
Thursday 21 March 2019

How many ways can you eat clams?

When it comes to shellfish, clams is a top favourite of mine (yes, even more than cockles!).  There are many different types of clams from different countries and it's difficult to tell them apart from the shells of where they're from.  But that's not a concern for me as I like them all.

You have clams from western countries, Japanese clams and the most common, our local lala clams which are thin-shelled and oblong-shaped.  All are yum in my books! ^_^

#1 - Clams in Butter, Lemon & Garlic

For something light and fresh, clams in a garlicky, buttery and tangy sauce is bound to stimulate your appetite.

#2 - Hamaguri Ninniku

These are clams topped with a well torched, creamy, garlic mentai sauce for a smoky, salty, creamy finish...absolute yum!

#3 - Clams in Seafood Broth

Asari clams in a seafood broth with dried chilli flakes, garlic and parsley is a tasty starter.

#4 - Kam Heong Lala

Another popular way of cooking la-la at Chinese restaurants and dai chow places is to stir-fry them in a fragrant and savoury kam heong sauce made with dried shrimps, shallots, garlic, bird's eye chillies, curry leaves, soybean paste and oyster sauce.  Salty and fragrant, it's great with rice.

#5 - Seafood Aglio-Olio

When it comes to a Seafood Aglio-Olio, you can bet your sweet ass that clams are part of it along with other seafood like prawns, squid, mussels...and sometimes even yabbies.

But it works just as well with clams alone.

#6 - Siong Tong Lala

This is a dish that's commonly ordered at Chinese restaurants or dai chow places.  The la-la is steeped in a clear soup with rice wine, ginger, scallions and chillies.  I don't get to eat this nowadays since my immediate family is not into la-la (worst still if rice wine is involved) and my extended family members deem shellfish unhealthy. :P

#7 - Mixed Seafood Pot in Thai Coconut Broth

In this seafood pot, the seafood of clams, prawns, mussels, halibut and scallops are steamed in a Thai-inspired broth made with coconut milk, lemongrass, onions, ginger, chillies and fresh lime juice that's both tasty and refreshing.

#8 - Lala in Spicy Sauce

Or how about some spicy la-la clams stir-fried with lots of dried chillies, garlic, ginger and maybe some salted beans?  Salty, spicy, delicious.

#9 - Clams in Miso Broth

For something light, clams in a miso broth with silken tofu cubes, wakame seaweed and spring onions can be a healthy choice.

#10 - Rice Wine Lala Beehoon

One of the ways locals like to eat their la-la is in a bowl of rice wine with beehoon (that's similar to siong tong la-la clams except this one has noodles and more broth).  The lightly cooked fresh la-la with a hint of rice wine and ginger is absolutely warm and comforting. ^o^

#11 - Clams in Cajun Sauce

Cajun sauce is a favourite with seafood boil...then throw in a shellfish like clams for good measure. ^_*

#12 - Lala Chien

We all know about oh chien (or oyster omelette)...but have you had lala chien (or lala omelette)?  Now that la-la is costly (and perhaps commercially not viable), the only way you can get to eat lala chien is if you cook it yourself at home.

#13 - Seafood Pizza

Then, there's the seafood pizza where the toppings may consist of prawns, baby octopus, squid.....and clams, of course.

#14 - Lala Dim Sum

We even have lala dim sum, y'all...hihihi! :P

#15 - Japanese Seafood Curry

Not the best way to have clams but did had them once in a Japanese seafood curry with bits of prawns, squid and scallop.

#16 - Seafood Soup

In a tomato-based (or saffron-infused) seafood broth, you're bound to find clams amongst the fresh seafood.

And what's better than clams in a seafood clams, of course!  Seen here with firm de-shelled prawns and flaky white fish.

#17 - Clams in Hotpot or Steamboat

Finally, you can expect clams to be offered as one of the ingredients in a hotpot (probably more usual in a shabu shabu than a local Chinese steamboat).

Clams get a lot of stick for being bad for health.  But you'd be surprised to read about the health benefits of clams if you google it.  It's only bad when they're eaten raw (or undercooked), like any shellfish for that matter, so eat your clams cooked.  As always, eat anything and everything in moderation.  So, what's your favourite way of having clams? ^_~


  1. Sam & I love clams also, but they must be fresh or else will be very disgusting especially those still with mud in it >_<

    1. I don't think I've ever experienced (or come across) clams with mud. With lala...yes (in tai chow places)....ugh! >_<

  2. quite a mouthwatering selection! as you know, i prefer my kerang to my lala, but i wouldn't be able to resist a helping of #1-#16 of your clams (#17 i can resist since i'm not a steamboat/hotpot person) :D

    1. Yeah, I know you love your kerang more....but you can't have kerang in 17 ways though...kekeke! ^_~

  3. Why am I suddenly craving for clams when I am not even a fan? hee..hee... During the CNY I went to Two Sons Bistro and a member of my party ordered Chilli Clams. I had a taste of a piece of toast dipped on the sauce and wah! so good! So I told myself I will go back there and order Chili Clams but I have yet to do that. This post of yours is sure speeding things up!

    1. Eh, I don't remember you blogging about the chilli clams, wor. Yes, yes, go back and order the chili clams. ^_*

  4. Lemon and butter, and cheese have to be my favourites. Oh, I do like a white wine sauce too.

    1. Oh, I'm glad I hit one of your favourites in my very first one on the list...hehehe! ;)

  5. Clams' supposed to be low in cholesterol tho!
    Also, kam heong all the way, and you gotta go to lai foong for lala meehun :P

    1. Ya, I heard about this lala meehoon too...but, unfortunately, it's in Petaling Street that's a bit more difficult to access.

  6. Uiks...that lala dim sum looks familiar... fr sg buluh new village ka?

    1. Erm no, it's from a dim sum place in SS2 PJ.

  7. Wow! Wow! You put in big effort to list out the variation of 17 ways to cook lala. I love to eat them all in you list esp No.6 which has no photo. I have not tried it with Lala Chien or Japanese Curry but I know I will love it because I am a fan big of Japanese Curry!

    My wife who is allergic to all seafood except certain fishes and lala!! I am surprised that she had no reactions or rashes after eating lala. If she ate a small bit of prawns or stingray, she would get rashes plus asthma attacks! So scary. LOLOL

    Thank you very much for making this wonderful list!

    1. My pleasure...and having readers like you who appreciate such compilations makes my small effort worth it. If you love siong tong lala, it's highly likely that you'll love lala meehoon too. I'm surprised that your wife, who is allergic to seafood, is somehow not allergic to lala but allergic to some types of fish (I've always thought that fish is the most non-reactive seafood to consume)! :O
