
Friday 9 December 2016

my Toast n Roast @ SS2 PJ

The last time we went to Toast & Roast, we ended up at the wrong place (not knowing then that the Google Map was showing their new address).  That wrong place however is now the right place for the new my Toast n Roast @ SS2 PJ....the original Toast & Roast by Sean & Angie.

When I mentioned about the old place (no wonder I didn't see them when I last dined there), I was told (by Angie) that the old place is now under a different management and run by Sean's side of the family.  I don't know Sean and Angie personally (and I don't wish to intrude on their privacy) but there must have been some sort of family disagreement that led to the split and them opening up their own place here.  What a wonder people always say don't go into business with family! >.<  For the latest on their story, you can check out the write-up by vulcan post here.

Walking into the new place, this one's more comfortable and cleaner than a coffee shop but with minimalistic decor of cafe-like tables and chairs....and, a plus point, air-conditioning.  But it was also obvious that the renovation was kept to a minimum with plain cement walls and the retention of two different set of old floor tiles that was clearly left by the two previous (half lot) tenants.  We were here about two weeks after they opened and I could already see a steady clientele forming.

A quick glance of their menu shows prices and food basically similar to the old place with a few additions and some upcoming additions.  We went with an order of Char Siew Rice @ RM7.20 to start with.  As you can see, the strip of char siew had well caramelised edges with a nice tender texture.

I was hesitant to order their speciality again at first, the Hakka Noodle Original (with just minced meat) @ RM7 as it wasn't very satisfying the last time I had it.  But my husband say let's just order it and try since this could taste different.  And I'm glad I did.  This one tasted a lot better (and not as bland as the one I had previously when I had to use the char siew sauce to add flavour to the noodles).  When I showered this compliment on Angie, she was quick to add that this is made by none other than the original chef, her husband, that's why! ;)

I noticed that they now offer wantan mee (which I don't remember seeing in the old place), so that became our next order.  This was the Wantan Mee (Dry) with Char Siew @ RM8.  I think putting wantan mee on the menu is a good decision as there are quite a lot of people who simply don't like "white-looking" noodles and need to have the dark soya version for more flavour.  The wantan noodles here are flavourful, albeit slightly oily, and would please those who love their wantan mee very dry.  They're definitely tasty and more so with the added crispy fish flakes that offer a different dimension to the usual wantan mee.

The pretty ordinary wantans that came with the noodles.

Condiments of pickled green chillies and a good fresh chilli dip.

Of course, you can't come here and not order a portion of their most saleable item, their Char Siew @ RM11 (for small) served with a side of smoky, delicious char siew sauce.  This time I got the right cut of "pun fei sau" for the perfect balance of half lean and half fat that had that melt-in-the-mouth feel with a sticky caramelised outer layer that's not too sweet.  It's heavenly char siew that ranks among some of my utmost favourites like Chan Meng Kee (wantan mee), Uncle Meng (char siew) and Char Siew Zhai (wantan mee) in my opinion.

Glistening, caramelised, smoky char siew that beckons you to come and get it! ^o^

We complemented our meal with some side dishes, or more specifically fried dishes, of Fried Sui Kow @ RM4.80 (3 pcs/set).....

......and Fried Wantan @ RM5.50 (6 pcs/set) that were just there to provide some crispy snacking.  I'm looking forward to try their new side orders of Tortilla Wrapped Char Siew Bacon with Vege, English Muffin Butter and Mantou with Charsiew Bacon in BBQ Sauce (which I saw listed on their menu as 'coming soon').

My Personal Opinion

I've had the pleasure of eating both the 'half fat half lean' and the 'less fat' cuts of char siew (at both places) and both cuts are equally delicious.  So, make sure you specify the cut you want for maximum enjoyment.

There's nothing much to complain really but, if I were to nitpick, I wish they would dial down a bit on the oiliness in their wantan mee and char siew sauce.

If you want the original taste of Toast & Roast, make sure you seek out the new my Toast n Roast...and not the previous place! ^_*

my Toast n Roast
101 Jalan SS2/6
47300 Petaling Jaya
Tel: 016-682 2249


  1. "pun fei sau" is the best! I ate at the old shop before. It is time to pay the new shop a visit.

    1. Yes, the previous owners of the old place need all your support at their new place ;)

  2. Well, if the original chef is here, then this is the one to visit as you have attested. I am very curious about char siew bacon, it has to be something good! Well, I KIV this place and make sure to go to the right one. I believe there a quite a few family run restaurants that split up like this. Family run can be good because you are supposed to be able to rely on and trust family members but at times disputes or disagreements may arise and that's the sad part. Of course this may or may not be the case for the proprietors of this new place. Another reason could be expansion as one outlet may not be able to accommodate many diners.

    1. Judging from Angie's explicit comments (old place is now run by a different management and the original chef is here), she gives me the impression that this is definitely not a branch. Yeah, if you do visit, make sure you come to this original one :)

  3. i need someone to tar pau the char siu and hakka noodles for me!!! :D

  4. I've stop visiting them since I was give a portion of char siu that's too fat for my liking :P Not their fault I know but I just feel "jelak" when think about the fat fat char siu :P Actually their char siu is sitting no.1 in my ranking LOL

    1. If it's no. 1 for you, how to stay away? Just make sure you ask for the lean cut. The lady boss is very friendly and I'm sure she'd be more willing to change it for you if it's too fat fat! ;D

  5. Have you ever been back to the old place to verify that the food is different (aka not that good) these days? I'm guessing that that would most likely be the case. Seems like the original food preparing people moved to this new place eh?

    Usually when a makan place splits up into two with two different owners, the new one is where the food team is. What typically happens is a place gets famous enough, then a faction of the management thinks it is time to "optimize the quality and cost to maximize profits" and quality part of the team disagrees and f**ks off to open their own place.

    Usually lah, not all the time, but usually...

    1. Well, as outsiders, we'd probably never know the reason behind the split. When I was at the old place, I believe the two original owners have already left or on the verge of leaving as I was surprised to not see them there tending to their customers. That's why I felt the Hakka mee tasted different at the old place.
