 4 animals. I have always trusted that dogs and cats could see & sense spiritual presence inside the house.

    1. I, too, believe cats do have extra sensory coz, somehow, Cookie knows beforehand (even before I physically hear it) that fireworks are coming (from some houses during the festivities) and you'd find him cowered in a corner of his cage or under the bed/chair before it happens. He would also run and hide first before the sound of thunder comes when raining. P/S: Dogs & cats sensing spiritual presence? I'm still waiting for your spooky stories. time I'll delay publishing PH's long comments first just so that I can hear your! :D

    2. LOLOL. Please don't delay publishing PH's comments. That's not fair, in case I went into hibernating mode again.

      I swear that I am still typing halfway bits and pieces of different topics about spiritual. It is not easy to write them because I worry about impacts sometimes.

      For my opinion, the cats can sense spiritual presence better than dogs and I have experimented it before.

    3. Cats have a higher sense of spiritual presence than dogs? Hmmm, now I'm even more intrigued (to hear your stories).

  4. Ahhh I do miss my cat T_T

    1. Oh dear, it sounds like your cat has "left" you. :'(
