
Tuesday 15 October 2019

The Cat and the Grasshopper

The Cat and the Grasshopper

The post title sounds like one of Aesop's fables, doesn't it?  But, those are fiction...this is a true story...kekeke! ^_~  It's the story of Cookie and the (unfortunate) Grasshopper.

One day, I was greeted by this grotesque looking creature in my porch.  Eww, I hate grasshoppers, so I left the repulsive little fella alone...obviously.....hoping he'd hop away soon.

But that was before he had the misfortune of meeting my Cookie! :O

Aww, so cute...the Grasshopper is standing on Cookie's paw....and they look like bosom buddies.  But that couldn't be further from the truth.

The Grasshopper was in his grasp (as an unwilling party)...and was trying to take flight to escape from his clutches.  But it was too late! >_<

Cookie (who's a natural-born killer with a hunter instinct) had already drove his sharp claws into the poor thing.

On closer inspection, I realised that my Cookie has disemboweled the poor Grasshopper.  See that thing protruding from his belly! O_o

Let me show you a more legible shot...that thing that's jutting that some kind of internal organ?

Not only that but one of his legs was dismembered as well.  I guess he's kaput (finished).  The end is imminent.  Not that I will bemoan his loss.

Some time later, he finally crossed over to insect heaven.

I really hate grasshoppers (especially big ones like these coz they're really hideous looking), only crocodile tears for the poor Grasshopper, sorry! :(

And that brings us to our next story.

The Cat Me and the Wasp

No, no, it's not another story of Cookie disemboweling the Wasp.  He's not that good.  He's not that stupid.  It's Me and the Wasp...though Cookie had a small, bit part role in it.

One day, I found what looked like an insect's nest on one of my side walls in the porch.  I took notice of the nest for a few days but it didn't look like this had a hole in it, like a burrow.

It was only later that I saw who the visitor was...flying in and out to build something to cover the opening of the nest.  OMG, the intruder was huge (it was bigger than an inch)! >_<  Sorry for the blur photo as it was taken from afar.  I was way too intimidated to go near.  I thought it was a hornet initially (I know it wasn't a bee) but based on the elongated body, it was most likely a wasp.  Each time the wasp took flight, I'd run like a headless chicken into my house for fear of getting stung (I still remember being stung by a bee once during my schooldays and it was a very painful encounter, one I did not wish to experience again).

There was a time when Cookie was around the porch when the wasp flew in.  He batted at it once or twice and then backed off.  I guess he realised that it wouldn't be to his benefit to engage with the wasp.  Smart.

Common sense tells me when an insect is trying to cover up her nest, she obviously has something to hide (+ I needed to get rid of the nest to stop the wasp from coming back).  So I dug into the nest (after the mama wasp has left, of course) to destroy it and discovered four fat-looking grubs (3 greenish ones and a brownish one)....oh no, wasp larvae! O_o  So, I got rid of them by flushing them down the toilet (I know that sounds kinda cruel but they're stinging wasps, you know).

The mama wasp is gonna be really pissed when she returns to find her babies gone (I'm sorry but I had to annihilate her entire family).  I kept a lookout for the wasp each time I ventured out into my porch (so that I can dash for safety when she returns).  And return she did (to the scene of her destroyed nest)...many times.....believe it or not (must be mummy's instincts)! :O

In the end, I had to get rid of all evidence of her 'once there' nest (I scraped all remnants off the wall, scrubbed the spot and sprayed insecticide over it) in the hope the mama wasp will stop coming back.  It took 2 days before she finally stopped coming! :O

Why can't I have beautiful butterflies come visit me instead of creepy, vile-looking insects (and no, this beauty didn't visit my compound, it visited my neighbour's).

The ones that come visit me look something like this.....haiz (I have no lovely plants for them to graze and relax)! >_<



  1. What a funny story you have. Muahahahahahaha
    I try not to even kill a mosquito nowadays. I used to kill cockroaches by hundreds each season when I was younger. Their spirits really came back to haunt me!

    1. What if it was an Aedes mosquito...will you let it suck your blood? Wakakakaka! :D Since I wasn't the one who killed the grasshopper, the spirits (if any) will come back and haunt Cookie, not me...hihihi! ;)

  2. So many "interesting" insects at your house compound and good as your pet's "toy", hehe :P

    1. These 'live' toys are good for playing 'catch & release'...hehe! ^_~

  3. Replies
    1. I didn't give him the grasshopper...the grasshopper wandered into my compound on a suicide mission....wuahahahaha! ;D

  4. They're also enemy to my plants! Also, supposed delicious :P

    1. Supposedly delicious? They're already so grose looking, let alone eat! >_<

  5. Eeeks! I am terrified of larvae or anything worm-like. So geli! It's a good thing you spotted and destroyed the wasp nest. I was stung by a bee once when I was in primary school. I can still recall the pain! As for grasshoppers I hate them because they eat my plants. If only my Girl can catch grasshoppers like Cookie! She's quite laid back. She even lets the squirrel steal her food. Bah!

    1. Ah, your Girl needs to learn some 'kung fu' from Cookie :) Looks like we have yet another thing in common...we were both stung by bees in our schooldays...haiz! :'(

  6. i actually kinda like the look of grasshoppers. they're quite non-intimidating insects that won't hurt us. moths are a bit creepy for me, so i'll steer clear of them. and of course, wasps, hornets and termites should just stay in nature :)

    1. Hmmm, you seemed to have left out that because they give you honey? ;D I suppose smaller green grasshoppers are less grotesque looking but the big ones with large compound eyes give me the creeps! >_<
