
Wednesday 7 February 2018

My Ang Pow Collection

Ang Pow, red envelopes, red packets....whatever you call them, all of us love giving and receiving them (ok, maybe less giving and more receiving)...hahaha! ^_~

  Traditionally given during Chinese New Year (CNY) and also on special occasions like weddings, birth of a baby, birthdays, graduation or simply to mark a specific celebration.

As with every Chinese New Year, shopping malls, retailers, restaurants and banks would give away these ang pow packets to their customers.  Most of the designs end up being nothing distinctive or spectacular-looking but, once in a while, some really unique and beautiful ones do come my way (I don't purposely go out of my way to seek them out, though I know some people who do).

So, over the years, I've kept some of the nicer ones for my own collection.....

#1 - OCBC

One of my all-time favourite ang pow designs comes from OCBC Bank coz they're usually unlike anything else, one of its kind.  I think they have the prettiest-looking ang pow designs by any bank by far.  OCBC is one of the very few who would print their ang pow packets in 4 designs.

2009 - Potted Flowers & Fruits Design (packets in 4 different colours of red, peach, light & dark pink).

2010 - A family-themed design is befitting any CNY celebration.



Although in some years (2011), they scaled it down to just 2 designs (cost factor?) ^_*



2012 - Four different designs synonymous with CNY (mandarin oranges, tea, flowers & goldfish) but in just

I collected OCBC's red packets from 2009 - 2012 and then I didn't bother the next 5 years until this year.  I googled their 2013 - 2017 designs and saw that I didn't miss much as those designs were my least-liked (especially the 2014, 2015 & 2017 designs).

Luckily, they got their creative mojo back.  This 2018 tassel design may be their best one yet, minimalistic but elegant :=)



#2 - HSBC

Flower themes is a favourite among many as lotus and cherry blossoms symbolise CNY.

#3 - Stanchart

Stanchart's designs are always timeless and elegant.

#4 - ICBC

Gold (or red) is generally the preferred choice of colour of most ang pow packet designs for its auspicious denotation.

#5 - RBS

I think foreign banks tend to have much better designs (and quality) than local this one which has a pocket within the red packet.  I think this is the nicest looking design I've come across so far.

#6 - Maybank

For local banks, this one isn't too bad.

#7 -

I got this from an online store I used to buy branded bags from.  I especially liked the first one where the red packet looked like you're receiving a gift card.

#8 - Pandora

This one is very classy, of has to be, after all, it's Pandora!  I obviously got this in the year that I was busy buying charms to add on to my bracelet...hihihi! ;)

#9 - Caring Pharmacy

Last year's design - Year of the Rooster
(I like the colourful rooster but the other one looks like one fierce rooster) :P

This year's design - Year of the Dog
(ok-lah, the design isn't spectacular but there's this "scan to create a puppy" on the back that's rather cute)

#10 - MH Hotel

Nowadays, we don't often see these types of ang pow packets where the illustration tells a this one of children simply enjoying the festivities.

You know what, I've even come across people selling some of these unused ang pow packets online.  I guess everything has a price...and there's always a quick buck to be made out of anything! O_o

I'll probably continue with this habit of mine to keep some of these nicer-looking ang pow packets for my own collection.  Do you do that too?


  1. What a pretty collection of packets you have. I never know what to do with them (empty ones) when I receive them.

    1. The extras can be given away to the church as they need lots of them for decoration purposes.

  2. I still have a whole bunch of unused ang pow packets for previous years. I agree that OCBC has the prettiest designs, I love them too. Another favorite is Standard Chartered and HSBC. The worst I think is Public Bank.

    1. Most local banks designs aren't really that creative...or nice-looking.

  3. I like to collect ang pow too but don't know what to do with them >_<

    1. You can make them into decorations for your house? ;)

  4. wah, you're an ang pow collector - like a stamp collector! interesting! :D i only give four ang pows during chinese new year, to my older relatives, so i don't really go looking for ang pow packets, since i have a stash that'll still last me a few more years ... from your collection, i like 2010 hsbc! :D

    1. I think you meant 2010 ocbc...I see you like the family theme. You're very lucky to only have to give four ang pows during CNY...hehehe! ;D

  5. Some good collections, please fill up with money and send some over! :D

    1. Shouldn't you be giving...instead of receiving....wuahahahaha! :D

  6. OMG! My jaws dropped at all your fabulous collection of pretty and colourful ang pow envelopes. They are so nice esp those with cute illustrations. I love them.
    I am wondering why I never bothered to keep some like you collectors as I had very different ones before. I better start keeping them from this year onward as they won't take up space at all. I am slapping my head now... Thank you for sharing them all. Love them!

    1. Oh, I'm glad my collection has managed to entice you to start collecting yourself. And yes, they don't take up much space at all to keep. Enjoy your new hobby! ;)
