
Wednesday 12 December 2018

How many ways can you eat potatoes?

Fresh off my last post on how many ways can you cook potatoes, here comes one on how many ways can you eat potatoes....and there are many.

What is it about this high-carb food that is so irresistible?  Well, I don't know but I know I just love them...whatever colour, form or shape they come in...hihihi! ;) 

#1 - French Fries (as a Side Dish or Nibble on its own)

Probably the most popular of way of eating them would be as fries!  It's unlikely they're not on menus of most cafes and restaurants as they're a sought-after nibble or bar snack and goes well with any type of drinks.  It's unthinkable to even fathom the next three dishes not accompanied by fries! ^o^

#1.1 - Fish & Chips

#1.2 - Steak & Fries

#1.3 - Burger & Fries

These three are classic combinations and you rarely find one without the other.

#2 - Begedil

favourite of mine when I see it at Malay rice stalls.  The mashed potato patties, studded with beef bits, are coated in egg before being deep-fried.  Love the frizzy, crisp egg bits on the outside and the soft potatoes within.

#3 - Mashed Potatoes (as an accompaniment to any protein)

It's very common to see proteins served on a bed of mashed potatoes as it makes a good base for your protein to sit on, don't you think?

Especially good with gravy and juices from your meat dripping into it...yum! ;)

#4 - Minced Pork (or Chicken) with Potatoes

This is a common dish cooked in many Chinese households.  Goes well with rice and adored by children.

#5 - Cottage or Shepherd's Pie

savoury, meaty, classic comfort food of minced beef or lamb blanketed by a smooth, buttery mashed potato topping.  It's pretty easy to make in large quantities that can feed a lot of people.  Great for freezing too.

#6 - Fisherman's (or Fish) Pie

variation of the meat pie, this one has a filling of fish chunks instead in a white sauce with a topping of creamy mash that's just as delish.

#7 - Chicken Curry & Potatoes

Potatoes in a chicken curry is a must-be-there ingredient.  Sometimes, they end up disappearing even faster than the chicken. ^_~

#8 - Baked Potato Skins

Baked potato skins stuffed with turkey bacon bits and cheese or minced steak chilli con carne (as the case here) is a favourite starter of my spouse when eating out.

#9- Tater Tots

These small cylindrical shaped potatoes are deep-fried till crisp on the outside.  Great as a starter or light bite.

#10 - Ikan Bilis, Kacang & Potatoes in Sambal

This dish of matchstick-sized potatoes with crisp ikan bilis and nuts fried in sambal is usually found in Malay rice stalls.  A favourite of my son, it's great with rice.

#11 - Potato Salad

Who doesn't love a good-old western-style potato salad dressed in mayo...usually perked up with added ingredients of hard-boiled eggs, bacon and chives.

#12 - Japanese Potato Salad

Or how about a Japanese version that's slightly tangy with thin slivers of cucumber and carrots mixed into it with a dash of vinegar?

#13 - Potato Dauphinoise (or Potato Au Gratin)

Potato slices baked in milk, cream, butter and/or cheese for a creamy, soft rendition with a wonderfully browned crust on top.

#14 - Potato Rosti & Latkes

A Swiss version of the classic potato pancake, rosti is made with grated or shredded potato formed into patties and pan-fried till crisp.  Topped with an egg, it's a popular breakfast food European style.  Latkes (a Jewish-style potato pancake if you will) are very similar, usually made with a binding ingredient such as egg.

#15 - Sweet Potato Tempura

A popular choice at Japanese restaurants are sweet potatoes with the lightest tempura batter fried to perfection to yield an enjoyable, crisp bite.

#16 - Potato Hash

These are cubed or diced potatoes that are pan-fried till golden brown, sometimes with onions, bell peppers, carrot and zucchini.  Topped with a fried egg, it turns into a hearty breakfast too.

#17 - Potato Soup

have to say this is one of my least favourite ways to have potatoes.

#18 - Meatballs & Potatoes

Oven-baked (or pan-fried) potatoes and meatballs with gravy is another classic combination that screams comfort food.

#19 - Potato Gnocchi

Gnocchi are fluffy little pillows of deliciousness made with potato and flour.  Pan-seared to achieve the desired browning, they can be eaten on their own or served with a hearty sauce.

#20 - Sweet Potato Balls

Now, these sweet, golden deep-fried sweet potato balls are an absolutely yummy treat fresh out of the wok.  Wonderful as a tea time snack with coffee.

Of course there are still many other ways to eat potatoes (some I've not even heard colcannon & totsagna) but, hey, I can only show you those that I have pics of (or those that I can find) in my archive!  So, what's your favourite way of having potatoes? ^_~


  1. Oh wow this is my favorite too. How not to love potatoes? My favorite way to eat is fries. Then comes roasted potatoes, potato salad, potato wedges and mashed potatoes. You are right about potatoes in curry, they are the best sellers! So always add more potatoes to avoid disappointment. I also love them in soups but not those western creamy soups.

    1. If there's one way of eating potatoes that I don't like, it'd be in Chinese soups. Whenever I make ABC soup, I would take the potatoes out (after boiling the soup) as they're really bland and tasteless. >_<

  2. my comfort carb! :D from your latest list, shepherd's pie is probably my favourite - though the one that brings back the fondest memories would be chicken curry with potatoes, since that was one dish my grandmother and aunts used to make at least twice a week :) i guess in general, one can't go wrong with potatoes as long as they're honestly prepared in the kitchen and not supermarket-bought crinkle cut fries :D coincidentally i had some double-fried potato wedges at naughty babe dirty duck this month and they were really, really good - they come with the outlet's duck burger :D

    1. Double-fried? duck fat, I'm assuming...double mmmmm! ^o^ I can't wait to 'see' and read about those really, really good potato wedges.

  3. I love your "how many ways" post.

  4. Nice series, and my favorite would be.. bacon + mash!

    1. Ah, perfect yummy combination...I make it all the time at home! ;)

  5. wow there are a few dishes that I never have or see before such Tater Tots, Ikan Bilis, Kacang & Potatoes in Sambal and the fisherman's pie :P

    1. Maybe you can keep an eye out for these to try the next time you're eating out :)

  6. Once again, you are such a brilliant blogger with creative ideas that could make me read few over for a few times. I glanced through this post for 5 times!
    See what I have to say for some selections:
    #1 - French Fries: My all time and anytime favourite which needs to be hot & slightly crispy.
    #1.1 - Fish & Chips: I think the best ones are really from England.
    #2 - Begedil: I have been eating this and today I learnt its name. Hope it stays in my potato head. LOL
    #3 - Mashed Potatoes: I am still mastering the art to make perfect mashed potatoes. I love them with the right potatoes.
    #5 - Shepherd's Pie: I would cry and think of my late mum who often made this when I was a kid. My dad is very "English" in many ways.
    #6 - Fisherman's Pie: I am curious and wanna try!
    #7 - Chicken Curry and Potatoes: My wife says I am good at this. I used ready mixed paste! (Ssshh!)
    #8 - Baked Potato Skins: I could a dozen at one sitting!
    #9 - Tater Tots: This is new to me! So I must try.
    #12 - Japanese Potato Salad: I noticed that whole Japan has one type of potato salad. Did they actually copy cat from anywhere? It is nice.
    #13 - Potato Dauphinoise: This is really delicious and got me drooling at the photo.
    #15 - Sweet Potato Tempura: I just learnt that we need to use Japanese Sweet Potatoes! Yummy!
    #17 - Potato Soup: I always avoided it for no good reasons. I should try.
    #19 - Potato Gnocchi - This is new!

    Thank you for some potato lessons today!! LOLOL

    1. Oh my, you really had quite a lot to say about some of the selections...haha....but I welcome all your comments! ^_~ You're the only one who would leave such long comments and I appreciate all of them. I love reading your comments as it brings a smile to my face, so thank you for taking the time to write these comments.

      As for the potato lessons, you're welcome (aiyoh, paiseh-lah call it lessons, I'm in no capacity to teach anybody about food (or potatoes). Ok, so let's hope this potato appreciation sticks in your potato head...wuahahahaha! :D
