
Monday 5 December 2016

My blog turns three.....

Time flies.....and my blog has just turned three!  In cat years....that's like..what...30 years?...LOL!! :D  In blogging years, I don't know about others but 3 years is a l...o..n....g time for me.  It's another mini milestone I'd like to put on record in my blog.

When I wrote a post on reaching my 400th post a few months back, one of my readers posted a very good question that went like this:

What has been the biggest thing you've learned from the beginning to now?

And my answer at that time was (and now still is):

"Looking back, one of the biggest things I've learned is that the taste of food rarely stays the same (even days, months or years apart for whatever reasons).  So, the food we raved about previously may not be as good now (and I shudder to think what readers may think when they read some old posts and go, "Eh, she doesn't know what she's talking about!").  I used to think that way too but now I know better since I started food blogging myself.

A myriad of reasons can contribute to a change in taste....from the restaurant's standpoint, it could be change in chefs, inconsistent cooking, change in ingredients used (like freshness of produce and cheaper substitutes), change in service, change in owners, even a change in the way they run the business.  From the reviewer's standpoint, it could simply be just a case of a lifestyle change! >_<

But I've also learned something else from my 3 years of food blogging...and that is individual taste buds do differ greatly....and that's because we all have our inherent likes and dislikes...or it was simply a case of you not sharing similar taste buds as the blogger.....and that's ok...coz we're all created differently! ;)

Looking back on my three years of blogging, there has been some good moments and also some not-so-good moments.  One of those good moments would certainly be when restaurants appreciated my independent reviews and featured them on their Facebook pages.  Some would even go further to offer me discounts or a free dish when I returned to dine there again while others have offered to host me and my family to another meal.  I certainly appreciated the gesture though I've not taken up any offer of a fully paid meal.  You would think that these gestures only came from restaurants that received positive reviews from me but you'd be surprised to know that there are some that came from restaurants that weren't reviewed positively.  I guess those were the ones that are professional enough to take criticisms constructively and are passionate about what they do and strive to give their customers the best experience possible.

The other thing that I enjoy is when I get to trade comments with my (few) fellow bloggers who inspire me....and always have such sweet things to say! ;)

I'm also indebted to my readers who continue to visit...and help me achieve my 4-figure page view daily on a more frequent, thank you :)  These encouraging pageviews certainly do spur me on to continue writing....for now.

But with the good, there's also the bad...and that's the inconsiderate and rude comments I experienced on my blog.  I just don't understand why anyone would do that.  Because of this, I had to turn on the comment moderation to filter out such unwanted comments and negativity from my blog.  But I'm just going to focus on the good comments that matter than the sporadic rude ones that don't.

I've surprised myself that I've managed to keep this blog going for 3 years...but I did set myself a target when I first started...and I'm zeroing in on that target, so I know I will at least persevere until then as I don't believe in stopping until my target is met.
After that, we'll see........^_*

For now, I'm just going to celebrate my blog's third anniversary! ^o^


  1. Well, well, Happy 3rd Blog Anniversary! Yup, time sure flies. Too fast sometimes. I can see that you enjoy blogging, so keep it up! Here's wishing you may more anniversaries to come :)

    1. Thanks for your wishes...I think I enjoyed blogging more in the initial years. Of late, the motivation is I have to contend with a stalker on my blog who just refuses to go away!

  2. 3 years is a long time! Congrats! Time certainly flies. Mine's been over a decade and it's a nice little place to reflect upon what happened in the past, and certainly with a lot more control than say, FB.

    1. Yes, I agree....that's why I don't do FB...otherwise I'll be subjected to even more uncalled for comments. Keeping a blog going for more than 10 years takes a lot of commitment...keep up the good work, KY :)

  3. wheee! happy anniversary! i do agree that it's a continuous learning process. three years is a a very respectable amount of time to be continuously doing something ... gosh, imagine, if a couple had started dating when you started your blog, they might even have gotten married by now! :D

    1. Hmmm, I didn't relate to it that way...hehe! ;) You're coming to 8 years've got something good going, so keep on blogging and you have my support always :)

  4. Happy Blog Anniversary! You are such a wonderful and determined blogger whom I should learn from. You know, my blog is over 8 years old with just 452 postings! Slap my own face hard! Ha ha ha....

    1. Aiyo, no need to do that-lah! We all blog at our own pace....and it doesn't matter the number of posts as long as you enjoy doing it and we enjoy reading it =)

  5. Happy 3rd blog anniversary! I just started my travel blog for my friend's reference. You have inspired me to set target too instead of only blogging for leisure :D

    1. I'm glad I've inspired you to set a target. I've just visited your blog and you have a good blog going, so keep it up. And thanks for dropping by my blog ;-)

  6. Happy third birthday! What a wonderful reflection of those years too. Many things I can relate to there. :-)

    1. I'm happy to note that we share some similar experiences....and your blog's great! ^.^

  7. Happy 3rd Blog Anniversary! Maintain a blog definitely need very much passion, keep up the good work and may there be more & more years to come!

    1. Hmmm, I hope I can get to more anniversaries too.

  8. What are you talking about? I don't know about cats, but 3 blogging years is like 300 human years! Good job!

    1. Thanks....300 human years? Then I think I can stop already...hehe! :D

  9. Happy 3rd blog anniversary. Well done!
