
Friday 30 March 2018

Mr Tuk Tuk @ Sunway Velocity

I've been reading about this place from someone who seems to love this place so much that she has uploaded three posts...Tuk Tuk, Solo Lunches @ Tuk Tuk and My Phad Thai Craving....all in a span of two months...hehe! ^_~

Since there's a Mr Tuk Tuk @ Sunway Velocity near me, it would be a travesty not to try after reading that.  If you don't already know what type of food they serve here, the tuk tuk parked right in front of the restaurant is a dead giveaway.

And let me just say that getting a pic of the tuk tuk (without passengers) wasn't the easiest thing to do...hahaha! :D  It's always swarmed with children wanting (or should I say forced by their parents!) to sit in it and take photos.  Ok-lah, children I can understand....but grown-ups too! :P

The place is always crowded, so finding a table inside the restaurant may prove difficult during peak meal times.  But there are extra seats set up in front of the restaurant (that's where we were seated).  I think its popularity lies in their very affordably-priced menu with the majority of single dishes costing in the region of RM10 (the most expensive ones cost RM13.80), four value sets with drinks (RM18.80) and two sharing platters (RM25.80).

My family isn't into Tom Yum as they don't really like sour stuff, so I went with the Tom Kha Seafood @ RM12.80, a light coconut milk soup that still had subtle hints of spicy and sour (just not as fiery or as sour as tom yum).  It had two good-sized prawns, a few pieces of squid and some small chunks of fish together with oyster mushrooms, tomatoes and onions.  Good eaten with rice. ^.^

The Fried (Tom Yum) Chicken Wings @ RM9.80, served with a fresh green chilli dip, were freshly fried and nicely crispy, just don't remember it having much tom yum flavour.  But it was satisfying enough with a bit of kick from the chilli dip.

We also ordered the Thai Special Platter (PR2) @ RM25.80 made up of Thai Satay, Thai Honey Chicken, Spring Rolls & Prawn Crackers and Thai Mango Salad.  A platter like this is ideal for sharing as it allows you to taste a few different types of appetisers in smaller portions.

The sticks of Thai Satay, I found them to be a little on the dry side, probably coz they were all lean meat.

The Thai Honey Chicken or "Kai Ping" was sufficiently tender and not too sweet but needed a bit more flavour and caramelisation.  It's not quite as satisfying as the pork version of "Moo Ping" would be though.

The Fried Spring Rolls & Prawn Crackers were as they should be...plain but crispy.

Finally, the Thai Mango Salad featuring slithers of young mango with sliced onions, fragrant dried cuttlefish pieces, crunchy roasted cashew nuts and a few hidden bird's eye chillies was a refreshing mouthful of taste and texture.  I usually don't enjoy mango salads very much as I find them too sour but this one wasn't tart at all.

Although some of the components of the Thai Special Platter didn't impress, the chilli dip was the standout besides the mango salad.  Even the plain prawn crackers dipped in the very pleasant, fresh tasting chilli sauce made it a favourite of mine.

We also tried one of the set meals, SM2 @ RM18.80 with pandan chicken, crispy fish fillet, Thai mango salad and fried rice.

I don't remember trying the Pandan Chicken, either that or it wasn't memorable.

The Thai Fish Fillet, more like nuggets of fish, drenched in a Thai chilli sauce, wasn't very enticing.

The Fried (Yellow) Rice was alright.

The Thai Mango Salad (the same one as before) I truly enjoyed.

As usual, there must be a vegetable dish in every meal.  How about Fried Kangkung @ RM10.80, a crispy version that is (one I've not encountered before).  This fried kangkung, much like tempura fried kangkung, was incredibly crispy....and utterly scrumptious!  Now why didn't we think of deep-frying our kangkung before! ;P

It was very addictive.  I couldn't stop eating.  The dish came with two chilli dips (I'm assuming the other orange-coloured dip is meant for this too).  The dip of fresh green chillies is similar to the one served with the chicken wings but the orange-coloured chilli dip was different.  It had bits of something in it for some textural contrast (I'm thinking some kind of minced seafood, like possibly prawns or fish, but I can't be certain).  Eat the fried kangkung with any one of these dips and it tastes even more amazing. ^o^

The Thai Iced Tea @ RM8.80 didn't quite get me on board with its taste.  It was just ok, slightly on the sweet side.  The Fresh Lime was the drink of the day with the set meal.  The drinks come in large sizes that can be easily shared.

My Personal Opinion

I think the place is well sought-after because of its friendly prices and ideal smaller portion sizes which are great for small families.  For bigger groups, you can have more variety by ordering more dishes to share since each one costs around RM10 only.

The food had its hits and misses.  One miss for me would be their meat dishes that are grilled or fried as they tend to be a tad on the dry side.

The thing that made the biggest impression were their salads (does fried kangkung qualify as a salad? *wink wink*) and chilli dips that were refreshing and delectable.  The chilli dips saved the meat for me and made some of the less impressive ones palatable.

Having said that, it was still more than decent based on the prices charged.  Perhaps, I'll stick to more soup or curry-based dishes the next time I'm here.  I'd also like to try their phad thai and fried rice on future visits.

Mr Tuk Tuk
4-01B Sunway Velocity Mall
Lingkaran SV
55100 Kuala Lumpur


  1. For once, I’m with your family - I’m not a fan of sour stuff either, so I don’t order Tom Yum too much :) wah! Deep-fried kangkung sounds like the ideal way to un-healthify a healthy ingredient! ;) guess I should also look out for the Mr tuk tuk that’s nearest to me! :D

    1. I don't blame you since men generally don't seem to like sour stuff. When you're swallowing that fried kangkung, just imagine you're filling up on your veggie quota for the day...kekeke! ;)

  2. hee..hee..hee.. So you made it to Mr Tuk Tuk. Yeah, the one at Starling is also perpetually crowded. Even after 3pm, there are many tables occupied. I must try the fried kangkung next time!

    1. Please's a different take on kangkung that's crispy and addictive. When prices are friendly, there's bound to be a crowd =)

  3. I tried their Tom Yum and I like it!
