
Monday 6 August 2018

#ewew cooks Nando's Chicken

If we're contemplating a chain restaurant's chicken dinner, Nando's will surface as our top pick.  We definitely prefer it over Kenny Rogers and certainly a healthier option than KFC.  Plus, we have one near us so that's really convenient.

However, these days, even a meal of Nando's isn't all that cheap.  A quarter chicken with 2 sides can easily cost more than RM20 and we haven't factored in the drink yet.

While out grocery shopping one day, I noticed these bottles of various Nando's Peri-Peri sauces being sold.  I thought...why not, maybe I can try to replicate Nando's chicken at home.

So, I got a small bottle of Lemon & Herb @ RM10.37 (a flavour which my family likes).  Personally, I prefer Mango & Lime but didn't see any on the shelves that day. 

I decided to try it out on 2 chicken wings first.  I marinated the wings with 1/2 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp freshly cracked black pepper and 1/2 tbsp olive.

initially used 1/2 tbsp of Nando's seasoning for each chicken wing but found that it wasn't quite enough and increased that to 1 tbsp for each wing.

Bake at 200°C for 20 - 25 minutes.

It came out looking beautifully browned and smelling wonderful.

Well, the chicken wings tasted almost like the real deal, after all how far off will it taste since it's made with the same deliciously tangy Nando's Lemon & Herb sauce.

Serve it with some pasta salad and you'll have yourself a nice meal of homemade (oops, I can't call it homemade since I didn't make the sauce...kekeke!)....I mean own-made Nando's chicken wings at home.

After my initial success, I also tried it with chicken leg using the same marination but with 2 tbsp Nando's Lemon & Herb seasoning for each chicken leg.

Bake at 200°C for 30 - 35 minutes.  It came out looking just as beautiful as the chicken wings although missing the charred lines of original Nando's chicken since this one is baked instead of grilled.

Now that's how a 'real' chicken leg should look like....plump and meaty, nothing like the puny-sized, skinny one from Nando's...hihihi! ^_~

Served with some roasted potatoes and cherry tomatoes, it's going to be one of the easiest chicken meals you'll ever put together at home that delivers on taste as well.

Although between the chicken leg and the chicken wing, I enjoyed the latter more coz, though the chicken leg was juicier, the underside of it wasn't able to brown as nicely as the meat is thicker and sitting on its own juices.

Well, if you enjoy eating Nando's to begin with and, depending on whether you're a wing, drumstick or thigh kinda-guy or gal, choose the cut you prefer (and the Nando's sauce of your choice) and make this super easy chicken meal with a little help from Nando's! ^.^


  1. ooo, this is a very interesting experiment. i'd love to see a blind taste test where a panel chooses between whether they prefer nando's original chicken or your home-made nando's-inspired chicken - the results would be pretty interesting too :D

    1. Oh, Nando's original chicken would win...for sure. Even I will pick theirs...kekeke! ;)

  2. I see these Nando sauces all the time at Jaya Grocer and was in two minds whether to buy or not. I have not been impressed with Nandos chicken but your roasted chicken with the bottled sauces looks so good. Perhaps I'll give it a go :)

    1. If you're not a fan of Nando's chicken, then you shouldn't get their bottled sauces as you have to like their seasoning to begin with, otherwise you wouldn't like the result.

  3. I bet your version was even better than the restaurant. Home cooking always is.

    1. Oh, you're too kind, Monica. My home cooking may come close...but it'll never be 100% like the original. ^_~

  4. Wow! My face always lighted up when I had the chance to eat at Nandos. I also love their chicken and home fries more than Kenny Rogers or KFC.
    This is so brilliant to marinate your chicken with their sauce as I love their Peri-Peri sauce too. I will buy 2 bottles soon and try.

    1. Oh, if you love Nando's chicken, then it's worth the while to buy their bottle sauces as you can have the flavours of Nando's at home...and at a cheaper price! :-)

  5. I love Nando's too and their chili sauce (garlic peri-peri to be precise), I will always stock up a bottle in my pantry. My sis bought me some Nando's chili powder from Australia but it doesn't give a similar taste as the restaurant version though.
    for the chicken leg, maybe you can turn over and bake the underside as well so you can get both sides with nice browning.

    1. Ah, more Nando's fans I see. I did think of turning the chicken leg half way through but it takes the full 30 mins to get a nice browning on one side, so flipping it half way through, I might end up with two pale-looking sides instead. The other alternative is to extend the cooking time (when I flip the chicken) but I may end up with not so juicy chicken because of the longer cook time....haiz. >.<

  6. With some fancy plates this is restaurant quality!

    1. Why, thank you! You're too kind :) Can look like restaurant quality...but taste almost only-lah...kekeke! :D
