
Monday 15 July 2019

Two Little Fluffballs Found Forever Homes?

Remember this little furball from not too long ago?

Well, someone put a collar on him, so he got adopted....or, at least, I thought he did.  But his mama wasn't as fortunate.  I don't see her anymore.  I guess she didn't get adopted (I wonder what happened to her...she could have been relocated on purpose so that she doesn't come looking for her offspring).  Well, that's what some people do...they take in adorable kittens but not the no-longer-cute adult cats. :'(

I'd always see the little kitty around the neighbourhood.  He'd usually run to me from across the street when I call.

I'm thinking he got adopted by a house across the street (I have my suspicion which house).  I see the little kitten running outside that house all the time.  I'm not even sure if he's ever let in the house by the people who adopted him.

And he always comes to me for food.  Doesn't his adoptive family feed him? >_<  I used to wonder too.  He looks so skinny.  If he comes to my house, he knows he can sucker me for food.

And because we engage with the little kitty by playing with him and feeding him, he makes himself right at my porch.

And on my car.

Cookie doesn't quite know what to make of him.

He's probably wondering who is this little fella that's slowly taking over his porch.....and his territory....and maybe even some of my affection. ^_*

And then, one day, he just upped and left...disappeared completely! :'(  I don't see him roaming in my neighbourhood of late.  He doesn't come over for food or playtime anymore.

If I were to guess, his adoptive family probably decided to give him up and let him loose.  Sometimes, people take on a kitten because of the cuteness factor only to realise later that it's a lot of work to keep a pet...haiz.  I've even seen people move away and left their cats behind (like the house-owners behind me).  I feed the left-behind cats sometimes when I see them but most have moved on though some do come back occasionally.  People give up their pets all the time.  It's sad but it happens.

Cats always find their way home.  It's highly unlikely that they don't return to their homes unless they've been let go elsewhere.  Poor kitty, I thought he found a forever home...but it wasn't meant to be! :'(  So long, little kitty, I'll miss you (I'm still hoping that he was given away to someone and not released elsewhere to fend for himself).

A while later, I noticed another abandoned little furball in another neighbour's house.  This time, I made sure I didn't interact with him (as in calling out to him), otherwise he would just follow me back to my house and not leave.

And because he didn't budge from that house, that neighbour decided to take him in.

That busybody likes to venture into my compound...and noseys around my house (even when I try to have minimal contact with him).

And he will, of course, turn on his charm when he's here so that I won't shoo him away.  Hey, my Cookie doesn't like competition for my affection, ok?

He can even catch forty winks at my place if I don't disturb him.

He's also very clever to ask for handouts (of the good stuff)! :P

Luckily, the kitten is kept indoors most of the time but each time he's let out, he will find his way to my house...and make himself right at home.  He's also very clever to submit to Cookie and say, "Hey, you're the boss!"

Let's hope this little kitty has better luck with his forever home....he sits here like he's the king of this house, more like second-in-command coz...psst....there can only be one King...and this is his kingdomGo back to yours and stop infringing on Cookie's domain.  Of late, Cookie isn't all that happy with him as he has taken over his territory (the porch) and even peed in his litter box! >_<

Cookie is the only royal in this household.....see, even his head is tilted up like a snobbish royal for this photo op! :D :D

All hail His Majesty, King Cookie.....who resides on his throne...hmmm, only one thing is missing....a crown...which would complete the look! ;D

Two little fluffballs found forever was (probably) shortlived.....the other only time will tell.


  1. Ah! What a heartwarming post! Made me smile from the start till the end :) I remember the first little kitty. Looks like he remembers you and came back. Now that he left and has not returned, maybe he found yet another home? The second one looks like a pirate with the black patch near his eye. Cookie is so accommodating isn't he? Magnanimous as a king should be!

    I am finding joy (for now) with my two part time cats. I don't know how long they will stay and I don't mind giving them food. They are quite clever, greeting me every morning when I open the door and grovelling at my feet hee..hee..

    1. I'd greet you every morning and grovel at your feet too if you give me good food...wahahahaha! :D If you continue to feed your two part time cats, I'm sure they'll stick around. I don't think the kitten remembers me, he just remembers he can get food from me! :P

  2. the case of the vanishing kitten (which looked scared of cookie, especially compared to the much more courageous second one)! i didn't expect that twist in your tale halfway through. this story has it all - mystery, intrigue, characters coming and going and competing for the spotlight, but hopefully, a happy ending for some of the characters for now ...

    1. You're too kind, dear sir, to say this story has it all...hehe! ;) I think Cookie has the happiest ending...he knows he's my one and only cat! ^.^

  3. Oh my goodness. The shots on the car show just how cute that cat is - and how much of a charmer too.

    1. Kittens know just when to turn on their charm, don't they? ^_~

  4. Please continue to love them, kitties are precious!

    1. These lil' cuties are put on this very earth to 'extract' our love! ;)

  5. Awwww! Awwwww! Meooww!! You are so kind to all the cats and left-behind ones too. Sometimes I had this silly thoughts of putting on a collar on every stray cat so that they would not be rounded up by the animal catchers!
    You probably remember how I had to baby sit and feed my sister's 2 cats when she goes away. Now she is telling me she would pay up to RM3000 for anyone who could sleepover at her place to feed her cats and keep them sane when she goes to Europe for 3 weeks. She swore that she would never send her cats to the Cat-Hotel again as they looked sad and traumatized once! Crazy woman! I am so tempted to take up this job! LOLOL

    1. You should so take up this's a fun job as they're so lovable! ;) If your sister post this job offer up, I'm sure there'll be many takers. Eh, if I remember correctly, I thought one of your sister's two cats went to cat heaven. Did she get herself another cat?
