
Monday 14 January 2019

The time has come.....

It's a brand new year...and I was hoping the 3-week 'hiatus' I took would rejuvenate my writing passion and fatigue...but it hasn't...instead I've enjoyed the 'freedom' it brought.  It reaffirmed my decision to go ahead with that little announcement I mentioned in my last blogpost of 2018.

So, after over 700 food posts of which there were more than 100 cooking posts, a couple of posts about my always-up-to-mischief cat, a couple of fun posts and a couple of non-food related posts, 2019 marks the beginning of the final leg of my blogging journey.....

When I first started this blog in December 2013, I knew it had to end sometime...and I think the time has slow down the blog and eventually bring it to a close.

My initial target when I first started this blog was to reach 500 posts or 5 years, whichever came first...and obviously I got to my primary target of 500 posts first (after 3+ years).  As of December 2018I've also met my secondary target of blogging for at least 5 years....which seems like an eternity for me (and that's why I have great admiration for those who have been at it for more than 10 years putting out daily blogposts).  Now that I've reached my third (and final) milestone of surpassing one million pageviews (yup, a paltry one million hits which isn't much of a motivation but, if it's of any consolation, at least it was achieved with a low blogging frequency, with no footprint on any other social media platforms and without having to network with many blogs to drive traffic), I've achieved all I could achieve and wanted to achieve with this blog and I can deservedly hang up my boots and call it a day. ;P  

It was my passion for writing (and wanting to share honest food reviews) that kept me going but, like everything else, passion diminishes over time, priorities change...people move on....c'est la vie!  I guess it's difficult to stay motivated to write (plus the pageviews aren't exactly encouraging!) when the blog's objective is neither to make serious money nor eat for free.  I'm probably one of the very few blogs out there who don't do paid reviews or accept invited reviews.  My writing style (from day one) has always been blatantly honest as I write from the heart with a no-holds barred attitude.  But boredom and writing fatigue has started to creep in and I feel utterly lazy to write these days.  When the writing begins to feel more like a chore than fun, that's when I know I've had enough.  I think I may have lost that loving writing feeling, now it's gone, gone, gone...hopefully not completely. >_<

After trying so many new eating places, some of which were a complete waste of time, not to mention a waste of money, I'm growing tired of it all and yearn to eat regularly at the few places that I've grown to love (which I know is good)...and eating the same old, same old food that breeds familiarity, comfort and joy.  Plus, it's boring for me to write (and for you to read) about the same places...or the same food.

The slowdown had already begun since the middle of last year as I prepared to wind down the blog which will eventually culminate to a complete stop one day (when that day will be, your guess is as good as mine).

The thing I'll miss most is the banter with some of the great people I've met online (not that I have many) who visit my blog regularly and leave positive (sometimes funny) comments which I love reading (though I probably won't be replying to them as often from now on).

What I take away from my blogging is that I've learned to eat some things that I never would have tried if not for the purpose of writing this food blog, so I'm grateful for that.  I've also learned a lot more about food from the guru-s of the few blogs I follow (the ones that I earnestly want to follow to learn about food, new restaurant openings, writing, cooking and travel).  I am and will still be a fan of these blogs and will continue to read all your posts (maybe just not leaving comments as often).

It's been great while it lasted...and I've enjoyed every second of it.  There had been fun moments...some inspiring moments (when the restaurants liked my write-ups and deemed them worthy to be shared on their Facebook)...and certainly some moments to remember (of some very good dining experiences with my makan kaki-s).

I feel that the timing is right as I envisage less makan sessions in the foreseeable future...and even lesser new places to write about.  Even though I'm taking a step back, it could be the start of a long goodbye (or maybe a short one)...we'll see.  I probably won't retire permanently or disappear completely as it'll be difficult to abandon totally something that has been a part of me for the last 5 years.  When my hands get itchy, you may see a random post here and there from me...never say, check this space from time to time (if you're still a fan).  From now on, I'll blog only when I want to or when I feel like writing...with no pressure or fixed schedules.

Your support is greatly appreciated.
I guess I'll see you when I see you!


  1. 😞😞😞😞😞
    Will definitely check here again from time to time and 'pray' for new write ups.

    1. Hmmm, looks like it took a 'farewell' kind of post to solicit a comment from a silent reader. Or is this a 'prank' from one of my friends? Anyway, I always welcome comments from readers of my blog, especially if it happens to be from a 'silent' fan...hehehe! ;)

    2. no. Not any prank. Hehehe. I'm your fan since 2015. Only a 'silent' one. Keke

    3. Ok, good to know. Thanks for your support...since 2015 then. Hope you continue to drop by for any new write ups. ^_~

  2. This post has very beautiful photos with matching wise words and a tinge of auld lang syne. I can understand what you have expressed as my blog postings have been like this from Day 01 exactly 10 years ago. I prefer not to set any deadlines to pressure myself to write. I just leave it to my 'gila angin' to steer my writing mood swings. When I was highly depressed in 2018, other blogs cheered my spirits and kept me going while I neglected mine. That's life and we just follow the natural flow.

    1. Well, congratulations are in order for you for blogging for 10 years...and still going strong. I admire that commitment. I hope I'm one of those blogs that cheer you up...coz the comments you leave on my blog, TM, always crack me up. I look forward to reading your comments as they're hilarious as well as encouraging...and you always have the kindest things to say. I hope your funny comments keep and when I do blog. ^_~

  3. Oh Kris, I knew this was coming (so sad) as I remembered you mentioning last year about slowing down/quitting. I think I understand your sentiments. But I will take the long goodbye, take comfort that at least you are not stopping abruptly and who knows along the way, that spark might come back! It has been great knowing you and I enjoy your blog immensely, I believe many others do too. I will keep you in my sidebar for your updates (if any) and also as reference if I need to go somewhere different to eat. Enjoy your freedom from the blog and yup, I'll see you when I see you too!

    1. I actually don't remember ever mentioning my intention of slowing down. My dear Phong Hong, you're one of the nicest people I've met online. I find that we have a lot in common (we even like almost the same food). ^_*
      You leave the kindest comments on my blog. You leave funny comments too. You aren't overly sensitive of what people say...and that's why I can say the things I say (without the need to 'sensor' them first) as I know you can take everything in your stride. I've also learned some great cooking tips (and recipes) from you. Like you said, this is not an abrupt goodbye, so you'll still be 'seeing' me for a while...hee..hee! ;)

    2. say the sweetest thing! I am so touched. You know, I bought coloring books after reading your posts and seeing your works of art. But they are gathering dust wahahaha!! But one day I am going to start my art project and perhaps do a post on it too hee..hee... Take care Kris and God bless!

    3. Sweet people deserve the sweetest comments...and the occasional sweet treat...kekeke! :D Even though we only know each other online, sometimes I do feel like I know you personally (I'm not trying to sound creepy...haha!). Not only do we have similar tastes, we also seem to have the same interests. You just reminded me that my colouring book is gathering dust too...perhaps I'll have more time to get back to that now. And yes, I'd love to see your upcoming 'art projects'.

  4. this is definitely sad news and a loss in multiple ways for the many of us who've been reading you for years, but it's a decision i'm sure most of us would respect. life is certainly too short for doing things that don't make us happy, and personally, i can empathise with your sentiments too - on most days, i'd prefer to eat and enjoy without having to write and photograph and do everything else entailed with running a full website - i don't deserve to complain at all, since it's a big, big blessing to be a restaurant reviewer, but i envy your newfound freedom (and i might actually join you this year in that liberation, depending on the circumstances of the coming months) :) either way, i'll look forward to the occasional posts and correspondence from you! i'm reminded of a lyric by mike posner, 'beginnings always hide themselves in the end' - so the conclusion of this blog could certainly mark a fresh, wonderful start for you elsewhere in your life :D

    1. Oh dear, looks like my little announcement elicited another. If there are fans of your blog who stumbled onto my blog, I'm sure they'd be super sad (it is for me) to hear of your intention to join me in taking a step back. T_T
      Your blog has been the very first one I followed for food reviews and new restaurant openings. I've been attracted to your blog from day one as I'm in awe of the way you write and how you describe the food. I've also, along the way, learned a lot more about food (that I never knew before) from you.
      As a 'big-time' blogger, I appreciated that you even took the time to leave encouraging comments on small blogs like mine (and you always say the sweetest things too).
      After 10 years, you've earned some serious cha-ching (kekeke!)....oops, I mean you've earned the right to 'retire'. I'm sure your blog will have continuity in the capable hands of your team of writers. I will still be a fan of your blog no matter what (and eagerly await to read occasional posts from you if you still write, that is). Whatever new path and endeavour you take, Sean, from hereon, I know you'll have great success with that too.

  5. It's definitely a sad news for me and your other readers~~
    I really don't have a good English writing skill, I don't know how to write those fancy or sentimental words but I can tell you that I have been enjoying immensely your every honest reviews I always think that maybe we have chance to meet up someday. But like what you said, I'll see you when I see you, since I always show my face in my blog, make sure u greet me if you really meet me somewhere ya!

    Take care Kris~~

    1. Like you said, I give blatantly honest reviews, so I need to blog anonymously and not show my face...hahaha! ;D If our paths do cross one day, of course I'll come over and say hi.
      I'm always amazed at your dedication (and TM's) in writing travel/vacation posts. They're so lengthy and detailed with lots of photos that you inadvertently take your readers on a vacation with you...hihihi. Along the way, I've learned some cooking tips from you too.
      I probably came upon your blog the latest. Everyone writes in their own way, it's not about the words but writing from your heart. So, keep going in that direction, Choi Yen, and I'll still be here reading.
