
Wednesday 24 August 2016

O & S Restaurant (Part 4) @ Paramount Garden

This coffee shop houses so many stalls that I needed four blog posts to finish reviewing all the stalls available (well, almost all the stalls) in O & S Restaurant @ Paramount Garden.

So, this is my fourth...and hopefully....ok, ok definitely my final instalment....on O & S!  You can check out my earlier three instalments here...Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.

The Beef Noodles @ RM7 (for small) was filled with chunks of tender beef, beef tendon beef balls and well softened daikon (which I love).  The broth was lacking something for me.  I can see why it's among one of the "quieter" stalls around.

Like many of the stalls here which specialises in Penang-style hawker food, the Penang Char Kway Teow @ RM6 is no different.  The fried kway teow (though I asked to be mixed with mee) usually takes on a lighter shade (less dark soy) to the ones in KL.  This one, with decent "wok hei", was pretty good and I especially enjoyed the fat (Ipoh-like), crunchy bean sprouts.

I read about this kuih stall, Aroma Kuehin O & S from an issue of (the now defunct) Flavours magazine.  It seems this third-generation family business supplies kuih to various kopitiams in KL and Selangor...and it seems you can find the owner manning her stall at the Imbi morning market.

Each packet of kuih comes pre-packed in 2 pieces and retails for RM2.30 a packet.  The kuih lapis (2 pcs) was soft, with a smooth texture, and slightly sweet but the santan flavour wasn't as pronounced.

The onde-onde (6 pcs), with a delicate and moist skin, was alright but the spurt of oozing liquid gula melaka inside wasn't of divine quality.  As I didn't finish the onde-onde in one sitting, I put them in the fridge but the taste was compromised after being in the fridge! :(

The kuih talam had more of a santan flavour with the fragrant coconut milk and aromatic pandan layers offering a contrast of salty vs sweet nuances.  The green layer didn't seem to show signs of artificial colouring though I would have appreciated a bit more salty flavour in the white layer.

This is the kuih salat (also known as kuih seri muka).  The top half is like a kaya made from pandan juice, eggs and coconut milk. The bottom half is just like the pulut tekan made with glutinous rice and coconut milk (and the blue stain comes from the blue pea flower or bunga telang).  Certainly my favourite of the four I tried...with a not too sweet top layer though the bottom layer could be a tad softer.

Overall, the kuih from Aroma Kueh is decent enough although I still have my favourites from other nyonya kuih stalls (like Lulu & some Malay stalls) and restaurants (notably Nyonya Colors, La Cucur & Annie 1 to name a few).  What I mean is that there's no one stall that churns out all the best kuih, there are bound to be some types that other stalls can do better.

My Personal Opinion

With this fourth instalment, I think I've pretty much covered (or more like eaten) most of the stalls here but maybe not all that they have to offer...fried "ninko", banana fritters and nasi lemak (always sold out by the time I get there) are some that I didn't try.  The others like the kway teow th'ng (flat rice noodles in clear soup), fish head noodles and the new prawn mee stall I did try (some time back) but they didn't leave much of an impression.

You know it's not easy to find good Penang food in KL....but this is surely a good contender.

My final parting words....."apa-apa pun sedap di sini" (anything is delicious here, well almost)...and each and everyone of us will have our own favourites, I'm sure.  My favourites...the glutinous rice dumplings, yong tau foo, chee cheong fun, Penang curry mee, Indian rojak and wantan mee....oh dear, I think I just named one-third of the stalls here already! :D

O & S Restaurant
39 Jalan 20/14
Paramount Garden
46300 Petaling Jaya


  1. With that conclusion, I guess this is a good place to go to since anything is delicious there. I am sure there will be room for a part 5 but maybe not so soon :)

    1. Nope....this is the final instalment! :D I've featured what I want to feature, the rest is either something not worth mentioning or something I don't like ^_^

  2. That seems like incredibly good value for the beef soup.

  3. This is one shop that I always go to when I am around that area. Very packed even when I was there at ten am during a weekday. Sometimes have to stand around a bit to wait for seats.

    1. I'm usually there on a Sunday I definitely had to wait for seats.

  4. kuih seri muka is one of my favourite nyonya kuihs - the problem is, what i really like is the glutinous rice base - i'd happily just eat a kuih that's purely made with that rice and just the rice :D

    1. Then I think you'd be happily chomping down on a kuih tekan or kui tai-tai with just pulut and kaya! ;)

  5. I always cannot resist those colourful Nyonya kuih, yours look yum~

  6. I read from some blogs that the CKT here is better than some in Penang itself.

    1. Try it for yourself to see how it stacks up to the Penang version :)

  7. I want!!! I will visit this place soon for the Char Koay Teow and Nyonya Kuehs.

    1. Well, I visit for basically the yong tau foo, chee cheong fun and glutinous rice dumpling.
