
Wednesday 10 January 2018

How about a 2018 Calendar Featuring.....Cookie?

Cookie:  Happy New Year everyone!
Have you been wining and dining throughout the holidays like I have? ;)

A special shout-out to those who wants to see more of me in 2018! *blowing kisses*
Your wish is my command.

Normally around the end of the year, my mistress master would be confronted with many pet calendars that she's tempted to buy.

But why would she?  When she's got the real! ^_~

Hey, I think I'm good-looking enough to be featured in calendars.  Sadly, I've not had any offers come my way.  But if I had, these would probably be my 10 best shots for a 2018 calendar.....what do you think?

Mr January
I'm no aristocratcat (or any special breed)...I'm just a domestic short hair but a handsome one at that *self-praise mode on* :P

Mr February
Who wants to be my Valentine?  But we can't have kids coz my master made me a "eunuch" already! :D

Mr March
I'm too sexy for my.....fur?  Too sexy for my fur.  So sexy it hurts ;P
This can be a shot for the Playboy Playcat magazine...kekeke!

Mr April
Peekaboo...I'm adorable even without trying! ;)

Mr May
I like to be the centre of attention...even to the point of disturbing my master when she's writing her posts.

Mr June
This is a good spot (on top of my master's car) for people (or, in my case, cat) watching...must be on the lookout for those nasty male cats.

Mr July
When I'm photographed outside (with enough light), my fur is a beautiful pristine white & light brown (they're my true colours) ^_*

Mr August
Tall and regal....I'm the king of the jungle this neighbourhood :)

Mr September
This was the slim me before I put on a bit of weight lately...must cut back on those snacks! ^.^

Mr October
My master says I'm giving her the evil eye...maybe I am. >_<

Mr November
That's me in the prime of my youth (taken more than 4 years ago).  The blurry photo, taken with my master's chiplak phone then, didn't do justice to the cute me, don't you agree?

Mr December
Tis the season to be jolly + it's my birthday! ^o^

Would you like a calendar.....featuring me?


  1. OMG! What an adorable and cheeky post! Really made me smile and laugh. Oh yes, Cookie! You are da bomb! If there were a Cookie calendar I want! Hey, Kris, what about a Cookie calendar giveaway? hee..hee..hee..

    1. Cookie: Giveaway calendar? Nuh uh uh, I have to earn my keep (to buy more premium snacks). My Cookie calendar will cost ya! ;D

  2. waaaah! very creative calendar ... i think February is my favourite, cos it's a super-adorable pose and expression :D cookie is cool enough that i'm almost tempted to ask if i can be his cat-sitter whenever you're away for more than a day :D

    1. I'd certainly welcome you as his cat-sitter but he'll probably drive you nuts as he's quite a handful :) Cookie: I am adorable....enuf said.
