
Tuesday 22 October 2019

How many ways can you eat fried rice?

Fried rice, or a variation of it, is typically and commonly eaten all around the world but more so in the Southeast Asian region.  It's like the ultimate comfort food...and, apparently, you can eat it in many ways if you're Malaysian! ^_~

#1 - Yong Chow Fried Rice

Probably the mother of all fried rice (and the most popular) is yong chow fried rice (or yangzhou chaofan), the one fried rice that everyone knows and also the most adapted fried rice recipe.  You can even find this on menus of Malay restaurants and mamak shops (though they might call it Nasi Goreng Cina).

If you were to order it from a Chinese restaurant, the recipes vary, some use char siew (as above) or lap cheong (the most common) to even chicken, minced pork, beef or shrimps as the meat while a choice of long beans, green beans, onions, carrots, corn, peas or spring onions may be used as the vegetable component.

The most common variation at tai chow places is one done with lap cheong and a trinity of carrots, corn and peas.  I really dislike that version especially when they resort to pre-packaged frozen vegetables.  I prefer it to be fried with fresh vegetables.

My favourite version of yong chow fried rice is one cooked with char siew and green beans.  And topping it with a fried egg is icing on the cake...hehe! ;D

#2 - Nasi Goreng Kampung

Probably the most ordered version of a halal fried rice is nasi goreng kampung with the inclusion of crispy ikan bilis and kangkung which I usually order at mamak restaurants but the ikan bilis is normally of a low quality.  If I'm ever to eat one with good quality ikan bilis, I should attempt to make it myself at home (now that I can make my own chilli paste).

A more decadent version of nasi goreng kampung that I ate once.

#3 - Fried Rice with Silver Fish

Something similar along the lines of a nasi goreng kampong, but with a better quality of ikan bilis, is this fried rice offered at some Chinese restaurants.  They're made with tiny ikan bilis (silver fish or dried whitebait) and you can just as easily cook this at home.

#4 - Ginger Fried Rice

Since I personally love to eat ginger...with just about anything, I reckon I'd love ginger fried rice too.  And I did.  It gives the rice a bit of warmth/heat along with fresh, perfumey fragrance of ginger which opens up one's appetite.

I like the one served by Kim Gary as the ginger comes in very fine shreds (almost hair-like).  But some places don't julienne them fine enough and you end up chewing down on bite-sized pieces of shredded ginger.

#5 - Tom Yum Fried Rice

This is a fried rice made with a little help from our neighbour...tom yum paste.  If you like the sourish but refreshing taste of tom yam, then this fried rice will appeal to you.

#6 - Nasi Goreng Biasa

This is the fried rice that's open to the most interpretation.  You can get this at mamak or Malay restaurants but each version is different depending on how each restaurant cook their version. 

#7 - Garlic Fried Rice

Served in most Japanese restaurants, this fried rice is usually adorned with
abundant crispy pieces of fried garlic that makes the rice so fragrant.  I absolutely love this if done right.

#8 - Cabbage Fried Rice

This is a fried rice I've not encountered before, fried with bits of pork, cabbage and peanuts, in a place that offers authentic Heng Hwa cuisine.

#9 - Bacon Fried Rice

Bacon, a western ingredient, is so versatile that it has even made its way into our Chinese-style fried rice.  This is a fried rice that gets you extra brownie points at home.

Or it can simply be fried rice topped with strips of crispy bacon too.

#10 - Fried Rice with Almonds & Raisins

This is probably more common in Western cuisine, something like rice pilaf, but a bit more unorthodox as a style of fried rice here.  It can, however, be found in some Chinese restaurants especially when the restaurant is trying to provide something more creative than the plain yong chow fried rice.

#11 - Nasi Goreng Seafood

Again, this is commonly served at mamak or Malay restaurants where the rice is fried with seafood ingredients like prawns and squid.

#12 - Pattaya Fried Rice

This is simply fried rice wrapped in thin omelette.  Is this even from Pattaya? :D  This Pattaya Fried Rice may even have originated here but it has become so popular that many Thai stalls here now cook this fried rice as well.

#13 - Pork Chop Fried Rice

Ok, maybe this isn't quite the fried rice we know since it's served with a pork chop...but it's delicious, so, what the heck, I'm including it.

#14 - Salted Egg Fried Rice

The salted egg phenomenon must extend to fried rice, of course...would there by any other outcome?

#15 - Nasi Goreng USA

This is a Thai-inspired fried rice that you can get from any Thai stalls which comes with stir-fry pork, fried egg and sausages but I've no idea how the name of this fried rice came about.  The only American thing about it is probably the hot dog! :P

#16 - Iberico Collar Fried Rice

How about a more decadent fried rice with Iberico pork collar?  Even Spanish pork has be to Malaysia-nised in a dish...hihihi! :D

#17 - Green Curry Fried Rice

Green curry is a popular Thai dish, why not a green curry fried rice? ^_*

#18 - Roast Pork Fried Rice

If you can have char siew in fried rice, of course there'll be siu yuk fried rice too.

#19 - Belacan Fried Rice

Usually a belacan fried rice is one that's fried with the fragrant, umami flavours of belacan and dried shrimps.

But this version I got from a Thai restaurant is a bit more fancy-lah.

#20 - Salted Fish Fried Rice

This is a popular fried rice cooked by hawkers that's liked by many as it has both salty flavours and crispy texture from the salted fish bits.

#21 - Fried Rice with Hot & Spicy Pork Dices

I never knew you can make fried rice with a can of spiced pork cubes until I tried it at Kim Gary.  Apparently, someone did.

#22 - Nasi Goreng Paprik

Paprik or Pad Prik, is a dish of Thai origin which means stir-fry (pad) with chillies (prik).   This Nasi Paprik can be made with seafood (usually prawns & squid) or chicken stir-fried with a variety of vegetables in a spicy & sour sauce.  And then someone decided to combine the two and Nasi Goreng Paprik was born...genius!  Basically, it's just fried rice served with paprik seafood or chicken...and it's yum :)

#23 - Shrimp Fried Rice

Seafood pairs well with fried rice too for a more prestigious variation of this dish...and when good-sized and super fresh shrimps are used, they can be really tasty.

A home-cooked version would ensure many, many shrimps in your fried rice! :D

#24 - Sakura Shrimp Fried Rice

And there's this version with tiny sakura ebi that's usually served in Japanese restaurants.

#25 - Beef Fried Rice

Beef isn't a very common ingredient used in fried rice and you probably won't find it offered at many tai chow places since not all Chinese eat beef.  If the beef is cut into large pieces, it can be chewy.

#26 - Crab Meat Fried Rice

Besides shrimps, another seafood you can use in fried rice is crab meat though this version is probably not offered at most places as it can be pricey.

#27 - Fried Rice with Shredded Pork

Pork is the most common protein used in fried rice.  They do it with char siew, siew yuk, lap cheong, so why not with shredded pork too.

#28 - Pineapple Fried Rice

A popular rice dish in Thailand but just as popular here with locals.  Besides its fruity and appetising flavours, it also gives diners the wow-factor especially when its presented in a carved-out pineapple (forget you ever saw the miserable fried egg)! ;)

#29 - Fried Rice with Chinese Ham, Shredded Pork, Shrimps & Fish

Finally, how about a fried rice with just about everything? :O

Fried Rice is the most versatile dish I know, be it one ordered at restaurants or a home-cooked version.  Just about anyone can make fried rice...with just about any ingredient!  Eaten across many Asian countries, it's super adaptable with different countries throwing their spin on it.  It's easy to see why it's such a popular dish among people of all's delicious, it's super affordable and it's a carb that fills us up.....burp! ^o^

Fried rice, that is.....hehehe! ^_~


  1. HI ewew, from what I've heard, Nasi Goreng USA actually means Nasi Goreng Udang, Sotong and Ayam. I initially thought Nasi Goreng USA was the association of frozen vegetables that are popular with faux Western dishes but a waiter at my local mamak said that USA just meant Udang, Sotong and Ayam

    1. Perhaps a local mamak saw the initials used and, with his creativity, replaced the initials with udang, sotong & ayam. Or that is really what it is...I don't know. The versions I've eaten so far don't come with usa but always a hotdog, pork (or beef) in some kind of sauce and an egg. Instead, I get usa with nasi goreng paprik more often. I think there are many interpretations of this dish, some will even vouch that it comes with daging, so maybe we can call that dusa...hehehe! ;D

  2. versatile is right! i think if you started a website posting about one fried rice recipe a day, you might never run out of recipes for the rest of your life! fried rice with sriracha chicken and goji berries for cny next year :D

    1. You don't cook but you come up with really creative combinations of ingredients for a dish, I must say...goji berries for fried rice? ;)

  3. I didn't know that there were so many - 29 here! Well, I love fried rice a lot too especially when it has the wok hei flavor and aroma. It looks like you have had many more variations of fried rice than me. Your home cooked ones look good too, can stand tall among those restaurant ones!

    1. Oh, there are more than 29 for sure. Some I don't have or can't find the photos of them, so they were omitted (like say luncheon meat fried rice)...hehe! ;)

  4. I saw fried rice paired with century egg which I never try before!
    PS: Fried rice/froed noodles is something that I can't resist!

    1. Ooo, I've never encountered fried rice with century egg before. I've had fried rice with olives once (which I thought was a weird combination at first) but surprisingly it was not bad.

  5. I want mine with SPAM! and maybe also salted fish, oh myyyyy

    1. If you want one with spam, you have to cook it yourself at home (like I do). Can't seem to find places that offer them probably because spam is expensive to be included in a usually cheap plate of fried rice.

  6. Wow!! It would be great if there is a shop which has so many varieties! I would love to try one different fried rice each time I go.. LOL... I love fried rice too, especially the nasi goreng kampung style!

    1. Hmmm, that's a great idea....I wonder if a place just specialising in fried rice would work. ^_* I'd be a regular customer of that place, for sure. ^.^

  7. Yes to all of those yummy recipes. But... I would substitute the white rice for all types of multigrain and wholegrain rices. Maybe that would add even more to your list.

    1. Of course you can substitute with healthier rice...though I think fried rice is best made with white rice.

  8. OMG! I love this post so much and thanks a million for all your hard work to list them nicely with captions and mouthwatering photos! I didn't release that I had eaten so many types of fried rice all my life. Now there are so many that I have yet to eat! They are:
    3. Fried Rice with Silver Fish
    4. Ginger Fried Rice
    8. Cabbage Fried Rice
    10. Fried Rice with Almond & Raisin
    16. Iberico Collar Fried Rice
    25. Beef Fried Rice

    Honestly I am very tempted and attracted to this Fried Rice with Almond & Raisins. It sounds something I would love instantly like eating those quality Nasi Briyani that used Cashew Nuts instead with raisins.

    Did you miss out Kimchi Fried Rice? It is so yummy.

    1. It's intentional...I don't eat kimchi fried rice, so I wouldn't have any photo of such a dish...haha! ;D Oh, there are many, many more types of fried rice that I didn't include coz I don't have photos of them. And you're more than welcome...glad you enjoyed the post :)
