
Tuesday 13 June 2017

#ewew cooks 5-Course Dinner-for-Two

A close friend of mine commented the other day how she missed (and longed for) my cooking.  She vividly remembered the great western meal I once cooked for her (and some friends) a long time ago.

So, when an opportune time presented itself, I decided to cook her a 5-Course Dinner-for-Two...and make it memorable enough for her to last the next few years....wuahahahaha! :D

I took some inspiration from a 7-course meal I had at Marco Creative Cuisine @ 1 Utama recently (though that one is way out of my league) to come up with my own 5-course menu (just for a bit of fun!) which I hope my friend will enjoy.  So, let's begin on my rather 'amateurish-and-not-very-creative' journey of flavours! ^_*

Prelude - Drinks

If you and your guest(s) are non-drinkers, it'll be nice to get a bottle of sparkling juice (it doesn't have to be expensive) and get it chilled.  For drinking water, you can add a bit of pizzazz by just making it lemon-infused water.  P/S: And no, I wasn't serving Evian was just the bottle I got from my previous dining experience at Fisherman's Cove @ Starhill.  After paying a whopping RM32(!) for a bottle of distilled water, I was as hell going to take it home with me as a keepsake.  The bottle now sits in my fridge (filled with 'normal' water) as a reminder of how much I once paid for a bottle of water.

1st Course - Palate Cleanser

Of course I wouldn't know how to make lime foams (like Marco's menu) or anything remotely similar, so I made the only thing I knew how...a Lemon Jelly (I just dissolved a little agar-agar powder with some lemon juice, lemon zest and a bit of sugar and let it set).  As long as it's citrusy, sourish and can awaken the palate, I think that should work as a palate cleanser, right?  Kekeke! :D

2nd Course - Starter

Our starter of Mango Salsa with Chargrilled Prawns & Squid was something I cooked before to great success (check out the recipe here).  It's a refreshing and not-too-heavy starter of nicely charred seafood (this time I added squid...and scored them for better presentation!) with juicy chunks of mango.  As this starter can be eaten at room temperature, the prawns and squid can be pre-cooked and the mango salsa prepped ahead of time (just toss with the dressing at the last minute).

3rd Course - Main & Sides

As with many dinner parties, chicken is always a very-forgiving protein to cook as well as a cheap protein of choice.  So, I made Roast Chicken with Chinese Coriander & Honey (you can reference the recipe here). Roast chicken is one of the easiest mains to nail which won't need you to slave over a fire to cook it.  Just put it in the oven (when your guests arrive) and it should be ready by the time you get to the main course.

And with any main, you need sides to go with it....and what's better than Roasted Potatoes & Capsicums. Both the roasted potatoes and capsicums can be roasted together with the chicken if you have a big enough oven or you're cooking for a small number of guests.  Otherwise, the potatoes and capsicums can be roasted beforehand and reheated later (when you're roasting the chicken)....easy peasy which leaves you with very little away time from your guest(s).

4th Course - Dessert

For the dessert course, you could go with something really some store-bought good quality ice cream or even just fresh fruits and it'll be all good.  But I chose to make Fresh Coconut Jelly instead.  The good thing about making coconut jelly is that you can make it ahead of time, even the day before, and let it set in the fridge.  That'll leave you with one less thing to do on the day itself.

5th & Final Course - Coffee

As with all good meals, it has to end with a good cup of coffee.  Of course, we can't have cafe-quality coffee at home, so just go with one you usually drink at home.  Add a small piece of cookie or chocolate for a touch of finesse. ^_~ 

I used to cook this type of meal for as many as 10 guests but I've not done that in a long while as I have 'retired' aka I'm too afraid of all the work that needs to be done.  Cooking for two or four (max) is all I can (and want to) handle these days, nothing more than that.  That's why it'll be to your advantage to choose your menu wisely.  Choose dishes that you have cooked a certain degree of success.  A dinner party is not the time to experiment with new dishes.  Also choose one that's fairly easy to do in which some of the items can be prepped ahead.  That way you don't have to spend too much time in the kitchen and away from your guest(s).

This 5-course meal I cooked cost me only about RM30 per head.  Even if you choose a simple (and cheap) menu, it doesn't mean it won't be successful.  In the end, whoever you're cooking for will appreciate it nonetheless.  After all, it's a home-cooked meal from the heart :)


  1. Fuyoh, your 5-course dinner definitely look great for home cook standard!

    1. Thanks dear...for your kind words and encouragement :)

  2. Your friend must have been thrilled! I really like your selection of dishes, right down to the dessert and coffee. I would be very happy to have someone cook a 5 course meal for me while I sit back, relax and just eat hah..hah... Yeah, cooking for 10 people is a lot of work. Now when I think back of how I cooked during CNY, I go weak at the knees. I agree that 4 people max is a comfortable number. I think I am retiring too from my family gathering dinners. We'll just eat out. And hah..hah.. I should have kept that bottle of expensive water from El Cerdo :D

    1. At least your bottle of water didn't cost as much as mine! O_o Yeah, four is a nice number. Cooking a western-type meal for 10 people is a lot of work but if it's a Chinese-type meal (with rice), that's at least easier to handle, in my opinion, as some of the dishes can be pre-cooked ahead of time.

  3. This would be great for a private kitchen sort of set-up. There'd be people out there (like me!) who'd be very happy with such a nice home-made meal. Though with food this tasty, I'd request 10 courses! :D

    1. 10 courses! You have to revive me after I "pengsan"...haha! :D

  4. Very nice touch with the Godiva choccie at the end.

    1. Ah yes, to end on a sweet note...nothing but the best chocolate! ;)

  5. I really love your colourful plates and matching paper napkin to create the vibrant mood. You cooked very delicious meal for your friend and the proportion was just right for 2 servings. I had so much left over from the Thai dinner at home and slowly stuffing myself daily. LOLOL

    Now I learn something that we could bake the potatoes and capsicums earlier!! I always made the mistake to bake everything together in one tray and not everything cooked equally. Slap my head! HaHa!

    1. I used to cook like that...always thinking it's never enough and end up with so much food later. Nowadays, I've changed my game plan. I cook less so that 1) everything is finished giving me the feeling that everything was delicious until nothing's left...haha! :D 2) sending my guests home not 100% full make them long and miss my cooking even more...muahahahaha..sneaky me! :P and 3) most importantly, there's little or no wastage and I don't have to keep eating the leftovers over the next few days.
