
Thursday 26 January 2017

Favourite 'Sweet Eats' of 2016

After my favourite 'nice eats' and 'cheap eats' of 2016, it was pretty easy to come up with my list of favourite 'sweet eats' of 2016 as I didn't get to try all that many last year (since my friends and I met up less last year).

I'd usually take a bite (or a spoonful) only.....or two maybe...ok, three tops, when I'm out with my 'gang'. That way, my friends can help eat the rest of the dessert since I don't really have that much of a sweet tooth (neither do my family) + I also try not to indulge in too much sugary stuff.

Foo Foo Fine Desserts @ TTDI

They have some creative, frilly and so foofoo desserts, with unconventional ice cream flavours (like Apple Galette with Kaffir Lime Ice Cream or Strawberry Tart with Balsamic Vinegar Ice Cream though my favourite was the Mango Lychee Ice Cream Slice with Fruit Salsa) that are bound to raise your taste buds (maybe some eyebrows even).  Definitely a fine find of a dessert place (+ you'll never get bored with frequent new offerings on the menu to reel you in!) ^_~

It's a stop for drinkers and coffee enthusiasists with cocktails and coffee...or alcoholic coffee for those in-between.  Give their unique waffles, both alcoholic (Sangria Berry Mess) and non-alcoholic (Som Tam) versions, a try.

Tim Ho Wan @ Mid Valley

The best thing on the menu is this Steamed Egg Cake as theirs is one of the most airy, lightest and fluffiest one I've ever come across.

Crosserie Artisan Bakery @ Plaza Damansara

Want some fine French pastries and European-styled breads made with top quality ingredients?  Then this is the place for you.  A 'must try' is their Tart Au Citron with an intense and immensely tangy lemon curd or the absolutely stunning Opera Cake for a little piece of heaven!  Don't leave without a few of their super flaky and crisp Croissants (made with a 16-layer French butter dough)...truly one of the best I've eaten! ^o^

Zest Pattiserie @ Connaught Avenue, Cheras

There was this dainty cake named Earl that had a soft, delicate texture with a hint of chocolate and a smooth mango custard.  It was a pretty little thing...and pretty in taste too! ;)

Botanica + Co @ Bangsar South

The relaxing atmosphere amidst lush greenery while sipping a good coffee, mocktail or cocktail makes you want to stay for hours.  So, why not have a devilishly lush dessert while you're at it with the likes of a crisp and light Churros Donut Stack or a zesty and refreshing Yuzu Pudding (with vanilla ice cream), maybe even a tangy Mango Meringue Pie.

Chateraise Pattiserie @ Suria KLCC

You won't go wrong with anything that has Hokkaido fresh cream in them like their light and airy Legendary Fresh Cream Cake or Strawberry Cube Cake.  Not forgetting the ultra fluffy and best dorayaki I've had, the Azuki Bean & Cream Pancake....simply divine! ^.^

Madam Kwan's @ Suria KLCC

Finally, a simple, old-school dessert that's been a favourite of many generations...Sago Gula Melaka....with cooked-just-right sago pearls, good quality gula melaka and incredibly thick and fragrant coconut milk.....the best!

Well, that's my short and sweet list.....and with that I bid all my readers a Healthy, Wealthy and Successful Year of the Rooster 2017!

*time for another short break*

And for those of you who are leaving town on your "balik kampung" journey.....

Keep Calm.  Be Safe.  Drive Smart.


  1. I really like the way you share all the nice eating outlets with short write ups like this. I must learn to blog about food since I do eat 3 meals per day. Perhaps I need to find a nice cat too like yours. LOL

    What a nice & attractive lengthy name called Strawberry Tart with Balsamic Vinegar Ice Cream! It sounds rather unique and I am game for such eating excitement.

    I always like to eat at Tim Ho Wan as everything is nice there. This steamed egg cake has attracted my eyes to try it soon. The service is very fast and efficient too.

    1. Oh, you haven't tried the steamed egg cake yet...then you must, it's really good! :)

  2. wah, the sago gula melaka at madam kwan's looks gloriously good - i don't think i've ever had it there before, and now i want to! :D

    1. Sometimes, simple things executed well are the best! ;)

  3. Olfactory - definitely a fave of mine too. I'm yet to try Foo Foo but it's on my list too!

    1. Their desserts are quite unique I must say =)

  4. I am game for desserts any time! But I will definitely have more than 3 spoonfuls hee..hee... I've not been to any of the places you featured so this year, I must make it an effort to try restaurants/cafes that I have not been to before.

    By the way, enjoy the break (I am taking one too) and I wish you and your family a very Happy and Prosperous Rooster Year!

    1. I hope 2017 will be the year you venture further away from Damansara Uptown and try some new things....hee...hee! ;D Happy New Year to you and your family too...and enjoy the holidays :)

  5. Nothing that I can consider for this coming few days I'm afraid. My mom hates (me eating) sweet food more than she hates (me eating) meats.

    Gong Xi Fa Cai to you and your family by the way... :D

    1. No need to venture out to eat already when you can have your mom's cooking this CNY. Happy Lunar New Year to you and your family too...enjoy the festivities :)

  6. All these treats are not simply a slice/bite of heaven, they are sinful, too. What is life without a naughty?

    Enjoy the break. Have a safe journey if you are travelling. Wishing you a Happy Chinese Year

    1. I agree...what is life without some sinful treats! ;) Wishing you and your family a Happy Lunar New Year too :)
