
Thursday 4 August 2016

Well, well.....I've reached my 400th post!

Well, well, what do you know......I've arrived at my 400th post!
And I'm one step closer to the target I set for myself when I first started this blog.

It's been a long (sometimes bumpy) road....but I'm glad I'm still on the road.
It's not easy for those who blog for passion (and not money) although I did get a little 'pocket change' along the way.

I post (on the average) about 3 times a week and that's already quite time consuming for me.  That's why I respect (and admire) those who can blog daily.  It's no mean feat (I tell you), it's quite a lot of work especially so if you're the sole contributor/writer of your blog.

I remembered that writing my first 100 posts was laborious as I was new and had little experience.

The writing of my next 100 posts became a lot easier as I got my creative juices flowing and started enjoying interacting with my readers.

My next 100 posts were the most enjoyable to write as I began to gain some 'small' recognition for my blog...some 'pocket change' for writing restaurant reviews (that have since ceased as the app obviously didn't quite take off...T_T), some appreciation by cafes/restaurants by featuring my reviews on their Facebook pages, some sporadic invited reviews from restaurants and dining websites (I've not accepted any but I do appreciate the invitations).....small things like that! ;)

And then writing the next 100 posts, a wee bit of boredom started to creep in and I feel my enthusiasm waning...oh no!  I guess it's never easy to be continuously motivated when your blog is not set up with the intention of generating income.  Hmmm, I need to get excited about writing (and rediscover that lovin' feeling) again (before it's gone, gone, gone)...haha! :D

Just as my interest is waning, it's also a time when I'm starting to get the highest pageviews.  I finally (20 July 2016 to be exact) 'broke the duck' on a 4-figure page view per day (even though I didn't take up the international online and mobile restaurant discovery guide's offer to post my reviews there, so it wasn't because of that).  A 4-figure page view may be no big deal for many of the established and well-known blogs out there but a welcomed achievement for a small time blog like mine.  I'm certainly encouraged by the statistics...this does offer some kind of motivation, at least :P

I don't know what the future holds...but, I know I'll least until I reach the target I first set for myself.

Till then, please know that I do appreciate all your continuous support through your constant visits to my blog! *muacks*

I hope to see you at my 500th post!!! ^_*


  1. Yay! 400 is a significant number, and it does display discipline and initiative. But more important than quantity is quality ... And you have both! ;)

    1. Thanks, always say the nicest things! ;) Your blog has been one of my greatest inspirations throughout (and I've learned quite a few things from you).

  2. Well done! Keep going at it will ya? Agree with Sean that you have both quantity and quality :)

    1. Thanks for your kind words, PH...and I will keep going as long as I can. Ah, I see you're closing in on 600 posts yourself, so kudos to you too! ;)

  3. 4 figure pageview per day, wtf... my best was 600+ only >.< ... Good job! Cookie will be so proud of you! :D

    1. Well, I'm sure Cookie thinks he contributed to some of the pageviews! :D Ya, but I failed to mention that my 4-figure pageview is not on a consistent daily basis...hehe! I think I've had that 4-figure hit like maybe 5 times only (since I first 'broke the duck')....kekeke! ;D

  4. Congratulations! I have those ups and downs too! What has been the biggest thing you've learned from the beginning to now? I look back at my old posts and feel embarrassed and think I should delete them... but then I think it's kind of cool to see how much I've grown and so keep them to encourage a growth mindset. :-)

    1. Thanks, Monica for your well wishes...and that's a great mindset to have. I look back on some of my old posts and think they could have been better written too.

      Looking back, one of the biggest things I've learned is that the taste of food rarely stays consistent (even days, months or years apart for whatever reasons). So, the food we raved about previously may not be as good now (and I shudder to think what readers may think when they read some old posts and go, "Eh, she doesn't know what she's talking about!". I used to think that way too...but now I know better since I started food blogging myself.

  5. Congratulation! Gambateh and looking forward to read your 500th, 5000th and 50000th posts!

    1. Since 500 posts will take me more than 3 years...5,000 posts will take more than 30 years....I'll be senile then...haha! :D
