
Wednesday 25 April 2018

Double the Yolk.....Double the Pleasure?

What are the chances of getting an egg with double yolks?  Apparently rather slim....since it occurs in only about 1 in 1000.  But not anymore.  Nowadays, double-yolk eggs can even be 'cultivated' where chickens can be bred to lay double-yolked eggs (that's what I read)! O_o

So, when my husband brought home some double yolk eggs recently (given by her sister), I was wondering if that would be the scenario that awaits me....double the yolk, double the pleasure;)

First of all, the double-yolk egg is much bigger in size compared to the normal egg.  You can see the size comparison in the photo above.  Because of the huge size, having one egg is like having two.

So, what do you do when double-yolk eggs drop on your lap...well, you quickly make sunny side-up eggs with runny yolks, of course...with a side of bacon! ^.^  As you can seethe yolks broke when I cracked my egg into the pan...and that was with extra care some more! T_T

When the yolks break, it's almost impossible to get runny yolks by the time the egg white is cooked.  I dished it up as soon as the whites were cooked, so there were still some runny parts, very little of it though.  And the bacon on top was me trying to hide my overdone eggs.  I didn't enjoy the non-runny yolks, of course! >_<
P/S: Never use shiitake mushrooms in a western-style breakfast...even if you're using fresh ones.  I know I should have used fresh button mushrooms but I only had fresh (not dried) shiitake mushrooms in the fridge and I thought it wouldn't be too bad....but I was so wrong.  The flavour of shiitake mushrooms is too intense...and has no place in a big breakfast! :P

I used another egg to make soft-boiled eggs.   For my usual soft-boiled eggs, I would bring enough water (to cover the eggs) to boil and then lower two eggs (straight from the fridge) into the boiled water, cover and let it steep for about 3 1/2 minutes.  But since this was a larger egg and the egg was at room temperature, I let it steep for an extra 30 seconds (about 4 minutes in total).

As you can see, the yolks broke again! >:(  The shell seemed more porous (compared to the usual eggs) and they crack easily with a slight tap but when I put my fingers in to open up the egg, the yolks still broke even though I took extra precaution (again)....haiz!  The yolks were still perfectly cooked and runny (of course), just that I lost that bit of enjoyment of poking the yolk and seeing the yolk oozing out.

I used the final egg to make hard-boiled eggs.  This will certainly be failproof coz surely no such thing as broken yolks will happen with this cook method! :P

Eaten with a drizzle of soy and a sprinkle of white pepper, I finally enjoyed my extra creamy double yolked egg.  Two is always better than one...two egg yolks, I mean.

If you think a double-yolk egg is egg-straordinary, think again.  There's even triple-yolked eggs...and that's a 25 million to one odds!! O_o  I've not seen one myself other than the pics I've seen online (if they're indeed real).

So, in the end, was it...double the yolk, double the pleasure?  Not really (coz you can get the exact same thing with two eggs...hihihi).  I think it was more...double the fun, double the excitement really...of getting a double-yolk egg against the odds! ^_~

THE END.....and now back to our regular eggs! >_<


  1. OMG! I am so jakun and never heard of double yolk eggs in my whole life! I love that taglines of "double the yolk, double the pleasure" and that kinky "double the fun, double the excitement" You can be a good imaginative copywriter too.

    I only love to buy the higher priced "extra large eggs" which is only available at De Market as I could not find elsewhere. I might not want to try this double yolk eggs after hearing how difficult you tried to break its shells nicely but failed. I would be doomed for sure. muahahaha

    Thank you for sharing this eye opening eggs!

    1. I wouldn't know if you can find double yolk eggs being sold here though.

      Glad you liked the taglines. Me...a good imaginative copywriter? You're too kind with your words :)

  2. Heheh, I guess one yolk is never enough nowadays, considering how every plate of eggs Benedict or a big breakfast comes with two eggs. I wouldn’t mind watching (in real life) two chicks hatch from a double-yolked egg (I’ve seen single chicks hatch before) ;)

    1. Unfortunately, I read that double-yolked eggs generally won't hatch if incubated.

  3. You mean, we can buy double yolk eggs? I wonder where your sister-in-law got them from. I love egg yolks, so I won't mind the extra yolk :) Your big breakfast looks like it was served at a restaurant!

    1. She got them from a relative who owns a chicken farm. I'm not sure if you can actually buy double-yolked eggs here but I read that M & S markets them in UK.

  4. When many out there want to get rid of the egg yolk when savoring egg, I wonder how's the demand of this double yolk egg?

    1. The yolk is the best part...why would anyone want to get of them when savouring eggs. :P

  5. You had me waiting in anticipation of seeing those double yolks boiled. Luckily, you satisfied my curiosity. I'm even more curious though as to how they breed hens to lay double yolkers and if that is a healthy thing to do or not.

    1. I also do not know but I read that laying double yolked eggs are more common with some hen breeds while some may have laid it 'accidentally'...hehe! ;)
