
Wednesday 15 February 2017

Snacks from Pun Chun @ Bidor

Pun Chun Chicken Biscuits & Restaurant @ Bidor is a regular stopover for many travellers heading north (me and my family included) during our "balik kampong" ritual for Chinese New Year.  We'd usually head here, en route to Ipoh, for a cup of coffee and an early breakfast...and to stretch our legs from the long journey.

We hadn't stopped here during our last two Chinese New Year trips back home preferring to have a better breakfast in Ipoh instead.  But, this year, we started our journey late and got caught in horrendous traffic, so we had no choice but to "singgah" here for breakfast, otherwise we'd be having a very late breakfast by the time we reach Ipoh :(

Breakfast for us is usually either Wantan Mee or Duck Noodles.  I think the Herbal Duck Noodles is probably the better option of the two (and my personal preference too) but since it wasn't available that day, I had to settle for the wantan noodles :'(  Walk into just about any coffee shop in KL and you'd probably find better tasting wantan noodles than this.

The Fried "Wu Kok" (Yam Puff) is also popular with travellers passing through here with the stall owner doing brisk business.  Many would buy them by the boxes....why, I have no idea! >_<  I used to think so too....many years ago when I first began to "balik kampong".  I probably didn't know better then...or the quality has dropped....or my taste buds have changed/elevated since eating excellent yam puffs!  You can easily get way better yam puffs in KL, even Ipoh, at any dim sum shop (you can check my earlier write-up on the wantan mee, duck noodles and yam puffs here).

But not all is an unscheduled stop over here also meant I get to buy some of my favourite snacks.....woohoo! ;)

And my ultimate favourite is this Kuih Kapit with Pork Floss @ RM7.  Each packet contains 12 smaller individually wrapped packets of two pieces in each packet.

You have an outer layer that tastes like "kuih kapit" or Chinese love letters (crispy wafers made from a batter of egg and coconut milk), only that it's thicker than your usual kuih kapit, and the inside filled with pork floss.

This time, I noticed that there was an additional ingredient....coriander leaves ("yin sai" or Chinese parsley) that added even more fragrance to the kuih kapit besides the toasted black sesame seeds.  What a great snack! So good!! ^o^

I also noticed something I didn't see two years back and got myself a packet of Kerepek Ikan (Fish Crisps) @ RM8.50 and each packet comes with two packets inside.  Although it's called kerepek ikan, both fish and squid were listed as part of the ingredients.

Not the cheapest snack but these fish crisps were incredibly crispy with a wonderful grilled flavour and a savoury fish and squid (more squid than fish) taste.

The crisps were coated with a caramelised sweet glaze that offered a sticky sweet taste to balance the slightly spicy flavour.  This is pretty addictive too...and I regret not buying more! >_<

Of course I couldn't resist the ever popular Satay Ikan (Barbeque Fish) @ RM7.50 which holds 6 individual packets of satay ikan...rather amusing brand name (London Bridge!) for a local product though :D

This one was more savoury in taste and not as sweet as the kerepek ikan.  It's also more spicy but, overall, a bit more fishy in taste (and harder in texture) compared to the fish crisps.

My Personal Opinion

If there's one thing that makes your stopover in Pun Chun worthwhile, it'll be the abundance of snacks you can get your hands on...besides the Duck Noodles and the chance to stretch your legs (or for a pitpee-stop).

If you find yourself in Pun Chun, do look out for the Kuih Kapit with Pork Floss and Kerepek Ikan....but I can't guarantee that you won't get addicted to them! ^_~

Pun Chun Chicken Biscuits & Restaurant
38 & 40 Jalan Besar
35500 Bidor
Tel: 05-434 1554


  1. Oh, I've had their duck noodles here - they're very good!

  2. I am very familiar with this Bidor's famous signature brand since the early 90s. They have grown many folds and expanded their products so well.

    I see new items in your post and I am attracted to the innovative way to add Chinese Parsley into the Kueh kapit. I must buy this when I pass Bidor again.

    1. I thought the addition of Chinese parsley was very unique too. Give it a try when you pass here again.

  3. ooo, i'm not sure i've been to bidor before ... i like how a lot of older small towns (especially in perak!) have their own interesting specialities ... it makes these places worth detouring to! :)

    1. Any place with good snacking opportunities is definitely worth detouring to! ^_*

  4. I love crunchy sweet and salty snacks like those. Terribly addictive and for a compulsive eater like me, it is a very dangerous thing :( Interesting that they put coriander leaves into the savory kuih kapit. They must have dried the leaves very well.

    1. I loved the fragrance the coriander leaves added to the kuih kapit ^.^

  5. kuih kapit with floss is t he best thing ever.

  6. The portion of duck noodles getting smaller & smaller every time I visit,not to mention about the taste, not as tasty as it used to be. My last visit was when we trapped in terrible jam caused by the overturned tanker when we heading to Ipoh ast year.

    1. Looks like this place is a common diversion for many who are caught in heavy traffic.

  7. One of these days I need to try the kuih kapit with chicken floss. There's one place in Penang that does it for CNY, apparently you have to pre-book 3 months in advance. I flinched at the idea but all my friends who tried it said they can never go back to normal kuih kapit. Hmmm...

    1. Since you pass by Bidor enroute home (be it Penang or KL) each time, you can consider stopping by one day to get some to see if your friends are right! ^_~
